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English-German Dictionary

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gift wrapGeschenkpapier {n}
gift wrapper Geschenkverpackung {f}
gift wrapping Geschenkverpackung {f}
gift wrapping [wrapping paper] Geschenkpapier {n}
[gift from husband to wife after the wedding night] Morgengabe {f}
(gift) wrapping paperGeschenkpapier {n}
(gift) wrapping paper Geschenkspapier {n} [Rsv.] [österr.]
gift-boxedverpackt im Geschenkkarton
gifted [intellectually]geistvoll
gifted by nature [postpos.] naturbegabt
gifted in languages [postpos.] sprachlich begabt
gifted in the (fine) arts musisch begabt
gifted linguistSprachtalent {n} [Person]
gifted pupilbegabter Schüler {m}
gifted with a sense of beautymit Schönheitssinn begabt / ausgestattet
gifted with a sense of beauty ästhetisch
giftedness Begabung {f}
giftee Beschenkter {m}
gift-giving campaign Geschenkaktion {f}
gifts Gaben {pl}
giftsGeschenke {pl}
gifts {pl} [talent] Begabung {f}
gifts [giftware]Geschenkartikel {pl}
giftware {sg} Geschenkartikel {pl}
gift-wrappingGeschenkeverpacken {n}
giftwrapping formula Geschenke-Einpackformel {f}
gift-wrapping-paper roll Geschenkpapierrolle {f}
gig [coll.] [concert, show] Konzert {n} [aus Musikersicht]
gig [coll.] [entertainer's engagement for a concert] Konzertauftritt {m}
gig [coll.] [entertainer's engagement] Gig {m} [Auftritt, Engagement]
gig [coll.] [entertainer's engagement] Mugge {f} [ugs., Musikerjargon: musikalisches Gelegenheitsgeschäft, Auftritt]
gig [coll.] [entertainer's engagement]Mucke {f} [Rsv.] [ugs., Musikerjargon: musikalisches Gelegenheitsgeschäft, Auftritt]
gig [coll.] [entertainer's engagement] Mukke {f} [Rsv.] [ugs., Musikerjargon: musikalisches Gelegenheitsgeschäft, Auftritt]
gig [coll.] [gigabyte]Gig {n} [ugs.] [Gigabyte]
gig [entertainer's engagement for a concert] Auftritt {m} [Konzert]
gig [job of limited duration, esp. musical appearance]Job {m} [bes. vorübergehend]
gig [light 2-wheeled one-horse carriage] Gig {n} [offener, zweirädriger Einspänner]
gig [light 2-wheeled one-horse carriage]Einspänner {m}
gig [long, light ship's boat or row boat] Gig {f} [Beiboot, Ruderboot]
gig [pronged fishing spear]Fischspeer {m}
gig bagGigbag {n} [Transporttasche für Musikinstrumente]
gig economy [coll.] [economic model based on freelancers] Gig-Economy {f} [auf Freiberuflern basierendes Wirtschaftsmodell]
gig (machine)Raumaschine {f} [Textiltechnik]
gig (machine)Aufkratzmaschine {f} [Textiltechnik]
gig mill Aufkratzmaschine {f} [Textiltechnik]
gig mill Raumaschine {f} [Textiltechnik]
giga- <G> [10 ^ 9]Giga- <G>
giga factory [also: gigafactory] Gigafabrik {f}
gigabase pairs <Gbp>Gigabasenpaare {pl} <Gbp>
gigabit <Gbit> <Gb> Gigabit {n} <Gbit> <Gb>
gigabit per second <Gbit/s> Gigabit {n} pro Sekunde
gigabyte <GB> <GByte> Gigabyte {n} <GB> <GByte>
gigacalorie <Gcal>Gigakalorie {f} <Gcal>
gigacycle <Gc> Gigahertz {n} <GHz>
gigaelectron volt <GeV>Gigaelektronenvolt {n} <GeV>
gigaelectron volt <GeV>Gigaelektronvolt {n} <GeV>
gigagram <Gg>Gigagramm {n} <Gg>
gigahertz <GHz>Gigahertz {n} <GHz>
gigajoule <GJ>Gigajoule {n} <GJ>
gigakatal <Gkat>Gigakatal {n} <Gkat>
gigaliner Gigaliner {m}
gigaliter <Gl> [Am.] Gigaliter {m} [auch {n}] <Gl>
gigalitre <Gl> [Br.] Gigaliter {m} [auch {n}] <Gl>
gigameter <Gm> [Am.] Gigameter {m} {n} <Gm>
gigametre <Gm> [Br.] Gigameter {m} {n} <Gm>
gigantic riesenhaft
gigantic riesig
gigantic zyklopisch [gewaltig]
gigantic hünenhaft
giganticmonströs [riesig]
giganticimposante Ausmaße aufweisend [gigantisch, riesig groß]
gigantic appetite gewaltiger Appetit {m}
gigantic city Riesenstadt {f}
gigantic mountains Bergriesen {pl}
gigantic opportunitygigantische Gelegenheit {f}
gigantic overdraft riesige Kontenüberziehung {f}
gigantic pine [Pinus lambertiana] Zucker-Kiefer / Zuckerkiefer {f}
gigantic prime gigantische Primzahl {f}
gigantic selection Riesenangebot {n} [ugs.] [sehr große Auswahl]
gigantic swindleRiesenschwindel {m}
gigantically enorm
giganticness Großheit {f}
giganticnessUngeheuerlichkeit {f}
gigantiform riesig
gigantiform gigantiform
gigantiform gigantisch
gigantiform cementoma <GC> gigantiformes Zementom {n}
gigantism Riesenwuchs {m}
gigantismGigantismus {m}
« giangiangianGibbgifbgiftgigaGilggiltgimpging »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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