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English-German Dictionary

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glycosides Glykoside {pl}
glycosidic glycosidisch
glycosidic bond Glykosidbindung {f}
glycosidic bond glykosidische Bindung {f}
glycosidic bond glycosidische Bindung {f}
glycosidic bond Glycosidbindung {f}
glycosphingolipid <GSL>Glycosphingolipid {n} <GSL>
glycosphingolipids <GSLs>Glycosphingolipide {pl} <GSL>
glycosuria Glykosurie {f}
glycosylated glykosyliert
glycosylated glycosyliert
glycosylated haemoglobin [Br.] glykosyliertes Hämoglobin {n}
glycosylated hemoglobin [Am.]glykosyliertes Hämoglobin {n}
glycosylation Glycosylierung {f}
glycosylation Glykosylierung {f}
glycosylation Glykosylation {f}
glycosylation enzymeGlykosylierungsenzym {n}
glycosylation pattern Glykosylierungsmuster {n}
glycosylation reaction Glycosylierungsreaktion {f}
glycosylphosphatidylinositol <GPI> Glycosylphosphatidylinositol {n} <GPI>
glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor <GPI anchor>Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anker {m} <GPI-Anker> [auch: Glycosyl-Phosphatidylinositol-Anker]
glycosyltransferaseGlycosyltransferase {f}
glycylglycine <Gly-Gly>Glycylglycin {n} <Gly-Gly>
glycylglycine <Gly-Gly> Glyzylglyzin {n} <Gly-Gly>
glycyrrhetic acid Glycyrrhetinsäure {f}
glycyrrhizinGlycyrrhizin {n}
glyoxylate Glyoxylat {n}
glyoxylate cycleGlyoxylatzyklus {m}
glyoxylate reductase Glyoxylatreduktase {f}
glyoxylatesGlyoxylate {pl}
glyoxylic acid Glyoxylsäure {f}
glyoxylic acidGlyoxalsäure {f}
glyoxysomal glyoxysomal
glyoxysomeGlyoxysom {n}
glyphRille {f}
glyphGlyphe {f}
glyph Symbol {n}
glyphZeichen {n}
glyph [groove] Furche {f} [Glyphe]
glyph set Glyphensatz {m}
glyphic glyphisch
glyphics Antiqua-Varianten {pl}
glyphosate [C3H8NO5P] Glyphosat {n}
glyphosate-based glyphosatbasiert
glyphs Glyphen {pl}
glypican Glypican {n}
glyptic glyptisch
glyptic Steinschneidekunst {f}
glypticGlyptik {f}
glyptics [treated as sg.] Glyptik {f}
glyptodon [extinct]Glyptodon {n} [ausgestorben]
glyptodonts [family Glyptodontidae] [extinct]Glyptodonten {pl} [ausgestorbene Gruppe]
glyptographyGlyptographie {f}
glyptothecaGlyptothek {f}
glyptotheque Glyptothek {f}
GM corn [Am.] Genmais {m}
GM corn cultivation [Am.] Genmais-Anbau {m}
GM corn growing [Am.]Genmais-Anbau {m}
GM crop [short for: genetically modified crop] gentechnisch veränderte Nutzpflanze {f}
GM food [genetically modified food] gentechnisch verändertes Lebensmittel {n}
GM maize [Br.]Genmais {m}
GM maize cultivation [Br.] Genmais-Anbau {m}
GM maize growing [Br.] Genmais-Anbau {m}
GM technologyGentechnik {f}
GM tomato Gentomate {f}
GM tomato Gen-Tomate {f}
G-man [Am.] [coll.]FBI-Mann {m}
g-man [Am.] [sl.] [short for Government Man] G-Man {m}
(GMC) Hummer EV [battery electric full-size vehicle from General Motors](GMC) Hummer EV {m} [Elektrofahrzeug]
gmelinite-Ca [(Ca,Sr,Na)4(Si,Al)12O24·11H2O] Gmelinit-Ca {m}
gmelinite-K [(K,Na,Ca)5(Si,Al)24O48·22H2O]Gmelinit-K {m}
gmelinite-Na [Na4(Si8Al4)O24·11H2O] Gmelinit-Na {m}
Gmelin's bronzeback [Dendrelaphis pictus, syn.: D. proarchos] [snake]Gefleckte Bronzenatter {f}
Gmelin's watercrowfoot [Ranunculus gmelinii] Gmelins Hahnenfuß {m}
Gmelin's woolly lemur [Avahi laniger] Östlicher Wollmaki {m}
Gmelin's wormwood [Artemisia gmelinii] Heiligenbeifuß {m}
G-men [Am.] [coll.]FBI-Männer {pl}
g-meterBeschleunigungsanzeiger {n} [für Gravitationskraft (Aviatik), ugs auch in Kfz-Bau]
Gmork [book] / G'mork [film] [The Neverending Story] Gmork [Die unendliche Geschichte]
GMP inspection team GMP-Inspektionsteam {n}
GMP inspector GMP-Inspektor {m}
GMP-certified nach dem GMP-Standard zertifiziert
GMP-certified GMP-zertifiziert
GMP-compliant [e.g. production] GMP-konform [z. B. Produktion]
Gnadensee [western part of Lower Lake Constance] [rarely translated as Lake of Mercy] Gnadensee {m}
gnarl Knorren {m}
gnarl Ast {m} [im Holz]
gnarled rau
gnarled rauh [alt]
gnarled [bent] krumm
gnarled [hands, fingers]knotig
gnarled [person]verhutzelt [ugs.]
gnarls Knorren {pl}
gnarly [sl.] krass [ugs.]
« glucglueglutglutglycglycgnasGnosGotagoalgoal »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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