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gnashers {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [teeth esp. false teeth] Zähne {pl}
gnashing knirschend
gnashing of teeth Zähneknirschen {n}
gnat [family Culicidae]Mücke {f} [Stechmücke]
gnat [family Culicidae]Schnake {f} [Stechmücke]
gnat [family Culicidae]Stechmücke {f}
gnat bugs [family Enicocephalidae]Enicocephalidae {pl} [Familie der Wanzen, Überfamilie Enicocephaloidea]
gnatcatchers [family Polioptilidae]Mückenfänger {pl}
gnateaters [family Conopophagidae]Mückenfresser {pl}
gnathobaseGnathobasis {f}
gnathocephalonGnathocephalon {n}
gnathochilarium Gnathochilarium {n}
gnathodynamics Gnathodynamik {f}
gnathodynamometer Gnathodynamometer {m}
gnathology Gnathologie {f}
gnathopodsGnathopoden {pl}
gnathoschisis Gnathoschisis {f}
gnathosomaGnathosoma {n}
gnathostomataKiefermäuler {pl}
gnathostomata Kiefermünder {pl}
gnathostomata Gnathostomata {pl}
gnathostomes [Gnathostomata] Gnathostomen {pl} [Kiefermäuler]
gnathostomulids [phylum Gnathostomulida]Kiefermündchen {pl}
gnathostomulids [phylum Gnathostomulida] Gnathostomuliden {pl}
gnatsMücken {pl}
gnats Stechmücken {pl}
gnats [family Culicidae] Schnaken {pl} [Stechmücken]
gnats / lice / fleas [3. Biblical Plague] Stechmücken {pl} [3. Landplage]
gnat's cock [Swabian unit of very small length] [vulg.] Muggeseggele {n} [südd.]
gnat's piss [vulg.] Gesöff {n} [ugs.]
gnat's piss [vulg.] Plörre {f} [ugs.]
gnatty [infested with gnats]mückenverseucht
gnatwrens [family Polioptilidae] Mückenfänger {pl}
gnaw marks Nagespuren {pl}
gnawed genagt
gnawed off abgenagt
gnawerNagetier {n}
gnawers Nagetiere {pl}
gnawing abnagend
gnawing Nagen {n}
gnawing mahlend
gnawing Benagen {n}
gnawing [also fig.]nagend [auch fig.]
gnawing awayzernagend
gnawing hunger nagender Hunger {m}
gnawing offabnagend
gnawingly nagend
gnawn genagt
GND connectionGND-Verbindung {f}
gneiss Gneis {m}
gneiss deposit Gneisvorkommen {n}
gneiss mining Gneisabbau {m}
gneiss rock Gneisfelsen {m}
gneiss slab Gneisplatte {f}
gneissic Gneis-
gneissic complex Gneiskomplex {m}
gneissic dome Gneiskuppel {f}
gneissic rock Gneisfelsen {m}
gneissic rock Gneisgestein {n}
Gnesio-LutheransGnesiolutheraner {pl}
GnieznoGnesen {n}
gnocchiGnocchi {pl}
gnoll [also: gnole]Gnoll {m}
gnomeGnom {m}
gnome Wicht {m} [Zwerg in der Sage]
gnome Gnome {f} [lehrhafter Sinnspruch]
gnome Sinnspruch {m}
gnomeErdgeist {m}
gnome [dwarf] Zwerg {m}
gnome owl [Glaucidium passerinum]Sperlingskauz {m}
gnomefish [Scombrops boops] Gnomenfisch {m}
gnomesGnome {pl}
gnomes Finanzexperten {pl}
gnome's hatstand [Impatiens glandulifera]Drüsiges Springkraut {n}
gnome's hatstand [Impatiens glandulifera] Indisches Springkraut {n}
gnome's hatstand [Impatiens glandulifera]Emscherorchidee {f}
gnome's hatstand [Impatiens glandulifera]Wupperorchidee {f}
gnomic gnomisch
gnomicgnomenartig [gnomisch]
gnomic gnomartig [gnomisch]
gnomish zwergenhaft
gnomish gnomenhaft
gnomist [writer of gnomes (aphorisms)]Gnomiker {m}
gnomon Gnomon {m}
gnomon Schattenzeiger {m}
gnomonic projectiongnomonische Projektion {f}
gnomonics [treated as sg.] Gnomonik {f}
gnoseologyGnoseologie {f}
gnosis Gnosis {f}
Gnostic Gnostiker {m}
Gnostic Gospels gnostische Evangelien {pl}
Gnostic Gospels Gnostische Evangelien {pl} [veraltet] [gnostische Evangelien]
gnostically gnostisch
« glueglutglutglycglycgnasGnosGotagoalgoalgoat »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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