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goggle-box [Br.] [coll.] [TV] [dated] Glotzkiste {f} [ugs.] [Fernseher]
goggled [coll.] gestiert
goggle-eye / google eye [Ambloplites rupestris, syn.: Bodianus rupestris] [rock bass] Steinbarsch {m}
goggle-eyed [coll.] glotzäugig [ugs.]
goggles {pl} [coll.] [one pair of glasses] Brille {f}
goggles {pl} [one pair of safety goggles] Schutzbrille {f}
goggles {pl} [one pair of safety, swimming, or skiing goggles, etc.] Brille {f} [Schutz-, Sport-, Schwimmbrille etc.]
goggles {pl} [one pair of swimming goggles] Schwimmbrille {f}
gogglingglotzend [ugs.]
goglet[poröser Wasserkrug od -kühler]
Gogl-Mogl Zucker-Ei {n} [regional auch: Goggelmoggel]
go-go hip
go-go voll im Trend [nachgestellt] [ugs.]
go-go [coll.]in [ugs.] [in Mode]
go-go dancer Go-go-Tänzerin {f}
go-go dancer [female]Go-go-Girl {n}
Gogo FormationGogo-Formation {f}
go-go set Schickeria {f}
Goiânia accident Goiânia-Unfall {m}
Goias blackhead [Apostolepis goiasensis]Goias-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Goias burrowing snake [Apostolepis goiasensis]Goias-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
Goias smooth snake [Erythrolamprus maryellenae] Goias-Glattnatter {f}
Goidelic goidelisch
Goidelic languages goidelische Sprachen {pl}
go-in [Aus.] [coll.] [rare] [quarrel] Auseinandersetzung {f}
go-in at [Aus.] [coll.] [rare] [quarrel]Auseinandersetzung {f}
Goin' South [Jack Nicholson]Der Galgenstrick
going eingeschaltet
going Gehen {n}
going gehend
goingGeschwindigkeit {f}
going laufend
going [functioning]funktionierend
going [functioning] in Betrieb
Going a Traveling [Grimm Brothers] Up Reisen gohn / Auf Reisen gehen [Brüder Grimm]
going along [accompanying] mitgehend
going astraysich [Akk.] verirrend
going awayfortgehend
going backzurückbegebend
going badanfaulend
going barefoot Barfußgehen {n}
going barrel Federhaus {n}
going blind erblindend
going boating Kahnfahren {n}
going by [in accordance with]nach
going concern gut gehendes Geschäft {n}
going concernlaufendes Unternehmen {n}
going concernUnternehmensfortführung {f}
going concern principle Grundsatz {m} der Unternehmensfortführung
going concern principle Fortführungsprinzip {n}
going concern principleGoing-Concern-Prinzip {n} [Grundsatz der Unternehmensfortführung]
going deaf Taubwerden {n}
going directly against sth. etw. [Dat.] zuwiderlaufend [geh.]
going downhinabgehend
going extinct [postpos.]aussterbend
going for a walk Spazierengehen {n}
going forward künftig [von nun an]
going forward [coll.] [from now on] von jetzt an
going gaga [coll.] verblödend [ugs.]
Going, going, gone!Zum ersten, zum zweiten, zum dritten!
going homeNachhausegehen {n}
going into hineingehend
going it alone [coll.]Alleingang {m}
going light syndrome <GLS> [caused by Macrorhabdus ornithogaster] [macrorhabdiosis] Macrorhabdiose {f}
going mad überschnappend [ugs.]
Going My Way [Leo McCarey]Der Weg zum Glück
going on [age]bald [Altersangabe]
going on [continuing]weitergehend
Going once, going twice, going three times, sold! Zum ersten, zum zweiten, zum dritten, verkauft!
going out ausgehend
going out of business Geschäftsaufgabe {f}
going postal [Am.] [coll.]Amoklaufen {n}
going price Marktpreis {m}
going private [delisting](freiwilliger) Börsenrückzug {m}
going private [delisting]Going Private {n}
going public Gang {m} an die Börse
going publicBörsegang {m} [österr.]
going rategeltender Preis {m}
going round [surrounding]umgehend
going shortLeerverkauf {m}
going stale versauernd
going swimming Schwimmengehen {n}
going there hingehend
going through [by vehicle]durchfahrend
going through sth. [experiencing sth., undergoing sth.] das Durchleben {n} etw. [Gen.] / von etw. [Dat.]
going to bed Schlafengehen {n}
going to bedZubettgehen {n}
going to churchKirchgang {m}
going to Jerusalem [game] Reise {f} nach Jerusalem [Spiel]
going to meetentgegengehend
going to pieces entzweigehend
going to rack and ruinverlotternd
going to seedvergammelnd
going to the movies [Am.] Kinobesuch {m}
going to the polls Urnengang {m}
going to the toiletToilettengang {m}
going with [accompanying in a vehicle] mitfahrend
going wrongschiefgehend [ugs.]
« GobeGodbgodcGod-God'goggGoingoldgoldgoldgold »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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