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English-German Dictionary

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girl traffickingMädchenhandel {m}
girl truantSchulschwänzerin {f}
Girl vs. Monster [Stuart Gillard] Monster gegen Mädchen
girl who loves dancing Tanzmaus {f} [ugs.] [tanzfreudiges Mädchen]
girl with blue eyesMädchen {n} mit blauen Augen
Girl with the Pearl Earring [Vermeer] Das Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring
girl wolf pack [fig.] [coll.]Mädchenbande {f}
(girl) buddy Busenfreundin {f}
(Girl,) you have got balls! [coll.] [fig.] [vulg.] (Mädchen,) du hast ja Eier! [ugs.] [du hast Mumm, Mut, Durchsetzungskraft] [Redewendung]
Girlfight [Karyn Kusama] Girlfight – Auf eigene Faust
girlfriend [any female friend] Freundin {f} [platonisch]
girlfriend [sweetheart or lover] Auserkorene {f}
girlfriend [sweetheart or lover] Braut {f} [ugs.] [Freundin]
girlfriend [sweetheart or lover]Liebste {f}
girlfriend <GF, gf> [sweetheart or lover] Freundin {f} [Liebesbeziehung]
girlfriend <gf> [sweetheart or lover] Haberin {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [Freundin, Geliebte]
girlfriend experience <GFE>Girlfriendexperience {f} [Dienstleistung von Sexarbeiterinnen, sich wie die Freundin des Kunden zu verhalten]
girlfriend of / at that timedamalige Freundin {f}
girlfriendless ohne Freundin [nachgestellt]
girlfriends Freundinnen {pl}
girlhood Mädchenzeit {f}
girlhood Mädchenjahre {pl}
girlhood (frühe) Jugend {f} [einer Frau]
girlhood (frühe) Jugendzeit {f} [einer Frau]
girlhoodKindheit {f} [eines Mädchens]
girlhood idolJugendidol {n} [von Mädchen]
girlhood idol Kindheitsidol {n} [von Mädchen]
girlhood years Mädchenjahre {pl}
girlhood years {pl} Kindheit {f} [eines Mädchens]
girlie kleines Mädchen {n}
girlie Mäuschen {n} [ugs.] [junge Frau]
girlie Girlie {n}
girlie [characteristic of a girl]mädchenhaft
girlie [coll.]Mädel {n} [ugs.]
girlie [sl.] Tussi {f} [junges Mädchen] [ugs.]
girlie [sl.] [attractive girl] Tusse {f} [ugs.] [attraktives Mädchen]
girlie games Mädchenspiele {pl}
girlie magazine [coll.]Softpornoheft {n}
girlie man [Am.] [hum.] [coll.] Softie {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
girlies [coll.] Tussis {pl} [ugs.] [junge Mädchen]
girlies [sl.]Tussen {pl} [ugs.] [junge Mädchen]
girlish mädchenhaft
girlish [e.g. games, giggles] Mädchen- [z. B. Spiele, Gekicher]
girlish act kindische Handlung {f} [eines Mädchens]
girlish body mädchenhafter Körper {m}
girlish characteristicsmädchenhafte Züge {pl} [Wesenszüge]
girlish days {pl} [dated]Mädchenzeit {f}
girlish face mädchenhaftes Gesicht {n}
girlish featuresmädchenhafte Züge {pl} [Gesichtszüge]
girlish figure mädchenhafte Figur {f}
girlish gameMädchenspiel {n}
girlish games Mädchenspiele {pl}
girlish traitsmädchenhafte Züge {pl} [Wesenszüge]
girlishly mädchenhaft
girlishness Mädchenhaftigkeit {f}
girl-like mädchenhaft
girlsMädchen {pl}
girlsMenscher {pl} [südd., bes. österr.] [Dialekt] [oft pej.]
girls' [attr.] Mädchen- [für od. von Mädchen]
girl's [attr.] Mädchen- [für ein od. von einem Mädchen]
girls' / girls borstal [esp. Br.] Mädchenerziehungsanstalt {f}
girl's ass [vulg.] [Am.]Mädchenarsch {m} [vulg.]
girl's backside [coll.] Mädchenhintern {m} [ugs.]
girls' bathing costume Mädchenbadeanzug {m}
girls' bathing suit Mädchenbadeanzug {m}
girl's behindMädchenhintern {m}
girl's bellyMädchenbauch {m}
girls' bicycle Mädchenfahrrad {n}
girls' bike Mädchenfahrrad {n}
girls' bikeMädchenrad {n}
girls' bikini Mädchenbikini {m}
girls' bikini Mädchen-Bikini {m}
girl's blouse [Br.] [coll.] [fig.] [wimp]Waschlappen {m} [pej.] [ugs.] [fig.] [Feigling]
girl's blouse [Br.] [coll.] [fig.] [wimp] Feigling {m} [pej.]
girls' boarding school Mädchenpensionat {n}
girls' boarding schoolMädcheninternat {n}
girl's bodyMädchenkörper {m}
girl's body Mädchenleib {m}
girl's book Mädchenbuch {n}
girl's bosom Mädchenbusen {m}
girl's bottomMädchenpo {m}
girl's bottomMädchenhintern {m}
girl's botty [Br.] [coll.] Mädchenpopo {m} [ugs.]
girls' braMädchen-BH {m}
girl's breast Mädchenbrust {f}
girls' briefs {pl} [one pair] Mädchenslip {m}
girls' briefs {pl} [one pair] Mädchenschlüpfer {m}
girl's bum Mädchenpopo {m}
girl's bust Mädchenbusen {m}
girl's butt [Am.] Mädchenpo {m}
girl's butt [Am.]Mädchenhintern {m}
girl's buttocks {pl} Mädchenhintern {m} [ugs.]
girls' changing room Mädchenumkleide {f}
girls' changing roomMädchenumkleideraum {m}
girls' changing roomMädchenumkleidekabine {f} [größerer Raum]
girls' changing roomMädchen-Umkleideraum {m}
girls' choirMädchenchor {m}
girls' circle Mädchenrunde {f} [Teilnehmer]
girls' class Mädchenklasse {f}
girls' clothes {pl}Mädchenkleidung {f}
« gimcginggingginkgirdgirlgirlgirlGivegivegivi »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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