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goalkeeping coach [football] Torwarttrainer {m}
goalkeeping error [football] Torwartfehler {m}
goalless torlos
goalless [aimless, ambitionless] [e.g. person, life] ziellos [Person, Leben etc.]
goalless drawNull-zu-Null-Spiel {n} [0:0-Spiel]
goalless draw [football] torloses Unentschieden {n}
goalline [football]Torlinie {f}
goal-line decision system Torentscheidungssystem {n}
goal-line technologyTorlinientechnik {f}
goal-line technology Torlinientechnologie {f}
goalmouthTorraum {m}
goalmouth scrambleGewühl {n} im Torraum
goalmouths Torräume {pl}
goal-oriented zielorientiert
goal-oriented zweckgerichtet
goalpost Torpfosten {m}
goalpostsTorpfosten {pl}
goalposts [rugby] Malstangen {pl}
goalsKehlen {pl}
goals Ziele {pl}
goals Tore {pl}
goals conceded Gegentore {pl}
goals tally [of a football player] Torekonto {n}
goalscoring drought Torflaute {f}
goalscoring instinct Torriecher {m} [Sportjargon]
goal-scoring opportunitiesTormöglichkeiten {pl}
goalscoring opportunity Torchance {f}
goal-setting theory Zielsetzungstheorie {f}
goal-setting theory <font color=blue>Kuckucksei</font> Zielsetzungstheorie {f}
goaltender [Am.]Torhüter {m} [bes. Eishockey]
goaltender mask [Am.]Torwartmaske {f}
goalwards in Richtung Tor
Goan Goaner {m}
Goan [female]Goanerin {f}
Goanese goanisch
goanna [genus Varanus]Waran {m}
go-around [also: go around] Durchstarten {n}
goat Ziege {f}
goat [attr.] Ziegen-
goat alp [alpine pasture] Ziegenalp {f} [bes. schweiz.]
goat bell Ziegenglocke {f}
goat breeder Ziegenzüchter {m}
goat cheese Ziegenkäse {m}
goat dung {sg} Ziegenköttel {pl}
goat dung {sg}Ziegenlorbeeren {pl} [veraltend]
goat fever [dated] [brucellosis] Morbus Bang {m} [auch: Febris undulans {f}]
goat follicle mite [Demodex caprae] Haarbalgmilbe {f} der Ziegen
goat grass [Aegilops spp.] Walch {m}
goat grazing Ziegenhaltung {f}
goat hair Ziegenhaar {n}
goat herderZiegenhirt {m}
goat herderZiegenhirte {m}
goat herder Geißhirt {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.]
goat herder [female] Ziegenhirtin {f}
goat kidZiegenkitz {n}
goat leather Chevreauleder {n}
goat meat Ziegenfleisch {n}
goat milk Ziegenmilch {f}
goat milk butterZiegenmilchbutter {f}
goat milk cheese Ziegenkäse {m}
goat nut [Simmondsia chinensis] Jojobastrauch {m}
goat nut [Simmondsia chinensis]Jojoba {f}
goat pathZiegenpfad {m}
goat penZiegenpferch {m}
goat pox {sg} Ziegenpocken {pl}
goat rodeo [fig.]Ziegenrodeo {m} {n} [fig.]
Goat Song Bockgesang [Franz Werfel]
goat suedeZiegenvelours {n}
goat tallow Ziegentalg {m}
goat testiclesZiegenbockhoden {pl}
goat track Ziegenpfad {m}
goat warble fly [Przhevalskiana silenus]Ziegendasselfliege {f}
goat weed / goatweed [Ageratum conyzoides, syn.: A. conycoides, A. obtusifolium, Cacalia mentrasto] [billy goat weed] Mexikanischer Leberbalsam {m}
goat willow [Salix caprea]Salweide {f}
goat willow [Salix caprea]Sal-Weide {f}
goat willow [Salix caprea] Saalweide {f} [veraltet]
goat willow [Salix caprea] Palm-Weide / Palmweide {f}
goat willow [Salix caprea]Hänge-Sal-Weide / Hängesalweide {f}
goat willow [Salix caprea] Kätzchen-Weide / Kätzchenweide {f}
goat willow [Salix caprea]Palmkätzchen {n}
goat wool Ziegenwolle {f}
goat-antelopes [subfamily Caprinae] Ziegenartige {pl}
goatbeardZiegenbart {m}
goatbeards Ziegenbärte {pl}
goatee Spitzbart {m}
goatee Kinnbart {m}
goateeZiegenbart {m} [ugs.] [Spitzbart]
goatee beard Ziegenbart {m} [ugs.] [Spitzbart]
goatee (beard) [pointed beard like that of a goat] Geißbart {m} [Spitzbart]
goateedziegenbärtig [ugs.]
goatees Spitzbärte {pl}
goatfish [family Mullidae]Meerbarbe {f}
goatfish [family Mullidae] Seebarbe {f}
goatfucker [vulg.] [pej.] Ziegenficker {m} [vulg.] [pej.]
goatgrass [Aegilops spp.] Walch {m}
goathead [Tribulus terrestris] Erd-Burzeldorn {m}
goathead [Tribulus terrestris] Erdsternchen {n}
goatherdZiegenhirt {m}
« glycgnasGnosGotagoalgoalgoatGobeGodbgodcGod- »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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