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glutamalGlutamal {n}
glutamateGlutamat {n}
glutamate cysteine ligase <GCL>Glutamatcysteinligase {f} <GCL>
glutamate decarboxylaseGlutamatdecarboxylase {f}
glutamate dehydrogenase <GDH, GLDH> Glutamatdehydrogenase {f} <GDH, GLDH>
glutamate molecule Glutamatmolekül {n}
glutamate receptorGlutamatrezeptor {m}
glutamate receptors Glutamatrezeptoren {pl}
glutamate residueGlutamatrest {m}
glutamate residues Glutamatreste {pl}
glutamate transporterGlutamattransporter {m} [auch: Glutamat-Transporter]
glutamic acid <Glu, E> [C5H9NO4]Glutamat {n} <Glu, E> [Glutaminsäure]
glutamic acid <Glu, E> [E-620] [C5H9NO4]Glutaminsäure {f} <Glu, E>
glutamic acid residueGlutamatsäurerest {m}
glutamic acid residueGlutaminsäurerest {m}
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase <GOT> Glutamat-Oxalacetat-Transaminase {f} <GOT>
glutaminase Glutaminase {f}
glutamine <Gln, Q> [C5H10N2O3]Glutamin {n} <Gln, Q>
glutamine deficiency Glutaminmangel {m}
glutamine residueGlutaminrest {m}
glutamine synthetase Glutaminsynthetase {f}
glutaraldehyde Glutaraldehyd {n}
glutaraldehyde glue Glutaraldehyd-Leim {m}
glutaric acid [C5H8O4] Glutarsäure {f}
glutaric acidaemia <GA> [Br.]Glutarazidämie {f} <GA>
glutaric acidemia <GA> [Am.] Glutarazidämie {f} <GA>
glutaric aciduriaGlutarazidurie {f}
glutarylationGlutarylierung {f}
glutathione [C10H17N3O6S] Glutathion {n}
glutathione conjugate Glutathion-Konjugat {n} [auch: Glutathionkonjugat]
glutathione disulfide [Am.] <GSSG> [C20H32N6O12S2] Glutathiondisulfid {n} <GSSG>
glutathione molecule Glutathionmolekül {n} [auch: Glutathion-Molekül]
glutathione peroxidase Glutathionperoxidase {f}
glutathione synthetase <GS> Glutathionsynthetase {f} <GS>
glutathione synthetase deficiency <GSD>Glutathionsynthetasemangel {m}
glute [coll.] [gluteus (muscle)] Gesäßmuskel {m}
gluteal Gesäß-
gluteal glutäal
gluteal beautyGesäßschönheit {f} [selten]
gluteal cleft [Crena interglutealis, Crena analis, Crena ani, Rima ani] Afterfurche {f}
gluteal cleft [Crena interglutealis, Crena analis, Crena ani, Rima ani] Gesäßspalte {f}
gluteal fold [Sulcus glutaeus, Sulcus glutealis, Ruga glutaea horizontalis] [horizontal gluteal crease]Gesäßfurche {f} [Glutealfurche]
gluteal fold [Sulcus glutaeus, Sulcus glutealis, Ruga glutaea horizontalis] [horizontal gluteal crease]Glutealfurche {f}
gluteal fold [Sulcus glutealis] Glutealfalte {f}
gluteal foldsGesäßfalten {pl}
gluteal gait Hüfthinken {n}
gluteal implantGesäßprothese {f}
gluteal muscle Gesäßmuskel {m}
gluteal muscles {pl}Glutealmuskulatur {f}
gluteal reflexGlutäalreflex {m}
gluteal region [Regio glutaea, Regio glutealis] Gesäßregion {f}
gluteal region [Regio glutaea, Regio glutealis] Kruppengegend {f}
gluteal region [Regio glutea, Regio glutealis] Glutealregion {f}
gluteal sulcus [Sulcus glutaeus, Sulcus glutealis, Ruga glutaea horizontalis] [horizontal gluteal crease] Gesäßfurche {f} [Glutealfurche]
gluteal sulcus [Sulcus glutealis]Glutealfurche {f}
gluteal sulcus [Sulcus glutealis] Glutealfalte {f}
glutelins Gluteline {pl}
gluten Kleber {m}
gluten Gluten {n}
gluten Klebereiweiß {n} [in Getreide]
gluten allergyGlutenallergie {f} [auch: Gluten-Allergie]
gluten breadKleberbrot {n}
gluten flour Glutenmehl {n}
gluten flour Klebermehl {n}
gluten intolerance Glutenunverträglichkeit {f}
gluten intoleranceGluten-Unverträglichkeit {f}
gluten intolerance Gluten-Intoleranz {f}
gluten sensitivity <GS> Glutensensitivität {f} <GS>
gluten sensitivity <GS> Weizensensitivität {f} [Glutensensitivität]
glutenfree glutenfrei
gluten-free glutenfrei
gluteninGlutenin {n}
gluteoplasty Gluteoplastik {f}
gluteoplastyGesäßformung {f} [Gluteoplastik]
glutes {pl} [coll.] [gluteal muscles] Gesäßmuskulatur {f}
glutes [coll.] Pobacken {pl} [ugs.]
glutethimide [C13H15NO2]Glutethimid {n}
gluteus maximus großer Gesäßmuskel {m}
gluteus maximus (muscle) [Musculus glutaeus / gluteus maximus]größter Gesäßmuskel {m} [ugs.] [Musculus glutaeus / gluteus maximus {m}]
gluteus medius (muscle) [Musculus glutaeus / gluteus medius]mittlerer Gesäßmuskel {m} [ugs.] [Musculus glutaeus / gluteus medius {m}]
gluteus minimus (muscle) [Musculus glutaeus / gluteus minimus]kleiner Gesäßmuskel {m} [ugs.] [Musculus glutaeus / gluteus minimus {m}]
gluteus (muscle)Gesäßmuskel {m}
glutinous klebrig
glutinous zähflüssig
glutinous schmierig
glutinous caecilian / caecilia [Ichthyophis glutinosus] Ceylonesische Blindwühle {f}
glutinous caecilian / caecilia [Ichthyophis glutinosus] Ceylonwühle {f}
glutinous earth tongue [Geoglossum glutinosum]Schleimige Erdzunge {f}
glutinous earth tongue [Geoglossum glutinosum] Klebrige Erdzunge {f}
glutinous earthtongue [Glutinoglossum glutinosum, syn.: Geoglossum glutinosum, Cibalocoryne glutinosa] Schleimige Erdzunge {f}
glutinous earthtongue [Glutinoglossum glutinosum, syn.: Geoglossum glutinosum, Cibalocoryne glutinosa] Klebrige Erdzunge {f}
glutinous rice Klebreis {m}
glutinous rice ball Klebreisbällchen {n}
glutinous sage [Salvia glutinosa] Gelber Salbei {m}
glutinous sage [Salvia glutinosa]Klebriger Salbei {m}
glutinous sage [Salvia glutinosa] Kleb-Salbei {m}
glutinous snail [Myxas glutinosa] Mantelschnecke {f}
glutinous waxcap [Hygrocybe glutinipes, syn.: H. citrina]Schleimfuß-Saftling {m}
« glosglosglowglucglueglutglutglycglycgnasGnos »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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