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English-German Dictionary

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glossy willow [Salix lucida, syn.: S. lucida ssp. lucida] Glanz-Weide / Glanzweide {f}
glossy-backed becard [Pachyramphus surinamus] Surinambekarde {f}
glossy-bellied racer [Platyceps ventromaculatus, syn.: Coluber ventromaculatus] [snake] Gefleckte Zornnatter {f}
glossy-black thrush [Turdus serranus] Samtdrossel {f}
(glossy-leaf) paperplant [Fatsia japonica, syn.: Aralia japonica, Aralia sieboldii] Zimmeraralie {f}
(glossy-leaf) paperplant [Fatsia japonica, syn.: Aralia japonica, Aralia sieboldii] Japanische Aralie {f}
glossy-leaved orache [Atriplex sagittata] Glanz-Melde {f}
glossy-leaved paperplant [Fatsia japonica, syn.: Aralia japonica, Aralia sieboldii] Zimmeraralie {f}
glossy-mantled manucode [Manucodia ater] Glanzparadieskrähe {f}
glossy-mantled manucode [Manucodia atra, syn.: M. ater] Schwarze Manukode {f}
glost firing Glattbrand {m}
glottal Stimmritzen-
glottal glottal
glottal Glottallaut {m}
glottal edema [Am.]Glottisödem {n}
glottal oedema [Br.] Glottisödem {n}
glottal stopKnacklaut {m}
glottal stop Stoßton {m}
glottal stopStimmritzenverschlusslaut {m}
glottal stop <ʔ>Glottisschlag {m}
glottal stop <ʔ> Glottisverschlusslaut {m}
glottal stops Knacklaute {pl}
glottalic glottalisch
glottalic theory Glottaltheorie {f}
glottalisation [Br.] Glottalisierung {f}
glottalizationGlottalisierung {f}
glottic Glottis-
glottic carcinoma glottisches Karzinom {n}
glottic carcinoma Glottiskarzinom {n}
glottis Stimmritze {f}
glottisGlottis {f}
glottis Stimmapparat {m} (des Kehlkopfs)
glottis cancer <GC>Glottiskrebs {m}
glottochronological glottochronologisch
glottochronological dccbrra <?php echo $REMOTE_ADDR; ?> glottochronologisch
glottochronology Glottochronologie {f}
glottogonic glottogonisch
glottology Sprachwissenschaft {f}
glottonymGlottonym {n}
glottophagy [rare for: language death] Sprachtod {m}
glottophobia Linguizismus {m}
glottoplasty Glottoplastik {f}
Gloucester [England] Gloucester {n}
Gloucester sauceGloucestersauce {f} [Sauce Gloucester]
gloveHandschuh {m}
glove boxHandschuhfach {n}
glove box Handschuhkasten {m}
glove compartment Handschuhfach {n}
glove dispenser Handschuhspender {m}
glove distributionHandschuhverteilung {f}
glove leatherHandschuhleder {n}
glove lockerHandschuhfach {n}
glove puppetHandpuppe {f}
glove puppet show Handpuppenspiel {n}
glove puppetryHandpuppenspiel {n}
glovebox Handschuhfach {n}
glovebox Handschuhkasten {m}
gloveboxHandschuhbox {f}
glovebox light Handschuhfachbeleuchtung {f}
glovebox light switch Handschuhfachbeleuchtungsschalter {m}
gloved behandschuht
gloved in Handschuhen [nachgestellt]
glovemakerHandschuhmacher {m}
glovemaker [female] Handschuhmacherin {f}
glover Handschuhmacher {m}
glover [female] Handschuhmacherin {f}
Glover's pika [Ochotona gloveri] Glover-Pfeifhase {m}
Glover's scale [Lepidosaphes gloverii, syn.: Insulaspis gloverii, Mytilococcus gloverii] Schmale Kommaschildlaus {f}
glover's wool Raufwolle {f}
gloves Handschuhe {pl}
gloves-off unbarmherzig [schonungslos]
gloves-off [unsparing] schonungslos
glovie [coll.] [glove compartment] Handschuhfach {n}
glowFeuer {n}
glow Glühen {n}
glowGlimmen {n}
glowGlut {f}
glow Schein {m} [Lichtschein]
glow [candle, lamp] Schimmer {m}
glow discharge Glimmentladung {f}
glow discharge Glimmlichtentladung {f}
glow discharge Glühentladung {f}
glow discharge tubeGlimmentladungsröhre {f}
glow igniter Glühzünder {m}
glow in the west after sunsetAbendglühen {n}
glow lamp Glimmlampe {f}
glow lamp [tube]Glimmröhre {f}
glow lightGlimmlicht {n}
glow moss [Aulacomnium palustre] Sumpf-Streifensternmoos {n}
glow moss [Aulacomnium palustre] Moor-Streifensternmoos {n}
glow of a / the lamp Lampenschein {m}
glow of fame Glanz {m} des Ruhms
glow pencil Glühstift {m} [einer Glühkerze]
glow pencil Glühstab {m} [einer Glühkerze]
glow plugGlühkerze {f}
glow plug control unit Glühkerzensteuergerät {n}
glow plug ignitionGlühkerzenzündung {f}
glow rectifier [rare] [mercury arc rectifier] Glimmgleichrichter {m} [selten] [Quecksilberdampfgleichrichter]
« globglobglooglorglosglosglowglucglueglutglut »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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