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fear-sweat Angstschweiß {m}
feartie [Scot.] Feigling {m}
Fea's muntjac [Muntiacus feae]Tenasserim-Muntjak {m}
Fea's muntjac [Muntiacus feae] Feas Muntjak {m}
Fea's petrel [Pterodroma feae] Kapverden-Sturmvogel {m}
Fea's petrel [Pterodroma feae] Kapverdensturmvogel {m}
Fea's thrush [Turdus feae]Rostdrossel {f}
Fea's thrush [Turdus feae] Braunkopfdrossel {f}
Fea's thrush [Turdus feae]Feadrossel {f}
Fea's tree rat [Chiromyscus chiropus]Fea-Baumratte {f}
Fea's viper [Azemiops feae]Fea-Viper {f}
feasance Erfüllung {f} [einer Pflicht, Bedingung]
feasibility Ausführbarkeit {f}
feasibility Durchführbarkeit {f}
feasibilityMachbarkeit {f}
feasibility Wahrscheinlichkeit {f}
feasibilityMöglichkeit {f}
feasibility Realisierbarkeit {f}
feasibility Machbares {n}
feasibility [practicability] Umsetzbarkeit {f}
feasibility analysis Vorprojekt {n}
feasibility analysis Machbarkeitsstudie {f}
feasibility analysisProjektstudie {f}
feasibility analysisMachbarkeitsanalyse {f}
feasibility analysisMachbarkeitsuntersuchung {f}
feasibility assessment Machbarkeitsbewertung {f}
feasibility check Machbarkeitsprüfung {f}
feasibility evaluation Durchführbarkeitsuntersuchung {f}
feasibility fantasies Machbarkeitsfantasien {pl}
feasibility studyDurchführbarkeitsstudie {f}
feasibility studyDurchführbarkeitsuntersuchung {f}
feasibility studyRealisierbarkeitsstudie {f}
feasibility study Machbarkeitsuntersuchung {f}
feasibility studyMachbarkeitsprüfung {f}
feasibility study <FS> Machbarkeitsstudie {f} <MS>
feasibility study <FS> Projektstudie {f} <PS>
feasibility test Durchführbarkeitstest {m}
feasibility testDurchführbarkeitsversuch {m}
feasible tunlich [veraltend] [möglich]
feasibletechnisch möglich
feasible machbar
feasible angängig
feasible [coll.] [plausible] glaubhaft
feasible [possible]möglich
feasible planpraktikabler Plan {m}
feasible plandurchführbarer Plan {m}
feasible point [optimization problem]zulässiger Punkt {m} [Optimierungsproblem]
feasible problem [optimization problem]zulässiges Problem {n} [Optimierungsproblem]
feasible region [optimization problem]zulässiger Bereich {m} [Optimierungsproblem]
feasible solutionmögliche Lösung {f}
feasibleness Durchführbarkeit {f}
feast Fest {n}
feast Festgelage {n} [pej.]
feast Festessen {n}
feast Festmahl {n}
feast Gelage {n} [Essen]
feast Schmaus {m} [veraltend, hum.]
feastSchlemmerei {f} [Mahl]
feast Quas {m} [regional für: Gelage, Schmaus] [veraltet]
feast [banquet]Festschmaus {m}
feast [feast day]Festtag {m}
feast dayFesttag {m}
feast dayFeiertag {m}
feast dayGedenktag {m} [eines / einer Heiligen]
Feast Day of Fools [James Lee Burke] Glut und Asche
Feast Day of Saint Eligius [St. Eligius' Day on December 1] (St. / Sankt) Eligiustag {m} [Gedenktag, 1. Dezember]
feast day of Saint Elizabeth of Thuringia [November 19] Elisabethentag {m} [auch: Elisabethtag] [19. November] [Gedenktag der Elisabeth von Thüringen]
Feast Day of Saint John (the Baptist) Johannistag {m}
feast day of St. Adelaide [Adelaide of Italy, Burgundy] [16 December]St. Adelheid [ohne Artikel] [Gedenktag der heiligen Adelheid (von Burgund)] [16. Dezember]
Feast Day of the Protomartyr Stephen [St. Stephen's Day] Tag {m} des Erzmärtyrers Stephanus [Stefanitag]
feast for the eyesAugenweide {f}
feast for the eyes Augenschmaus {m} [hum.]
feast for the eyes [fig.] Augenfest {n} [fig.]
Feast of All SaintsAllerheiligenfest {n}
feast of Beltane Beltanefest {n}
Feast of Booths Laubhüttenfest {n}
Feast of Christ the KingChristkönigsfest {n}
Feast of Corpus ChristiFronleichnamsfest {n}
Feast of Fast-Breaking [ʿĪd al-Fiṭr ]Fest {n} des Fastenbrechens
Feast of Fools Narrenfest {n}
Feast of Foolstrallala Narrenfest {n}
Feast of Gregory Gregoriusfest {n}
Feast of Love [Robert Benton] Zauber der Liebe
feast of sacrifice Opferfest {n}
Feast of Saints Peter and PaulHochfest {n} Peter und Paul
Feast of St. / Saint Francis (of Assisi) Franziskustag {m}
Feast of St. John (the) Baptist Johannisfest {n}
Feast of St. Joseph [March 19] Joseftag {m} [auch: Josefstag, Josefitag] [19. März]
Feast of St. Joseph [March 19]Josephi {m} [südd.] [19. März] [Josephitag, Josephstag, Josefstag]
Feast of St. MartinMartinstag {m}
Feast of St. Michael [29th September]Michaelsfest {n} [29. September]
Feast of St. Michael [29th September] Sankt-Michaelis-Tag {m}
« favofavofavofaxofearfearFeasfeatfeatfeatFebr »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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