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English-German Dictionary

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gold-rush moodGoldgräberstimmung {f}
Gold's (forest) cobra [Pseudohaje goldii](Golds) Waldkobra {f}
Gold's tree cobra [Pseudohaje goldii] (Golds) Waldkobra {f}
gold-seekingGoldsuche {f}
gold-shod goldbeschlagen [Huftier]
goldsilk seabream [Acanthopagrus berda] Flussbrasse {f}
goldsilk seabream [Acanthopagrus berda] Fluss-Meerbrasse {f}
gold-silver deposit Gold-Silbervorkommen {n}
gold-silver deposit Gold-Silberlagerstätte {f}
goldsinney (wrasse) [Ctenolabrus rupestris]Klippenbarsch {m}
goldsinny (wrasse) [Ctenolabrus rupestris]Klippenbarsch {m}
goldsmithGoldschmied {m}
goldsmith Goldschmiedemeister {m}
goldsmith [Carabus auratus] [ground beetle]Goldlaufkäfer {m}
goldsmith [Carabus auratus] [ground beetle] Goldschmied {m} [Käferart]
goldsmith [Carabus auratus] [ground beetle] Goldiger Laufkäfer {m}
goldsmith [Carabus auratus] [ground beetle]Goldhenne {f} [Goldlaufkäfer]
goldsmith [Carabus auratus] [ground beetle] Feuerstehler {m} [Goldlaufkäfer]
goldsmith [female] Goldschmiedin {f}
goldsmith and silversmith Gold- und Silberschmied {m}
goldsmith and silversmith [female]Gold- und Silberschmiedin {f}
goldsmith beetle [Cetonia aurata] [rose chafer] Goldglänzender Rosenkäfer {m}
goldsmitheryGoldschmiedekunst {f}
goldsmithing and silversmithing Gold- und Silberschmieden {n}
goldsmiths Goldschmiede {pl}
goldsmith's hammerGoldschmiedehammer {m}
goldsmithy [goldsmith's workshop] Goldschmiede {f}
goldspot spinefoot [Siganus lineatus] Wellenlinien-Kaninchenfisch {m}
goldspot spinefoot [Siganus lineatus]Goldfleck-Kaninchenfisch {m}
goldspot spinefoot [Siganus lineatus] Linierter Kaninchenfisch {m}
gold-spotted angelfish [Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus]Goldtupfen-Rauchkaiserfisch {m}
gold-spotted egg cowry / cowrie [Diminovula culmen, syn.: Pseudosimnia culmen]Spindelkauri-Eischnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
gold-spotted halgerda [Halgerda aurantiomaculata] Halgerda aurantiomaculata {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
gold-spotted nudibranch [Halgerda aurantiomaculata]Halgerda aurantiomaculata {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
gold-spotted tetra [Hyphessobrycon griemi]Ziegelsalmler {m}
gold-spotted tetra [Hyphessobrycon griemi] Goldflecksalmler {m}
gold-spotted tetra [Hyphessobrycon griemi] Roter Goldflecksalmler {m}
Goldstine's theoremSatz {m} von Goldstine
goldstino [hypothetical elementary particle] Goldstino {n} [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen]
goldstoneGoldfluss {m}
Goldstone's theorem Goldstone-Theorem {n}
goldstripe characin [Creagrutus beni] Goldbandsalmler {m}
goldstripe groper [Aulacocephalus temminckii]Blauer Seifenbarsch {m}
goldstripe rasbora [Rasbora chrysotaenia]Goldstreifenbärbling {m}
goldstripe wrasse [Halichoeres zeylonicus]Sri-Lanka-Junker {m}
gold-striped goldgestreift
goldstriped characin [Am.] [Creagrutus beni]Goldbandsalmler {m}
gold-striped salamander [Chioglossa lusitanica] Goldstreifen-Salamander {m}
gold-striped tortoise beetle [Cassida nobilis] Goldstreifiger Schildkäfer {m}
gold-striped tortoise beetle [Cassida nobilis] Kleiner Glanzstreifiger Schildkäfer {m}
goldtail angelfish [Pomacanthus chrysurus] Gelbschwanz-Kaiserfisch {m}
goldtail demoiselle [Chrysiptera parasema] Gelbschwanz-Demoiselle {f}
goldtail moth [Euproctis similis, syn.: Sphrageidus similis]Laubholz-Weißspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
goldtail moth [Euproctis similis, syn.: Sphrageidus similis]Heller Goldfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
goldtail moth [Euproctis similis, syn.: Sphrageidus similis] Heller Goldafter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
goldtail moth [Euproctis similis]Schwan {m} [Nachtfalter]
gold-top milk [Br.] Vorzugsmilch {f}
gold-trimmedmit Gold verbrämt
goldurned [coll.] [euphemism for: goddamned] gottverdammt [ugs.]
gold(V) fluoride [AuF5, Au2F10]Gold(V)-fluorid {n}
gold-vein iris [Iris chrysographes]Goldstreifen-Schwertlilie / Goldstreifenschwertlilie {f}
Goldvreneli Goldvreneli {n}
gold-whiskered barbet [Megalaima chrysopogon] Goldwangen-Bartvogel {m}
gold-wolf [Canis aureus]Goldschakal {m}
goldworkGoldschmiedearbeit {f}
goldwork {sg} Goldarbeiten {pl}
goldy [golden] golden [geh.] [goldfarben]
goldylocks (aster) [spv.] [Galatella linosyris, syn.: Aster linosyris, Crinitaria linosyris] Gold-Aster {f}
goldylocks (aster) [spv.] [Galatella linosyris, syn.: Aster linosyris, Crinitaria linosyris] Goldhaar-Aster {f}
goldylocks (aster) [spv.] [Galatella linosyris, syn.: Aster linosyris, Crinitaria linosyris]Goldschopf-Aster {f}
golemGolem {m}
goless [Yidd.] [rare] [Galuth] [exile of the Jews, diaspora]Goless {f} [selten] [Galut] [jidd. Wortform] [jüd. Diaspora, Exil]
golfGolf {n}
golf Golfspiel {n}
golf bag Golftasche {f}
golf ball Golfball {m}
golf ball [coll.] Kugelkopf {m} [Schreibmaschine]
golf ball diver Golfballtaucher {m}
golf ball sponge [Tethya aurantium] Meerorange {f} [Kugelschwamm]
golf ball sponge [Tethya aurantium] Kugelschwamm {m}
golf ball sponge [Tethya aurantium] Apfelsinenschwamm {m} [Kugelschwamm]
golf ball-sizedgolfballgroß
golf beginner Golfeinsteiger {m} [auch: Golf-Einsteiger]
golf cart Golfwagen {m}
golf cartGolfmobil {n}
golf club [organization, house]Golfklub {m}
golf club [organization, house]Golfclub {m}
golf club [sports equipment] Golfschläger {m}
golf club [sports equipment] Golfstock {m}
golf clubs [sports equipment] Golfschläger {pl}
golf courseGolfplatz {m}
golf coverage Golfreportage {f}
golf croquet Golfkrocket {n} [auch: Golf Croquet, Golf-Crocket, Golfcroquet, Krocket]
golf facility Golfanlage {f}
golf glove Golfhandschuh {m}
golf instructor Golflehrer {m}
golf instructor [female] Golflehrerin {f}
golf lawnGolfrasen {m}
golf links {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Golfplatz {m}
golf player Golfspieler {m}
« goldgoldgoldgoldgoldgoldgolfGomaGonâgonegonz »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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