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gallbladder fistula Gallenblasenfistel {f}
gallbladder hydropsGallenblasenhydrops {m}
gallbladder hydropsStauungsgallenblase {f}
gallbladder meridian [TCM]Gallenblasenmeridian {m} [TCM]
gallbladder perforation Gallenblasenperforation {f}
gallbladder perforation Gallenblasenruptur {f}
gallbladder removal Gallenblasenentfernung {f}
gallbladder rupture Gallenblasenruptur {f}
gallbladder ruptureGallenblasenriss {m}
gallbladder sludgeGallengries {m}
gallbladder stone Gallenblasenstein {m}
gallbladder tumor [Am.] Gallenblasentumor {m}
gallbladder wall thickening <GWT> Verdickung {f} der Gallenblasenwand
Gallé cameo glass vaseKameenglasvase {f} von Gallé
Gallé glass [also: Galle glass]Galléglas {n}
galleass Galeasse {f}
galled geärgert
galled by ridingdurchgeritten
galleon Galeone {f}
galleon Galione {f}
galleria Galleria {f}
galleria [shopping arcade] Galerie {f} [Ladenpassage]
galleried basilica Emporenbasilika {f}
galleriesEmporen {pl}
galleriesGalerien {pl}
gallerist Galerist {m} [Kunsthändler]
gallery Galerie {f}
galleryBalkon {m}
galleryoberster Rang {m} im Theater
galleryStollen {m}
gallerysöhlige Strecke {f}
galleryRundgang {m}
gallerySäulenhalle {f}
gallery Korridor {m}
galleryLaufgang {m}
gallery [esp. in a church]Empore {f}
gallery [esp. in a church]Prieche {f} [nordd.] [Empore]
gallery [in a theatre]Rang {m}
gallery [termites] Fraßgang {m}
gallery building Galeriebau {m}
gallery districtGalerienviertel {n}
gallery end Stollenende {n}
gallery forestWeichholzaue {f}
gallery graveGaleriegrab {n}
gallery graves Galeriegräber {pl}
gallery haulage Abbaustreckenförderung {f}
gallery of ancestral portraitsAhnengalerie {f}
gallery of paintings Bildersaal {m}
gallery of paintingsBildergalerie {f}
gallery of prints [etchings] Kupferstichkabinett {n}
gallery organEmporenorgel {f}
gallery owner Galerist {m}
gallery owner [female]Galeristin {f}
gallery playEffekthascherei {f}
gallery sceneGalerienszene {f}
gallery shops {pl} überdachte Ladenzeile {f}
gallery supplies {pl}Galeriebedarf {m}
gallery worm [Capitella capitata]Köpfchenwurm {m}
gallet [Am.] [chip or splinter of stone]Gesteinssplitter {m} [Steinsplitter]
galley Galeere {f}
galleyDruckfahne {f}
galley [aircraft, yachts]Bordküche {f}
galley [Am.] Kantine {f}
galley [oblong metal tray] Setzschiff {n} [auch: Satzschiff]
galley [ship's kitchen] Kombüse {f}
galley equipmentKüchenausrüstung {f}
galley hatchKombüsenluk {n}
galley proof Korrekturfahne {f}
galley proof Druckfahne {f}
galley (proof)Fahne {f} [Druckfahne]
galley proofreading Fahnenkorrektur {f}
galley proofs Fahnen {pl}
galley slave Galeerensklave {m}
galley slave Galeerensträfling {m}
galleysGaleeren {pl}
gallflies [family Cynipidae] Gallwespen {pl}
gall-forming gallbildend
galli Galloi {pl}
galliard Gaillarde {f}
galliard Galliarde {f} [Rsv.]
Gallic gallisch
Gallic (typisch) französisch
Gallicdummy (typisch) französisch
gallic acid [C7H6O5]Gallussäure {f}
Gallic group gallische Gruppe {f}
Gallic rose [Rosa gallica] Essig-Rose {f}
Gallic rose [Rosa gallica]Gallica-Rose {f} [auch: Gallicarose] [Essig-Rose, Essigrose]
Gallic rose [Rosa gallica] [French rose] Französische Rose {f} [Essig-Rose, Essigrose]
Gallic War Gallischer Krieg {m} [58-51 v.Chr.]
Gallican gallisch
Gallican Confession Confessio {f} Gallicana
Gallicanism Gallikanismus {m}
Gallicism Gallizismus {m}
Gallicos (River) Gallikos {m}
gallid herpesvirus 1 <GaHV-1>Hühner-Herpesvirus 1 {n}
galliforms [order Galliformes]Hühnervögel {pl}
galligaskins [Br.] Kniebundhose {f} [Breeches]
Galli-Mainini test [pregnancy test]Galli-Mainini-Test {m}
« gaingaitgalaGalaGaligallgallgallgalvgambgame »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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