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golden tree snake [Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima]Grüne Schmuckbaumnatter {f}
golden tree snake [Chrysopelea ornata] Gewöhnliche Schmuckbaumnatter {f}
golden tree snake [Chrysopelea ornata]Gelbgrüne Schmuckbaumnatter {f}
golden tree snake [Chrysopelea ornata] Goldschlange {f}
golden treefern / tree-fern / tree fern [Dicksonia fibrosa] Filziger Taschenfarn {m}
golden trefoil [Trifolium aureum, syn.: Chrysaspis aurea, Trifolium agrarium, T. strepens] [large hop trefoil]Gold-Klee {m} [auch: Goldklee]
golden trembling aspen [Populus tremuloides, syn.: P. aurea, P. cercidiphylla, P. vancouveriana] [American aspen] Amerikanische Zitterpappel {f}
golden trumpet [Allamanda cathartica, syn.: A. aubletii, A. grandiflora, A. latifolia, A. linnaei, A. linnei]Allamanda {f} [Goldtrompete]
golden trumpet [Allamanda cathartica]Goldtrompete {f}
golden trumpet flower [Allamanda cathartica, syn.: A. aubletii, A. grandiflora, A. latifolia, A. linnaei, A. linnei] Allamanda {f} [Goldtrompete]
golden trumpet flower [Allamanda cathartica, syn.: A. aubletii, A. grandiflora, A. latifolia, A. linnaei, A. linnei]Goldtrompete {f}
golden trumpet vine [Allamanda cathartica, syn.: A. aubletii, A. grandiflora, A. latifolia, A. linnaei, A. linnei] [golden trumpet] Allamanda {f} [Goldtrompete]
golden trumpet vine [Allamanda cathartica, syn.: A. aubletii, A. grandiflora, A. latifolia, A. linnaei, A. linnei] [golden trumpet] Goldtrompete {f}
golden trumpets [treated as sg.] [Xeromphalina campanella, syn.: Omphalia campanella](Geselliger) Glöckchennabeling {m}
golden tundra-moss [Rhytidium rugosum]Echtes Hasenpfötchenmoos {n}
golden tundra-moss [Rhytidium rugosum]Hasenpfotenmoos {n}
golden twin-spot moth [Chrysodeixis chalcites, syn.: Plusia chalcites] Türkische Motte {f}
golden twin-spot moth [Chrysodeixis chalcites, syn.: Plusia chalcites] Espers Wandereule {f}
golden twin-spot moth [Chrysodeixis chalcites, syn.: Plusia chalcites] Zwillingsfleckeule {f}
golden twin-spot (moth) [Chrysodeixis chalcites, syn.: Plusia chalcites] Tomaten-Goldeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
golden vireo [Vireo hypochryseus]Goldbauchvireo {m}
golden vizcacha rat [Pipanacoctomys aureus]Goldene Viscacharatte {f}
golden wallGoldwand {f}
golden warbler [Dendroica petechia] Gold-Waldsänger {m} [auch: Goldwaldsänger]
golden wattle [Acacia longifolia, syn.: A. latifolia, Mimosa longifolia, M. macrostachya, Phyllodoce longifolia, Racosperma longifolium] Langblättrige Akazie {f}
golden wattle [Acacia pycnantha] Goldakazie {f}
golden waxcap [Hygrocybe chlorophana] Trockenstieliger Saftling {m} [Stumpfer Saftling]
golden waxcap [Hygrocybe chlorophana]Gelber Saftling {m} [Stumpfer Saftling]
golden waxcap [Hygrocybe chlorophana]Stumpfer Saftling {m}
golden waxy cap [Hygrocybe flavescens]Trockenstieliger Saftling {m} [Orangegelber Saftling]
golden waxy cap [Hygrocybe flavescens]Orangegelber Saftling {m}
golden weaver [Ploceus subaureus]Goldweber {m}
golden wedding goldene Hochzeit {f}
golden wedding anniversary goldene Hochzeit {f}
golden wedding anniversary goldener Hochzeitstag {m}
golden (wedding) anniversary Goldhochzeit {f}
golden weeping willow [Salix x , syn.: S. alba vitellina x S. babylonica, S. chrysocoma]Goldene Trauerweide {f}
Golden West [nickname] [California]Goldener Westen {m} [Spitzname] [Kalifornien, USA]
golden whistler [Pachycephala pectoralis]Gelbbauch-Dickkopf {m}
golden white-eye [Cleptornis marchei] Goldhonigfresser {m}
golden white-eye [Cleptornis marchei]Goldbrillenvogel {m}
golden willow [Salix alba] Silber-Weide / Silberweide {f}
golden willow [Salix lasiandra, syn.: S. lucida ssp. lasiandra] Pazifische Weide {f}
golden willow [Salix lasiandra, syn.: S. lucida ssp. lasiandra] Zottige Weide {f}
golden winegüldner Wein {m} [poet. od. hum.]
golden wolf [Canis anthus] Afrikanischer Goldwolf {m}
golden wonder killifish [Aplocheilus lineatus] Streifenhechtling {m}
golden wrasse [Halichoeres chrysus] [canary wrasse]Zitronen-Junker {m} [Lippfischart]
golden wreath wattle [Acacia saligna] Weidenblatt-Akazie {f}
golden years goldene Jahre {pl}
golden yellowgoldgelb
golden yellow [RAL 1004] Goldgelb {n} [RAL 1004]
golden zizia [Zizia aurea]Goldene Gelbdolde {f}
golden zizia [Zizia aurea]Goldener Wiesen-Pastinak {m}
(golden) cave catfish [Clarias cavernicola](Blinder) Höhlenwels {m}
(golden) dorado [Salminus brasiliensis]Dorado {m} [Südamerikanischer Lachssalmler]
(golden) dorado / dourado [Salminus brasiliensis, syn.: Salmo auratus, Salminus maxillosus] Forellen-Raubsalmler {m} [Dorado]
(golden) feather grass [Stipa pulcherrima] Gelbscheidiges Federgras {n}
(golden) mangrove fern [Acrostichum aureum] Goldener Mangrovenfarn {m}
(golden) oldie [coll.] [song]Evergreen {m}
(golden) orfe [Leuciscus idus] Aland {m}
(golden) orfe [Leuciscus idus]Orfe {f}
(golden) orfe [Leuciscus idus] Nerfling {m}
(golden) orfe [Leuciscus idus] Goldorfe {f}
(golden) oriole [Oriolus oriolus]Pfingstvogel {m} [regional] [Pirol]
(golden) pothos [Epipremnum aureum, syn.: Epipremnum pinnatum, E. mooreense, Pothos aureus, Scindapsus aureus, Rhaphidophora aurea]Efeutute {f}
(golden) ragwort [Packera aurea, syn.: Senecio aureus]Goldenes Greiskraut {n}
(golden) ragwort [Packera aurea, syn.: Senecio aureus] Goldenes Kreuzkraut {n}
(golden) redfish [Sebastes norvegicus, syn.: Sebastes marinus]Goldbarsch {m}
(golden) redfish [Sebastes norvegicus, syn.: Sebastes marinus](Großer) Rotbarsch {m}
(golden) ring cowrie [Monetaria annulus, syn.: M. dranga, M. harmandiana, Cypraea annulus, C. annularis, C. annulata, C. annulifera, C. calcarata, C. camelorum, C. tectoriata] Ringkauri {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
(golden) short-palated fruit bat [Casinycteris argynnis] Goldener Kurzgaumen-Flughund {m}
(golden) summer daylily [Hemerocallis aurantiaca]Orangegelbe Taglilie {f}
(golden) wheel spider [Carparachne aureoflava]Afrikanische Radspinne {f}
(golden) wheel spider [Carparachne aureoflava]Goldene Radspinne {f}
golden-backed bishop [Euplectes aureus]Goldrückenweber {m}
golden-backed black uakari [Cacajao melanocephalus, syn.: Simia melanocephalus] Schwarzer Uakari {m}
golden-backed black uakari [Cacajao melanocephalus, syn.: Simia melanocephalus]Schwarzgesicht-Uakari {m}
golden-backed frog [Hylarana galamensis, syn.: Amnirana galamensis, Rana galamensis] Galam-Frosch {m}
golden-backed frogs [genus Hylarana]Hylarana {pl} [Frösche der Gattung Hylarana]
golden-backed honeyeater [Melithreptus laetior]Goldrücken-Honigschmecker {m}
golden-backed mesembriomys [Mesembriomys macrurus, syn.: Hapalotis boweri]Goldrücken-Baumratte {f}
golden-backed mountain tanager [Buthraupis aureodorsalis] Goldrücken-Bergtangare {f}
golden-backed piculet [Sasia africana, syn.: Verreauxia africana] Graubauch-Mausspecht {m}
golden-backed squirrel [Callosciurus caniceps] Graubauchhörnchen {n}
golden-backed squirrel monkey [Saimiri ustus]Nacktohr-Totenkopfaffe {m}
golden-backed three-toed woodpecker [Dinopium shorii]Himalaya-Feuerrückenspecht {m}
golden-backed three-toed woodpecker [Dinopium shorii] Braunhalsspecht {m}
golden-backed tree rat [Mesembriomys macrurus] Goldrücken-Baumratte {f}
golden-backed whistler [Pachycephala aurea]Gelbrücken-Dickkopf {m}
golden-backed woodpecker [Campethera maculosa]Goldmantelspecht {m} [auch: Goldmantel-Specht]
golden-banded / gold-banded butterflyfish [Chaetodon aureofasciatus] Goldstreifen-Falterfisch {m}
golden-banded goby [Brachygobius nunus] [also: golden banded goby] (Indische) Goldringelgrundel {f}
golden-bellied capuchin [Cebus xanthosternos, Sapajus xanthosternos]Gelbbrust-Kapuziner {m}
golden-bellied euphonia [Euphonia chrysopasta] Zügelorganist {m}
golden-bellied flycatcher [Myiodynastes hemichrysus] Goldbauchtyrann {m}
golden-bellied flyeater [Gerygone sulphurea]Goldbrustgerygone {f}
golden-bellied flyrobin [Microeca hemixantha] Tanimbarschnäpper {m}
golden-bellied gerygone [Gerygone sulphurea]Goldbrustgerygone {f}
golden-bellied grosbeak [Pheucticus chrysogaster]Gelbbauch-Kernknacker {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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