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English-German Dictionary

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February Uprising {sg} [in Austria 1934]Februarkämpfe {pl} [in Österreich 1934]
February weather Februarwetter {n}
(February) daphne [Daphne mezereum]Gewöhnlicher Seidelbast {m}
(February) daphne [Daphne mezereum]Echter Seidelbast {m}
(February) daphne [Daphne mezereum] Gemeiner Seidelbast {m}
febuxostat Febuxostatum {n} [selten für: Febuxostat]
febuxostat [C16H16N2O3S] Febuxostat {n}
fecal [Am.] fäkal
fecal [Am.] Fäkal-
fecal [Am.]Kot-
fecal [Am.] Stuhl-
fecal [Am.] kotig
fecal abscess [Am.] [containing pus and feces]Fäkalabszess {m}
fecal analysis Kotanalyse {f}
fecal bacteriotherapy <FB> [Am.] fäkale Bakterientherapie {f}
fecal belching [Am.]fäkales Aufstoßen {n}
fecal culture [Am.] [laboratory test] Stuhlkultur {f} [Labortest]
fecal fistula [Am.] Kotfistel {f}
fecal flora {sg} [Am.]Kotkeime {pl} [Fäkalflora]
fecal flora [Am.] Fäkalflora {f}
fecal impaction [Am.] Stuhlimpaktion {f} [Kotstauung]
fecal incontinence [Am.]Stuhlinkontinenz {f}
fecal incontinence [Am.] Darminkontinenz {f}
fecal incontinence <FI> [Am.] [Incontinentia alvi] anorektale Inkontinenz {f} [Stuhlinkontinenz]
fecal indicators [Am.]Fäkalindikatoren {pl}
fecal leakage <FI> [Am.] [encopresis, esp. in adults] Einkoten {n}
fecal matter {sg} [Am.]Fäkalien {pl}
fecal microbiota transplantation <FMT> [Am.] Übertragung {f} der Darmflora
fecal microbiota transplantation <FMT> [Am.] Stuhlbakterientransplantation {f}
fecal microbiota transplantation <FMT> [Am.]Darmfloratransplantation {f} [auch: Darmflora-Transplantation]
fecal (microbiota) transplantation [Am.] <FMT, FT>Stuhlverpflanzung {f}
fecal (microbiota) transplantation <FMT, FT> [Am.]Ekeltherapie {f} [ugs.] [auch: Ekel-Therapie] [Übertragung der Darmflora, Stuhlbakterientransplantation]
fecal occult blood <FOB> [Am.]fäkal okkultes Blut {n} <FOB>
fecal occult blood <FOB> [Am.]verborgenes Blut {n} im Stuhl
fecal occult blood test <FOBT> [Am.] Test {m} auf okkultes Blut im Stuhl
fecal occult blood test <FOBT> [Am.] fäkaler okkulter Bluttest {m} <FOBT>
fecal odor [Am.] Fäkalgeruch {m}
fecal oral [Am.]orofäkal
fecal peritonitis [Am.] Kotperitonitis {f}
fecal pollution [Am.]fäkale Verschmutzung {f}
fecal retention [Am.] Stuhlverhaltung {f}
fecal retention [Am.] Koprostase {f}
fecal sample [Am.] Kotprobe {f}
fecal softener [Am.]Stuhlweichmacher {m}
fecal specimen [Am.]Stuhlprobe {f}
fecal stasis [Am.] Kotstauung {f} [im Mastdarm]
fecal stasis [Am.] Fäkalstase {f}
fecal stream [Am.] Fäkalstrom {m}
fecal therapy [Am.] Fäkaltherapie {f}
fecal transplantation <FT> [Am.] Stuhltransplantation {f} [Übertragung der Darmflora]
fecal urgency [Am.] imperativer Stuhldrang {m}
fecal vomiting [Am.] Stuhlerbrechen {n}
fecal vomiting [Am.] Koterbrechen {n}
fecalith [Am.]Fäkalith {m}
fecalith [Am.]Kotstein {m}
fecalith [Am.] Fäkalstein {m}
fecally [Am.] fäkal
fecaloid [Am.]fäkalartig
fecaloma [Am.]Fäkulom {n}
fecal-oral route [Am.] [a route of transmission of a disease] fäkal-oraler Weg {m} [Übertragungsweg]
fecaluria [Am.] Fäkalurie {f}
feces [Am.] Kote {pl} [selten]
feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.] Fäkalien {pl}
feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.] Kot {m}
feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Stuhl {m} [Fäzes]
feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.] Fäzes {pl} [fachspr.] [Kot, Stuhl]
feces examination [Am.] [scatoscopy] Stuhlvisite {f} [Stuhluntersuchung]
feces room [Am.]Fäkalienraum {m}
Fechner's law fechnersches Gesetz {n}
Fechner's law Fechner'sches Gesetz {n}
feck [Scot.] [effect] Wirkung {f}
Feck off! [Irish] [vulg.]Verpiss dich! [vulg.]
feckful [Scot.]leistungsstark [effizient]
feckin [Irish] [vulg.] Scheiß- [vulg.]
fecking [esp. Irish] [euphem.] [fucking] Scheiß- [derb]
feckless schwach
feckless nutzlos
feckless untauglich
feckless kraftlos
feckless nichtsnutzig
fecklessness Nutzlosigkeit {f}
fecklessness Untauglichkeit {f} [einer Person]
feculence Kotartigkeit {f}
feculence [Am.] Fäkulenz {f}
feculent verschmutzt
feculent [Am.]kotartig
feculent [Am.] kotig
feculent [Am.]fäkulent
feculent vomiting [Am.] Koterbrechen {n}
fecund fruchtbar
fecundabilityFekundabilität {f}
fecundation Befruchtung {f}
fecundation Fekundation {f}
fecundation Fecundatio {f}
fecundityFekundität {f}
« feasFeasfeatfeatfeatFebrfecufedefedeFedefede »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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