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God's punishment Strafe {f} Gottes
God's purpose Gottes Absicht {f}
God's purpose Gottes Heilsplan {m}
God's purposeGottes Vorsatz {m}
God's rays [crepuscular rays]Strahlenbüschel {pl}
God's reignGottesherrschaft {f} [über die Menschheit, den Kosmos]
God's saving willHeilswille {m} Gottes
God's self-revelationSelbstmitteilung {f} Gottes
God's signal [esp. an encouraging sign]Zeichen {n} Gottes [bes. ein ermutigendes Zeichen]
God's Time is the very best time [also: Actus Tragicus]Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit [auch: Actus Tragicus, J. S. Bach, BWV 106]
God's Waiting Room [nickname] [hum.] [Florida] Gottes Wartezimmer {n} [hum.] [Spitzname] [Florida, USA]
God's warning (sign)Zeichen {n} Gottes [göttliche Mahnung]
god's warrior Gotteskrieger {m}
God's Wife of Amun Gottesgemahlin {f} des Amun
God's will Gottes Wille {m}
God's will for order Ordnungswille {m} Gottes
God's wrath Zorn {m} Gottes
(God's) self-announcementSelbstkundgabe {f} (Gottes) [geh.]
Godself [God's self, God himself] [also: godself]Gott {m} selbst
godsendGeschenk {n} des Himmels
godsendGlücksfall {m}
godsend (unverhoffte) Gottesgabe {f}
Godsend [Nick Hamm] Godsend
godship Gottheit {f}
godship Göttlichkeit {f}
god-smith [rare]Schmiedegott {m}
godson Patenkind {n} [Junge]
godsonPatensohn {m}
godson Göttibueb {m} [schweiz.]
godson Patenjunge {m}
godsonsPatenkinder {pl} [Jungen]
godsonsPatensöhne {pl}
Godspeed! Viel Glück!
Godspeed!Gute Reise!
Godspeed! Viel Erfolg!
Godspeed! [a wish for good fortune, expressed at parting] Pfiati! [südd.] [Abschiedsgruß = Gott behüte dich!]
Godspell [John-Michael Tebelak, Stephen Schwartz]Godspell
Godunov splitting Godunow-Splitting {n}
Godunov's theorem [also: theorem of Godunov]Satz {m} von Godunow [auch: Satz von Godunov]
Godward gottwärts
Godwin Austen's brown hornbill [Anorrhinus austeni, syn.: Ptilolaemus austeni]Austenhornvogel {m}
Godwin Austen's brown hornbill [Anorrhinus austeni, syn.: Ptilolaemus austeni] Weißgesicht-Hornvogel {m}
Godwin-Austin's wren babbler [Spelaeornis chocolatinus] Langschwanz-Zaunkönigstimalie {f}
Godwin's law Godwins Gesetz {n}
Godzilla Raids Again [Motoyoshi Oda]Godzilla kehrt zurück
GoéGulke {n}
goedkenite [(Sr,Ca)2Al(PO4)2(OH)]Goedkenit {m}
Goeldi's antbird [Myrmeciza goeldii] Goeldiameisenvogel {m}
Goeldi's marmoset [Callimico goeldii] Springtamarin {m} [Krallenaffe]
Goeldi's monkey [Callimico goeldii]Springtamarin {m} [Krallenaffe]
Goeldi's monkey [Callimico goeldii]Goeldi-Tamarin {m}
goer [coll.] [sexually unrestrained woman]Flittchen {n} [ugs.]
goerids [family Goeridae, order Trichoptera] Goeriden {pl} [Köcherfliegenfamilie]
goersGehende {pl}
Goethe era Goethezeit {f}
Goethe in the Roman Campagna Goethe in der Campagna [Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein] [auch: Goethe in der römischen Campagna]
Goethe Institute Goethe-Institut {n}
Goethe plant [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata]Brutblatt {n} [Goethe-Pflanze]
Goethe plant [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata] Schwiegermutterpflanze {f}
Goethe plant [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum pinnatum, Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata]Goethe-Pflanze {f}
Goethe year [also: Goethe Year]Goethejahr {n} [auch: Goethe-Jahr]
Goethean Goethe'sch
Goethean goethesch
Goethe's bone [Os incisivum, Os intermaxillare, Os praemaxillare, Os goethei] [premaxillary bone]Goethe-Knochen {m}
Goethezeit [Goethe era, esp. in the phrase: in the Goethezeit] [in literary, cultural or historical studies] Goethezeit {f}
Goethian goethesch
goethite [alpha-FeO(OH)] Goethit {m}
goethite [alpha-FeOOH] Nadeleisenerz {n}
goetta [Am.] [greater Cincinnati area specialty of the gruetzwurst family] [eine Art Grützwurst, Grützefülle wie sie in Cincinnati/USA gegessen wird]
Goettingen hoarseness diagram <GHD>Göttinger Heiserkeitsdiagramm {n} <GHD>
Goettingen minipig [also: Göttinger minipig, Göttingen minipig]Göttinger Minischwein {n}
Goettinger Predigten [Sermons from Goettingen] Göttinger Predigten {pl}
goety Goetie {f}
Goeze root-boring weevil [Hylobius transversovittatus] Wurzelstock-Scheckenrüssler {m}
gofer [Aus.] [sl.]Bursche {m} [veraltet]
gofer [coll.] Laufbursche {m} [ugs.]
gofer [coll.] Kuli {m} [ugs.]
gofer [coll.] Mädchen {n} für alles
gofer [coll.] Neger {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [Handlanger, Aushilfskraft]
go-fer [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.] [coll.] [spv.] [also: gopher]Laufbursche {m}
gofers [coll.] [also: gophers] Kulis {pl} [ugs.] [Handlanger, Hilfkräfte]
goffering [rare] [also: gophering]Kräuseln {n}
Goffin's cockatoo [Cacatua goffiniana]Goffinkakadu {m}
Goffin's corella [Cacatua goffiniana, formerly: Cacatua goffini] Goffinkakadu {m}
gofor [Aus.] [sl.]Bursche {m} [veraltet]
go-getter [coll.] Tatmensch {m}
go-getter [coll.] tatkräftige Person {f}
go-getter [coll.] Draufgänger {m}
go-getter [coll.]Machertyp {m}
go-getting umtriebig [regional]
go-getting [coll.] [person] aufstrebend
go-getting [coll.] draufgängerisch
go-getting [coll.]einsatzfreudig
go-getting [coll.]tatkräftig
goggle eyeshervorstehende Augen {pl}
goggle-box [Br.] [coll.] Flimmerkiste {f} [ugs.]
goggle-box [Br.] [coll.] [TV]Glotzkasten {m} [ugs.]
goggle-box [Br.] [coll.] [TV] Flimmerkasten {m} [ugs.]
« goatGobeGodbgodcGod-God'goggGoingoldgoldgold »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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