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English-German Dictionary

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glad [marked by joy]fröhlich
Glad I insisted ...Gut, dass ich darauf bestanden habe, ...
glad (of / at / about)froh (über)
glad rags {pl} [coll.] [formal attire] schicker Fummel {m} [ugs.]
glad tidings Freudenbotschaft {f}
(glad) tidings {pl} of joyfrohe Botschaft {f}
gladdened erfreut
gladder fröhlicher
gladdest froheste
gladdest fröhlichste
gladdestam frohesten
gladdon [Acorus calamus](Indischer) Kalmus {m}
gladdon (iris) [Iris foetidissima, syn.: I. foetida]Übelriechende Schwertlilie {f}
gladdon (iris) [Iris foetidissima, syn.: I. foetida] Stinkende Schwertlilie {f}
gladeLichtung {f}
glade Waldwiese {f}
glade lily [Lilium philadelphicum, syn.: L. andinum] Schalen-Lilie / Schalenlilie {f}
glade lily [Lilium philadelphicum, syn.: L. andinum] Wald-Lilie / Waldlilie {f}
glade treefrog [Leptopelis argenteus]Afrikanischer Waldsteigerfrosch {m}
glades Lichtungen {pl}
glades Waldwiesen {pl}
glad-handing (übertrieben freundliches) Händeschütteln {n}
gladiatorGladiator {m}
gladiator [female] Gladiatorin {f}
Gladiator [Ridley Scott] Gladiator
gladiator farm [Am.] [sl.] [maximum security prison]Hochsicherheitsgefängnis {n}
gladiator fight Gladiatorenkampf {m}
gladiator fightsGladiatorenkämpfe {pl}
gladiator graveyardGladiatorenfriedhof {m}
gladiator school Gladiatorenschule {f}
gladiatorial kämpferisch
gladiatorial gladiatorisch
gladiatorial combat Gladiatorenkampf {m}
gladiatorial combatsGladiatorenkämpfe {pl}
gladiatorial contestGladiatur {f} [geh.]
gladiatorial fightGladiatorenkampf {m}
gladiatorial fightsGladiatorenkämpfe {pl}
gladiatorial gamesGladiatorenspiele {pl}
gladiatorial monument Gladiatorenmonument {n}
gladiatorial school Gladiatorenschule {f}
gladiators Gladiatoren {pl}
gladiatrixGladiatorin {f}
gladiature Gladiatur {f} [geh.]
gladio Gladio {n}
gladiolaGladiole {f}
gladiolasGladiolen {pl}
gladioli Gladiolen {pl}
gladiolus [genus Gladiolus] Gladiole {f}
gladiolus thrips [Thrips simplex, syn.: Taeniothrips gladioli, T. simplex] Gladiolen-Blasenfuß / Gladiolenblasenfuß {m}
gladiolus thrips [Thrips simplex, syn.: Taeniothrips gladioli, T. simplex] Gladiolen-Thrips / Gladiolenthrips {m}
gladioluses Gladiolen {pl}
gladite [PbCuBi5S9] Gladit {m}
gladius [Latin: shortsword]Gladius {m} [römisches Kurzschwert]
gladius [squid] Gladius {m} [Kalmar]
gladiusite [(Fe,Mg)4Fe2 [(OH)11|PO4]·H2O]Gladiusit {m}
gladly freudig
gladlymit Freude
gladly bereitwillig [gerne]
gladly mit Kusshand [ugs.]
Gladly shall I bear the cross [also: I would gladly carry the Cross-beam / Cross]Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen [J. S. Bach, BWV 56]
gladness Freude {f}
gladnessFröhlichkeit {f}
gladness Erleichterung {f}
gladsome [literary] fröhlich
gladsome [literary] freudenreich
gladsomely fröhlich
gladsomely [archaic] freudenreich [geh.]
Gladstone bag Gladstone-Koffer {m}
Gladstone Gander [Disney] Gustav Gans
Gladwin's iris [Iris foetidissima, syn.: I. foetida]Stinkende Schwertlilie {f}
Gladwin's iris [Iris foetidissima, syn.: I. foetida]Übelriechende Schwertlilie {f}
gladwyn iris [Iris foetidissima, syn.: I. foetida]Übelriechende Schwertlilie {f}
gladwyn iris [Iris foetidissima, syn.: I. foetida] Stinkende Schwertlilie {f}
glagolevite [NaMg6 [(OH,O)8|AlSi3O10]·H2O] Glagolevit {m}
Glagolithic [spv.]glagolitisch
Glagolitic glagolitisch
Glagolitic Mass [Leoš Janáček] Glagolitische Messe
Glagolitic script glagolitische Schrift {f}
Glagolitsa [Glagolitic alphabet] Glagoliza {f}
glaikit [Scot.]bescheuert [pej.]
glaikit [Scot.] dumm
glair Eiweiß {n} [als Kleber]
glaiveGlefe {f}
glaiveGleve {f}
glam [coll.] schick
glam [coll.] Glamour {m}
glam [coll.]glamourös
glam rags [Br.] [coll.] Partyklamotten {pl} [ugs.]
glam rockGlam-Rock {m}
glamazon [coll.]glamouröse Powerfrau {f} [ugs.]
glammed up [coll.] aufgedonnert [ugs.]
glammed up [coll.]aufgemascherlt [ugs.] [bes. österr.] [aufgedonnert, herausgeputzt]
glamor [Am.]Glanz {m}
glamor [Am.]Zauber {m}
« girtGivegiveglabglacgladglamglanglasglasglas »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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