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English-German Dictionary

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givenness Gegebensein {n}
givenness [e.g. in phenomenology]Gegebenheit {f} [z. B. in Phänomenologie]
givens Gegebenheiten {pl}
givens [presuppositions] Vorgegebenheiten {pl} [selten] [bes. schweiz.]
giverSpender {m}
giver Geber {m}
giver Gebender {m}
giver [female] Geberin {f}
giver [female]Spenderin {f}
giver [female] Gebende {f}
giver [of a gift]Schenker {m}
giver [of a gift] Schenkender {m}
Giver of all [God] Allgeber {m}
giver of life Lebensspender {m}
giversSpender {pl}
GivetianGivetium {n}
give-up Aufgabe {f} [Aufgeben, Resignieren]
give-up Klientenüberweisung {f}
give-way line [Br.] Wartelinie {f} [StVO: Zeichen 341]
giving gebend
givingVerabreichung {f}
giving Schenken {n}
giving [entering, inputting] eingebend
giving [responsibility, mandate]Übertragung {f} [Vollmacht, Verantwortung]
giving a sense of meaning and purpose sinnstiftend
giving away hergebend
giving birth [postpos.] gebärend
giving complete instructions mit vollständigen Anweisungen
giving dollar [Am.] Spende {f} [Geldspende]
giving dollars [Am.] Spendengelder {pl}
giving meaning Sinngebung {f}
giving mood Geberlaune {f}
giving no reason to complain klaglos [bes. österr.] [keinen Anlass zur Klage bietend]
giving notice of default Inverzugsetzung {f}
giving notice of departureabmeldend
giving of thanks Danksagung {f}
giving (of) spaceRaumgeben {n}
giving off sparks [postpos.]Funken sprühend
giving rise to a right of priority prioritätsbegründend
giving such particulars as may be requiredunter Angabe aller etwa geforderten Einzelheiten
giving third-party notice streitverkündend
giving upAufgabe {f} [Gewohnheit, Geschäft, Forderung]
giving up aufgebend
giving up [sacrificial surrender]Dahingabe {f}
Giving Up the Ghost [Claudia Weill]Anna und der Geist
giving way nachgebend
giving wayNachgeben {n}
giving way [of a joint, esp. of the knee joint]Wegknicken {n} [eines Gelenks, bes. des Kniegelenks]
giving way [of a joint, esp. of the knee joint] Weggleiten {n} [eines Gelenks, bes. des Kniegelenks]
giving way of the knee jointKnieinstabilität {f} [Wegknicken, Wegsacken des Kniegelenks]
giving way (of the knee joint) Bewegungsinstabilität {f} (des Kniegelenks)
giving-way phenomenon Giving-way-Phänomen {n} [instabilitätsbedingtes Wegknicken / Weggleiten eines Gelenks]
Giza Gizeh {n}
Giza Giseh {n}
Giza Necropolis Nekropole {f} von Gizeh
Giza pygmy gerbil [Gerbillus amoenus] Giza-Zwergrennmaus {f}
Giza pyramid complex Pyramidenkomplex {m} von Gizeh
GizahGizeh {n}
GizahGiseh {n}
gizmo [coll.] Dingsbums {n} [ugs.]
gizmo [coll.] Ding {n}
gizmo [coll.] Gadget {n}
Gizmoduck [Darkwing Duck]Dingsbums Duck
gizmos [coll.] Dingsdas {pl} [ugs.]
Gizo white-eye [Zosterops luteirostris] Gizobrillenvogel {m}
gizz [Scot.] [archaic] [wig] Perücke {f}
gizzardMuskelmagen {m}
gizzard Kaumagen {m}
gizzard stoneMagenstein {m}
gizzard stone Gastrolith {m}
gizzard stones Gastrolithen {pl}
gizzard stoneshoppsa Gastrolithen {pl}
Gjanica (River) Gjanica {f} [Fluss]
Gjeravica Lake Gjeravica-See {m}
gjerdingenite-Ca [K2Ca(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6H2O]Gjerdingenit-Ca {m}
gjerdingenite-Mn [(K,Na)2(Mn,Fe)(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6(H2O)] Gjerdingenit-Mn {m}
gjerdingenite-Na [K2Na2(Nb,Ti)4 [(OH,O)2|Si4O12]2·5H2O] Gjerdingenit-Na {m}
Gjermundbu helmetGjermundbu-Helm {m}
GjetostGjetost {m}
Gjirokastër Gjirokastra {n}
glabella Glabella {f}
glabella lines Glabellafalten {pl}
glabella tap [short also: tap] Glabellareflex {m}
glabella wrinklesGlabellafalten {pl}
glabella wrinkles Zornesfalten {pl} [geh.]
glabellar linesGlabellarfalten {pl}
glabellar lobe Glabellarlappen {m}
glabellar reflex Glabellareflex {m}
glabellar tap (sign)Glabellareflex {m}
glabellar wrinklesGlabellarfalten {pl}
glabridin [C20H20O4]Glabridin {n}
glabrous bartlos
glabrous haarlos
glabrouskahl [haarlos]
glabrous cat's ear [Hypochaeris glabra, also Hypochoeris glabra]Sandferkelkraut {n}
glabrous cat's ear [Hypochaeris glabra, also Hypochoeris glabra] Kahles Ferkelkraut {n}
glabrous cotoneaster [Cotoneaster glabratus] Kahlwerdende Strauchmispel {f}
glabrous orache [Atriplex glabriuscula]Kahle Melde {f}
« girlgirlgirlgirtGivegiveglabglacgladglamglan »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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