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English-German Dictionary

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gold coin Goldmünze {f}
gold coin smuggling Goldmünzenschmuggel {m}
gold coinageGoldprägung {f} von Münzen
gold coins Goldmünzen {pl}
gold collar Goldrand {m}
gold concentration Goldkonzentration {f}
gold cone Goldhut {m}
gold contentGoldgehalt {m}
gold coverGolddeckung {f}
gold coverageGolddeckung {f}
gold credit / credits {pl}Goldhöffigkeit {f}
gold cross Goldkreuz {n}
gold crownGoldkrone {f}
gold cup Goldbecher {m}
gold currency Goldwährung {f}
Gold currency no longer exists. Goldwährung besteht nicht mehr.
gold cycleGoldzyklus {m}
gold decoration Goldverzierung {f}
gold depositGoldvorkommen {n}
gold deposit Goldlagerstätte {f}
gold depositoryGoldhinterlegung {f}
gold deposits Goldvorkommen {pl}
gold deposits Goldablagerungen {pl}
gold digger Goldgräber {m}
gold digger [female] Goldgräberin {f}
gold digger [fig.][jd., der nur aufs Geld aus ist]
gold digger [fig.] [pej.] [usually of a female][ein Vamp, der nur auf Geld aus ist]
gold digger [Merops ornatus] Regenbogenspint {m}
gold digging Schürfen {n} nach Gold
gold diggingsGoldgräberei {f}
gold discgoldene Schallplatte {f}
gold discoveryGoldfund {m}
gold dollar Golddollar {m}
gold dredgingGoldbaggerung {f} [veraltet]
gold drop [Umbilicus oppositifolius, syn.: Chiastophyllum oppositifolium] Walddickblatt {n}
gold drop [Umbilicus oppositifolius, syn.: Chiastophyllum oppositifolium] Goldtröpfchen {n}
gold dustGoldstaub {m}
gold dust plant [Am.] [Aucuba japonica] Japanische Goldorange {f}
gold dust plant [Am.] [Aucuba japonica]Japanische Aukube {f}
gold earring Goldohrring {m}
gold edgeGoldrand {m}
gold embossingGoldprägung {f}
gold equivalent Goldäquivalent {n}
gold exchange standardGolddevisenstandard {m}
gold exportGoldausfuhr {f}
gold feverGoldfieber {n}
gold fever Goldrausch {m}
gold fibula Goldfibel {f}
gold fieldGoldfeld {n}
gold filling Goldfüllung {f}
gold fillingGoldplombe {f}
gold film(dünne) Goldschicht {f}
gold finch of Texas [Dendroica chrysoparia, syn.: Setophaga chrysoparia] Goldwangen-Waldsänger {m}
gold find Goldfund {m}
gold findsGoldfunde {pl}
gold fishGoldfisch {m}
gold fixing Bestimmung {f} des Goldpreises
gold flake oil [for massage]Goldplättchen-Öl {n}
gold foam Goldschaum {m}
gold foil Rauschgold {n}
gold foilGoldpapier {n}
gold foilGoldfolie {f}
gold foilGlanzgold {n}
gold foilBlattgold {n}
gold foil capsule Goldkapsel {f} [Verschluss über Flaschenkorken]
gold foil compactionGoldhämmerfüllung {f} <GHF>
gold framework Goldgerüst {n}
gold futures Goldtermingeschäfte {pl}
gold glitterGoldflitter {m}
gold gourami [Trichopodus trichopterus, formerly: Trichogaster trichopterus]Gepunkteter Fadenfisch {m}
gold gourami [Trichopodus trichopterus, formerly: Trichogaster trichopterus]Punktierter Fadenfisch {m}
gold guilderGoldgulden {m}
gold heart Goldherz {n}
gold holdings {pl}Goldbestand {m}
gold hunterGoldsucher {m}
gold hunter-cased watch Goldsavonette {f}
gold importGoldeinfuhr {f}
gold inflowGoldzufluss {m}
gold ingot Goldbarren {m}
gold inlayGoldinlay {n}
Gold Is Where You Find It [Michael Curtiz] Goldene Erde Kalifornien
gold isotope Goldisotop {n} [auch: Gold-Isotop]
gold jewellery [esp. Br.]Goldschmuck {m}
gold jewelry [Am.] Goldschmuck {m}
gold lacquer Goldlack {m}
gold layer Goldschicht {f}
gold leaf Goldblatt {n}
gold leaf Blattgold {n}
gold leaf bauhinia [Bauhinia aureifolia, syn.: Bauhinia chrysophylla] Goldblatt-Bauhinie {f}
gold leaf flakes {pl} Streugold {n}
gold leaf powder Streugold {n}
gold leather Goldleder {n}
gold lettering Goldschrift {f}
gold letters Goldbuchstaben {pl}
gold loan Goldanleihe {f}
gold lunulaGoldlunula {f}
gold marble bristlenose (catfish) [Ancistrus claro]Marmor-Ancistrus {m}
gold mark Goldmark {f}
gold medal Goldmedaille {f}
gold medal contender Goldkandidat {m} [ugs.]
« godcGod-God'goggGoingoldgoldgoldgoldgoldgold »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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