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galvanizer [female] Galvaniseurin {f}
galvanizing Verzinkung {f}
galvanizingGalvanisieren {n}
galvanizingelektrisierend [fig.] [mitreißend]
galvanizing bathGalvanisierbad {n}
galvanizing lineFeuerverzinkungsanlage {f}
galvanizing lineFeuerverzinkungsstraße {f}
galvanneal [portmanteau of galvanized and anneal] Galvanneal {n} [Ergebnis des Prozesses; Kunstwort aus Galvanisieren und Annealing (Glühen)]
galvannealedGalvannealed- [Feinblech]
galvannealed nach dem Verzinken wärmebehandelt
galvannealed galvannealt [nur attributiv belegt]
galvannealed (sheet) Galvannealed {n} [wärmebehandeltes schmelztauchveredeltes Feinblech]
galvannealing (process) [portmanteau of galvanizing and anneal] Galvannealing {n} [Prozess]
galvano-ceramic crown <GC>galvanokeramische Krone {f}
galvanomagnetic galvanomagnetisch
galvanomagnetically galvanomagnetisch
galvanometer Galvanometer {n}
galvanometerStromstärkemesser {m} [Galvanometer]
galvanonarcosisGalvanonarkose {f}
galvanostegy Galvanostegie {f}
galvanosurgeryGalvanochirurgie {f}
galvanotactic galvanotaktisch
galvanotaxis Galvanotaxis {f}
galvanotherapy Galvanotherapie {f}
galvanotherapy Gleichstrombehandlung {f}
galvanotropism Galvanotropismus {m}
galvo head Galvokopf {m}
Galway Galway {n}
Galway Bay [Irish: Loch Lurgain or Cuan na Gaillimhe] Galway Bay {f}
Galwegian Galwayer {m}
gam [dated slang or considered offensive]Stelze {f} [ugs.] [Bein]
GAMAB principle [performing globally at least as good as]GAMAB-Prinzip {n} [globalement au moins aussi bon]
gamagarite [Ba2(Fe,Mn)(VO4)2(OH)]Gamagarit {m}
gamahuch [sl.] [dated]Lecken {n} [Cunnilingus]
Gamalost Gamalost {m}
gamasoidosisGamasidiosis {f}
gamasoidosis Vogelmilbenkrätze {f}
Gamate ® Gamate ® {m}
gamba grass [Andropogon gayanus]Gambagras {n}
gamba grass [Andropogon gayanus](Hohes) Bartgras {n} [Gambagras]
gambado [gambade] Gambade {f} [veraltet] [geh.]
gambado [gambade] Luftsprung {m}
Gambaga dusky flycatcher [Muscicapa gambagae]Gambagaschnäpper {m}
Gambaga flycatcher [Muscicapa gambagae] Gambagaschnäpper {m}
Gambaga spotted flycatcher [Muscicapa gambagae] Gambagaschnäpper {m}
Gambage flycatcher [Muscicapa gambagae]Gambagaschnäpper {m}
Gambage spotted flycatcher [Muscicapa gambagae]Gambagaschnäpper {m}
gambangGambang {n} [im Gamelan verwendetes xylophonartiges Instrument]
Gambel oak [Quercus gambelii] Gambel-Eiche {f}
Gambel white-fronted goose [Anser albifrons gambeli, syn.: Anser albifrons gambelli, Anser gambeli]Gambel-Blässgans {f}
Gambel's chickadee [Poecile gambeli, syn.: Parus gambeli] Gambelmeise {f}
Gambel's chickadee [Poecile gambeli, syn.: Parus gambeli]Gebirgsmeise {f}
Gambel's crested partridge [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli] Helmwachtel {f}
Gambel's crested partridge [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli]Gambelwachtel {f}
Gambel's partridge [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli]Helmwachtel {f}
Gambel's partridge [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli] Gambelwachtel {f}
Gambel's quail [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli]Helmwachtel {f}
Gambel's quail [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli] Gambelwachtel {f}
Gambel's quail [Callipepla gambelii, syn.: C. gambeli, Lophortyx gambelii, L. gambeli]Gambelschopfwachtel {f}
Gambel's sparrow [Zonotrichia leucophrys, syn.: Z. intermedia, Spizella leucophrys]Dachsammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Gambel's sparrow [Zonotrichia leucophrys] Weißscheitelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gambeson Gambeson {m} [seltener {n}]
gambesonsGambesons {pl}
gambetta [Persicaria maculosa, syn.: Polygonum persicaria, Persicaria maculata] Floh-Knöterich {m}
gambetta [Persicaria maculosa, syn.: Polygonum persicaria, Persicaria maculata] Pfirsichblättriger Knöterich {m}
Gambetta zone Gambetta-Zone {f}
Gambetta's zone Gambetta-Zone {f}
Gambia <.gm>Gambia {n}
Gambia River Gambia {m} [Fluss]
GambianGambier {m}
Gambian [female] Gambierin {f}
Gambian cylindrical skink [Chalcides armitagei]Gambia-Walzenskink {m}
Gambian dalasi <GMD> Dalasi {m} <GMD>
Gambian epauletted fruit bat [Epomophorus gambianus]Gambia-Epaulettenflughund {m}
Gambian mongoose [Mungos gambianus] Gambia-Manguste {f}
Gambian pouched rat [Cricetomys gambianus, syn.: C. buchanani, C. gambiensis, C. servorum, Mus goliath] Hamsterratte {f}
Gambian pouched rat [Cricetomys gambianus]Gambia-Riesenhamsterratte {f}
Gambian pouched rat [Cricetomys gambianus] Gambia-Ratte {f}
Gambian rat [Cricetomys gambianus, syn.: C. buchanani, C. gambiensis, C. servorum, Mus goliath] Gambia-Riesenhamsterratte {f}
Gambian rat [Cricetomys gambianus, syn.: C. buchanani, C. gambiensis, C. servorum, Mus goliath] Hamsterratte {f}
Gambian rat [Cricetomys gambianus, syn.: C. buchanani, C. gambiensis, C. servorum, Mus goliath]Gambia-Ratte {f}
Gambian sleeping sickness [West African trypanosomiasis]westafrikanische Schlafkrankheit {f}
Gambian slit-faced bat [Nycteris gambiensis] Gambia-Schlitznase {f}
Gambian sun squirrel [Heliosciurus gambianus] Graufußhörnchen {n}
Gambian sun squirrel [Heliosciurus gambianus] Gambisches Sonnenhörnchen {n}
Gambians Gambier {pl}
Gambians [female] Gambierinnen {pl}
Gambier IslandsGambierinseln {pl}
gambit [chess] Gambit {n}
gambit [fig.] Eröffnung {f} [fig.]
gambit [fig.] erster Schritt {m} [fig.]
gambit [fig.] [trick, device]Schachzug {m} [fig.]
Gambit [Rex Stout] Gambit
gamble Glücksspiel {n}
gamble Spiel {n} [Glücksspiel]
gamble Wagnis {n}
gamble Hasardspiel {n}
« GalaGaligallgallgallgalvgambgamegamegamegami »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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