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gamma <Γ, γ> [Greek letter]Gamma {n} <Γ, γ> [griechischer Buchstabe]
gamma alcoholic Gamma-Alkoholiker {m}
gamma brain wave [also: gamma brainwave] Gehirnwelle {f} im Gamma-Bereich [Gamma-Welle, Gammawelle, Gamma-Gehirnwelle]
gamma burns Verbrennungen {pl} durch Gammastrahlen
gamma burst Gammaausbruch {m}
gamma butyrolactone <GBL> Gamma-Butyrolacton {n} <GBL>
gamma camera <γ-camera> Gammakamera {f}
gamma cellulose Gamma-Zellulose {f} [fachspr.: Gamma-Cellulose]
gamma chain marker Gammakettenmarker {m}
gamma characteristic curve Gamma-Kennlinie {f}
gamma characteristic curve Gammakennlinie {f}
gamma correctionGammakorrektur {f}
gamma correction factorGammakorrekturfaktor {m}
gamma decayGammazerfall {m}
gamma distributionGammaverteilung {f}
gamma diversity Gamma-Diversität {f}
gamma efferents <γ-efferents> Gamma-Efferenzen {pl} <γ-Efferenzen>
gamma emissionGammastrahlung {f}
gamma emission Gamma-Strahlung {f}
gamma emitter <γ emitter>Gammastrahler {m} <γ-Strahler>
gamma energy dose rate Gammaenergiedosisleistung {f}
gamma function Gammafunktion {f}
gamma globulin <GG> Gammaglobulin {n} <GG>
gamma globulins Gammaglobuline {pl}
gamma hydroxybutyrate <GHB> Gamma-Hydroxybutyrat {n} <GHB>
gamma knife surgery <GKS> Gamma-Knife-Chirurgie {f} <GKC>
gamma knife surgery <GKS> Gammaknifechirurgie {f} <GKC>
gamma linolenic acid <GLA>Gamma-Linolensäure {f} <GLA>
gamma metal Gammametall {n}
gamma motoneuron <γ-motor neuron>Gamma-Motoneuron {n} <γ-Motoneuron>
gamma motor neuron <γ-motor neuron>Gamma-Motoneuron {n} <γ-Motoneuron>
gamma nail Gammanagel {m}
gamma nail Gamma-Nagel {m}
gamma nervous system [in eutony, breathing therapy, etc.] [rarely: gamma nerve system] Gamma-Nervensystem {n} [in Eutonie, Atemtherapie etc.]
gamma photon Gammaphoton {n}
gamma quant <γ quant> Gammaquant {n} <γ-Quant>
gamma radiation <γ radiation> Gammastrahlung {f} <γ-Strahlung>
gamma radioactivity Gammaradioaktivität {f}
gamma range Gammabereich {m}
gamma ray <γ ray, γ-ray>Gammastrahl {m} <γ-Strahl>
gamma ray burst <GRB> Gammastrahlenausbruch {m}
gamma ray burst <GRB> Gammastrahlenblitz {m}
gamma rays {pl} Gammastrahlung {f} <γ-Strahlung>
gamma rays <γ rays> Gammastrahlen {pl} <γ-Strahlen>
gamma rhythm Gamma-Rhythmus {m}
gamma scintigraphy <GS>Gammaszintigraphie {f}
gamma scintigraphy <GS>Gammaszintigrafie {f}
gamma secretase <γ-secretase>Gamma-Sekretase {f} <γ-Sekretase>
gamma spectrometry Gammaspektrometrie {f}
gamma spectroscopy Gammaspektroskopie {f}
gamma spectrumGammaspektrum {n}
gamma value Gammawert {m} [auch: Gamma-Wert]
gamma wave Gamma-Welle {f}
gamma-aminobutyric acid <GABA>Gamma-Aminobuttersäure {f}
gamma-aminobutyric acid <GABA>Gammaaminobuttersäure {f}
gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor <GABA receptor>Gamma-Aminobuttersäure-Rezeptor {m} <GABA-Rezeptor>
gamma-amylase <γ-amylase>Gamma-Amylase {f} <γ-amylase>
gamma-carboxylation Gamma-Carboxylierung {f}
gammacismGammazismus {m} [Lautbildungsstörung des Lautes /g/]
gammadion Swastika {f} [auch {m}]
gamma-distributed gammaverteilt
gamma-glutamyltransferase <γ-GT, GGT, gamma-GT> Gamma-Glutamyl-Transferase {f} <γ-GT, GGT, Gamma-GT>
gammagraphy Gammagraphie {f}
gammagraphyGammagrafie {f}
Gamma-Knife ® / gamma knife radiosurgery <GKR>Gamma-Knife-Radiochirurgie {f} <GKR>
gamma-ray astronomy <γ-ray astronomy> Gammastrahlenastronomie {f} <γ-Strahlenastronomie>
gamma-ray astronomy <γ-ray astronomy>Gamma-Astronomie {f} <γ-Astronomie>
gamma-ray astronomy satelliteGammastrahlen-Astronomiesatellit {m}
gamma-ray burst <GRB>Gammablitz {m}
gamma-ray burst <GRB>Gammaausbruch {m} [auch: Gamma-Ausbruch]
gamma-ray flashGammablitz {m}
gamma-ray pulsar Gammapulsar {m}
gamma-ray quanta Gammastrahlungsquanten {pl}
gamma-ray sourceGammastrahlenquelle {f}
gamma-ray source Gammastrahlungsquelle {f}
gamma-ray source container [Behälter für eine Gammastrahlenquelle]
gamma-ray spectroscopyGammaspektroskopie {f}
gammarid family Gammaridenfamilie {f}
gammarid genus Gammaridengattung {f}
gammarid speciesGammaridenart {f}
gammarids [suborder Gammaridea] Gammariden {pl}
gamma-tubulin <γ-tubulin> Gamma-Tubulin {n} <γ-Tubulin>
gamma-valerolactone <GVL> [C5H8O2]Gamma-Valerolacton {n} <GVL>
Gammeltorv (Square) [Copenhagen, Denmark] Gammeltorv {m} [auch {n}]
gammer [esp. Br.] [archaic] Mütterchen {n}
gammock [Br.] [regional]Scherz {m}
gammon [archaic] [backgammon] Backgammon {n}
gammon [Br.] [coll.] [nonsense] Blödsinn {m} [ugs.]
gammon [Br.] [cured / smoked shoulder ham] geselchter Vorderschinken {m} [österr.] [bayer.]
gammon [Br.] [fig.] [pej.] eingefleischter Konservativer {m} [weißer Mann mit sehr konservativen Ansichten]
gammon [Br.] [ham cured like bacon]Räucherschinken {m}
gammon [esp. Br.] [ham smoked like bacon]geräucherter Vorderschinken {m} [Schweinsschulter]
gammon [esp. Br.] [ham] Schinken {m} [Vorderschinken]
gammon [esp. Br.] [hind ham]Schweinehinterschinken {m}
gammon piece [Br.] Unterschale {f} [Schwein]
gammon slipper [Br.] Oberschale {f} [Schwein]
gammon steak [lightly smoked loin of pork] [Br.] Kassler {n}
gammons geräucherte Schinken {pl}
gammopathy Gammopathie {f}
« galvgambgamegamegamegammgammgangganggantgape »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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