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English-German Dictionary

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golden-bellied guenon [Cercopithecus pogonias] Kronenmeerkatze {f}
golden-bellied honeycreeper [Iridophanes pulcherrimus, syn.: I. pulcherrimus, Chlorophanes pulcherrimus, Tangara pulcherrima]Halsbandtangare {f} [auch: Halsband-Tangare]
golden-bellied mangabey [Cercocebus chrysogaster]Goldbauchmangabe {f}
golden-bellied monkey [Cercopithecus pogonias] Kronenmeerkatze {f}
golden-bellied mountain reed snake [Macrocalamus emas] Goldbauch-Gebirgszwergnatter {f}
golden-bellied reed snake [Macrocalamus emas] Goldbauch-Gebirgszwergnatter {f}
golden-bellied snake [Erythrolamprus albiventris]Quito-Glattnatter {f}
golden-bellied snakelet [Erythrolamprus epinephalus, syn.:Liophis epinephelus] Feuerbauch-Glattnatter {f}
golden-bellied starfrontlet [Coeligena bonapartei] Goldbauchmusketier {m}
golden-bellied starfrontlet [Coeligena bonapartei] Grünmusketier {m}
golden-bellied starfrontlet [Coeligena bonapartei]Goldbauch-Andenkolibri {m}
golden-bellied tanager [Iridophanes pulcherrimus, syn.: I. pulcherrimus, Chlorophanes pulcherrimus, Tangara pulcherrima]Halsbandtangare {f} [auch: Halsband-Tangare]
golden-bellied treeshrew [Tupaia chrysogaster] Mentawai-Spitzhörnchen {n}
golden-bellied warbler [Basileuterus chrysogaster]Goldbauch-Waldsänger {m}
golden-bellied white-eye [Zosterops uropygialis] Tualbrillenvogel {m}
golden-billed magpie [Urocissa flavirostris] Gelbschnabelkitta {f}
golden-billed saltator [Saltator aurantiirostris, syn.: S. nigriceps] Goldschnabelsaltator {m}
golden-billed saltator [Saltator aurantiirostris, syn.: S. nigriceps] Lachsschnabelsaltator {m}
golden-bloomed grey longhorn [Br.] [Agapanthia villosoviridescens] [beetle] Scheckhorn-Distelbock {m} [Käferspezies]
golden-bloomed grey longhorn [Br.] [Agapanthia villosoviridescens] [beetle] Nesselbock {m} [Käferspezies]
golden-bloomed grey longhorn [Br.] [Agapanthia villosoviridescens] [beetle]Linienhalsiger Halmbock {m} [Käferspezies]
golden-breasted bunting [Emberiza flaviventris]Gelbbauchammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
golden-breasted fruiteater [Pipreola aureopectus]Goldbauch-Schmuckvogel {m}
golden-breasted fruiteater [Pipreola aureopectus] Goldbrustkotinga {f}
golden-breasted fulvetta [Alcippe chrysotis]Goldalcippe {f}
golden-breasted mynah [Mino anais]Orangeatzel {f}
golden-breasted puffleg [Eriocnemis mosquera]Goldbrust-Schneehöschen {n}
golden-breasted puffleg [Eriocnemis mosquera]Goldbrust-Höschenkolibri {m}
golden-breasted starling [Cosmopsarus regius]Königsglanzstar {m}
golden-breasted tit-babbler / tit babbler [Alcippe chrysotis, syn.: A. chrysaeus, Lioparus chrysotis] Goldalcippe {f} [auch: Gold-Alcippe]
golden-browed bulbul [Iole indica, Hypsipetes indicus] Goldbrauenbülbül {m}
golden-browed chat-tyrant [Ochthoeca pulchella]Goldbrauentyrann {m}
golden-browed chlorophonia [Chlorophonia callophrys]Goldbrauenorganist {m}
golden-browed warbler [Basileuterus belli]Goldstreif-Waldsänger {m}
golden-brown algae [class Chrysophyceae] Goldbraune Algen {pl}
golden-brown mouse lemur [Microcebus ravelobensis]Goldbrauner Mausmaki {m} [Lemur]
golden-brown piculet [Sasia africana, syn.: Verreauxia africana] Graubauch-Mausspecht {m}
golden-capped conure [Aratinga auricapillus, syn.: Aratinga auricapilla] Goldkopfsittich {m}
golden-capped fruit bat [Acerodon jubatus]Goldkronen-Flughund {m}
golden-capped parakeet [Aratinga auricapillus, syn.: Aratinga auricapilla] Goldscheitelsittich {m}
golden-cheeked crested gibbon [Nomascus gabriellae] Südlicher Gelbwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
golden-cheeked warbler [Dendroica chrysoparia] Goldwangenwaldsänger {m}
golden-cheeked warbler [Dendroica chrysoparia] Goldwangen-Waldsänger {m}
golden-cheeked wood warbler [Dendroica chrysoparia, syn.: Setophaga chrysoparia] Goldwangen-Waldsänger {m}
golden-cheeked woodpecker [Melanerpes chrysogenys] Goldwangenspecht {m}
golden-chested tanager [Bangsia/Buthraupis rothschildi] Rothschildtangare {f}
golden-chevroned tanager [Thraupis ornata]Schmucktangare {f}
golden-collared honeycreeper [Iridophanes pulcherrima / pulcherrimus]Halsbandtangare {f}
golden-collared macaw [Primolius auricollis]Halsbandara {m}
golden-collared macaw [Primolius auricollis] Goldnackenara {m}
golden-collared tanager [Iridosornis jelskii]Jelskitangare {f}
golden-collared toucanet [Selenidera reinwardtii] Reinwardtarassari {m}
golden-collared woodpecker [Veniliornis cassini] Goldnackenspecht {m}
golden-collared woodpecker [Veniliornis cassini] Chokospecht {m}
golden-colored [Am.] goldfarben
golden-coloured [Br.] goldfarben
golden-crested myna [Ampeliceps coronatus, syn.: Mino coronatus]Kronenatzel {f}
goldencrown tetra [Aphyocharax alburnus]Laubensalmler {m}
golden-crowned accentor [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla]Pieperwaldsänger {m} [auch: Pieper-Waldsänger]
golden-crowned accentor [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Ofenvogel {m}
golden-crowned flycatcher [Myiodynastes chrysocephalus]Goldkrontyrann {m}
golden-crowned kinglet [Regulus satrapa] Indianergoldhähnchen {n}
golden-crowned kinglet [Regulus satrapa] Satrap {m}
golden-crowned manakin [Pipra vilasboasi] Gelbscheitelpipra {m}
golden-crowned sifaka [Propithecus tattersalli]Goldkronensifaka {m} [Lemur]
golden-crowned sifaka [Propithecus tattersalli] Tattersall-Sifaka {m}
golden-crowned snake [Cacophis squamulosus] Goldkronen-Giftnatter {f}
golden-crowned spadebill [Platyrinchus coronatus] Goldkopf-Breitschnabel {m}
golden-crowned sparrow [Zonotrichia atricapilla] Kronenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
golden-crowned sparrow [Zonotrichia atricapilla]Goldkronenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
golden-crowned tanager [Iridosornis rufivertex]Goldscheiteltangare {f}
golden-crowned thrush [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Pieperwaldsänger {m} [auch: Pieper-Waldsänger]
golden-crowned thrush [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Ofenvogel {m}
golden-crowned wagtail [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Pieperwaldsänger {m} [auch: Pieper-Waldsänger]
golden-crowned wagtail [Seiurus aurocapilla, syn.: S. aurocapillus, Motacilla aurocapilla] Ofenvogel {m}
golden-crowned warbler [Basileuterus culicivorus]Goldhähnchen-Waldsänger {m}
golden-crowned woodpecker [Dendropicos xantholophus, syn.: Chloropicus xantholophus, Mesopicos xantholophus, Thripias xantholophus] Scheitelfleckspecht {m}
goldencup / golden-cup St. Johnswort / St.-John's-wort [Hypericum patulum]Abstehendes Johanniskraut {n}
golden-dimpled ground beetle [Carabus (Limnocarabus) clatratus]Ufer-Laufkäfer {m}
goldendoodle Goldendoodle {m} [Kreuzung zwischen Golden Retriever und Pudel]
golden-eared tanager [Tangara chrysotis] Goldohrtangare {f}
goldened [rare] vergoldet
golden-edge bonnet [Mycena aurantiomarginata]Orangeschneidiger Helmling {m}
golden-edge bonnet [Mycena aurantiomarginata]Gelbschneidiger Helmling {m}
golden-edge bonnet [Mycena aurantiomarginata]Feuriger Helmling {m}
GoldenEye [James Bond] [Martin Campbell] GoldenEye
goldeneye / golden-eye lichen [Teloschistes chrysophthalmus]Goldaugenflechte {f}
goldeneye / golden-eye lichen [Teloschistes chrysophthalmus] Goldflechte {f}
goldeneye / golden-eye lichen [Teloschistes chrysophthalmus]Goldauge {n} [Goldaugenflechte]
goldeneye cichlid [Nannacara anomala] Glänzender Zwergbuntbarsch {m}
golden-eyed bulbul [Ixos palawanensis] Goldaugenbülbül {m}
Golden-eyed Commander of Wishes [The Neverending Story] Goldäugige Gebieterin {f} der Wünsche [Die unendliche Geschichte]
golden-eyed flowerpiercer / flower-piercer [Diglossa glauca, syn.: Diglossopis glauca, Diglossopis glaucus]Ultramarinhakenschnabel {m} [auch: Ultramarin-Hakenschnabel]
goldenface [Pachycare flavogrisea] Goldstirn-Dickkopf {m}
golden-faced pachycare [Pachycare flavogrisea] Goldstirn-Dickkopf {m}
golden-faced saki [Pithecia chrysocephala, syn.: P. capillamentosa, P. pogonias] Goldgesichtsaki {m}
golden-faced saki [Pithecia pithecia] Weißkopfsaki {m}
golden-faced saki [Pithecia pithecia] Blasskopfsaki {m}
golden-faced tyrannulet [Zimmerius chrysops] Goldstirn-Fliegenstecher {m}
golden-flanked flowerpecker [Dicaeum aureolimbatum] Minahassamistelfresser {m} [auch: Minahassa-Mistelfresser]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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