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featherfin synodontis [Synodontis eupterus, syn.: Synodontis euptera] Hochflossen-Fiederbartwels {m}
featherfin synodontis [Synodontis eupterus, syn.: Synodontis euptera] Schmuckflossen-Fiederbartwels {m}
featherfin tetra [Hemigrammus unilineatus] Schwanzstrichsalmler {m}
featherfoil [Hottonia palustris] (Europäische) Wasserfeder {f}
featherfoil [Hottonia palustris] Wasserprimel {f}
featherfoil [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium] Mutterkraut {n}
featherfoil [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium]Römische Kamille {f}
featherfoil [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium] Falsche Kamille {f}
featherfoil [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium]Zierkamille {f}
featherfoil [Tanacetum parthenium, syn.: Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria capensis, M. eximia, M. parthenium, Pyrethrum parthenium]Fieberkraut {n}
feather-footed federfüßig
featherhead Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
feathering Gefieder {n}
featheringGratbildung {f}
feathering Federkleid {n} [geh.]
feathering pitch Segelstellung {f} [Propeller]
feathering positionSegelstellung {f} [Propeller]
feathering position Fahnenstellung {f}
featherleg tarantula [Stromatopelma calceatum]Leopard-Vogelspinne {f}
feather-legged lace weaver [Uloborus plumipes] [species of spider] Gewächshaus-Federfußspinne {f}
feather-legged spiders [family Uloboridae]Kräuselradnetzspinnen {pl}
featherless federlos
featherless unbefiedert
featherless [bird] ohne Federkleid [nachgestellt] [geh.]
featherlessnessFederlosigkeit {f}
feather-light federleicht
feather-proof [fabric] federdicht
feathers {pl} [plumage]Gefieder {n}
feathers of prey Beutefedern {pl}
Featherstone's shag [Phalacrocorax featherstonii, syn.: Phalacrocorax featherstoni]Pittscharbe {f}
feathertail glider [Acrobates pygmaeus]Zwerggleitbeutler {m}
feathertail glider [Acrobates pygmaeus] Australischer Zwerggleitbeutler {m}
feathertail possum [Distoechurus pennatus] Pinselschwanzbeutler {m}
feathertail possum [Distoechurus pennatus]Federschwanzbeutler {m}
feather-tailed possum [Distoechurus pennatus] Federschwanzbeutler {m}
feather-tailed warbler [Amphilais seebohmi, syn.: Dromaeocercus seebohmi] Madagaskar-Grassänger {m}
feather-tailed warbler [Amphilais seebohmi, syn.: Dromaeocercus seebohmi]Seebohm-Buschsänger {m}
feather-toed hawk-eagle [Aquila fasciata fasciata] Habichtsadler {m}
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Land-Reitgras / Landreitgras {n}
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Sand-Reitgras / Sandreitgras {n}
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Landrohr {n} [Land-Reitgras]
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Sandrohr {n} [Land-Reitgras]
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Waldschilf {n}
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos]Landschilf {n}
feathertop [Calamagrostis epigeios, also C. epigejos] Gemeines Reitgras {n}
feathertop [Pennisetum villosum] Sommer-Lampenputzergras {n}
feathertop [Pennisetum villosum] Wolliges Federborstengras {n}
feather-top chloris [Chloris virgata]Einjähriges Quirlgras {n}
feathertop grass [Pennisetum villosum] Wolliges Federborstengras {n}
feathertop grass [Pennisetum villosum]Sommer-Lampenputzergras {n}
(feathertop) fountain grass [Pennisetum villosum] Sommer-Lampenputzergras {n}
(feathertop) fountain grass [Pennisetum villosum] Wolliges Federborstengras {n}
(feathertop) fountain grass [Pennisetum villosum]Zottige Borstenhirse {f}
feather-veined fiedernervig
featherweight Federgewicht {n}
featherweight Federgewichtler {m}
featherweight [54-57 kg] Federgewicht {n} [Boxen]
feather-weight paper federleichtes Papier {n}
feather-winged beetles [family Ptiliidae] Zwergkäfer {pl}
feather-winged beetles [family Ptiliidae] Federflügler {pl} [Käferfamilie]
feather-winged beetles [family Ptiliidae]Haarflügler {pl}
feathery federartig
feathery federweich
feathery fedrig
feathery zart
feathery bogmoss [Sphagnum cuspidatum] Spieß-Torfmoos {n}
feathery cassia [Senna artemisioides, syn.: Cassia artemisioides, C. circinnata, C. desolata, C. nemophila, C. sturtii, C. zygophylla] Silber-Kassie / Silberkassie {f}
feathery cloud Federwolke {f}
feathery clouds Federwolken {pl}
feathery false lily of the valley [Maianthemum racemosum, syn.: Convallaria racemosa, Sigillaria multiflora, Smilacina racemosa, Vagnera racemosa]Traubige Schattenblume {f}
feathery false lily of the valley [Maianthemum racemosum, syn.: Convallaria racemosa, Smilacina racemosa, Vagnera racemosa] Rispen-Duftsiegel {n}
feathery Rhodes-grass [Chloris virgata]Einjähriges Quirlgras {n}
feathery seahare / sea hare [Bursatella leachii] Fädriger Seehase {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
feathery senna [Senna artemisioides, syn.: Cassia artemisioides, C. circinnata, C. desolata, C. nemophila, C. sturtii, C. zygophylla]Silber-Kassie / Silberkassie {f}
featsKunststücke {pl}
feats of armsWaffentaten {pl}
feature Besonderheit {f}
featureEigenschaft {f}
feature Einrichtung {f}
feature Merkmal {n}
feature Bestandteil {m}
feature Charakteristikum {n} [geh.]
feature charakteristisches Merkmal {n}
feature Wesensmerkmal {n}
feature spezieller Artikel {m}
feature Film {m}
featureFunktion {f}
featureLeistungsmerkmal {n}
feature Gebilde {n} [Struktur]
feature Befund {m}
feature Produktionsmerkmal {n} [Anforderungsmanagement]
feature [ability, aptitude]Fähigkeit {f}
feature [archaic] [general form]übliche Form {f}
feature [business, media] Struktur {f} [Geschäft, Medien]
feature [character trait]Charakterzug {m}
feature [characteristic] Eigentümlichkeit {f}
« fawnfearfearFeasfeatfeatfeatfebrfeceFedeFede »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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