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gonococcus Gonorrhoeerreger {m} [Gonokokkus]
gonococcus [Neisseria gonorrhoeae] Neisseria gonorrhoeae {n}
gonocoelGonocoel {n}
gonocoel Gonocöl {n}
gonocoel theory Gonocoeltheorie {f}
gonocoel theory Gonocöltheorie {f}
gonocoel theoryGonozöltheorie {f} [Rsv.]
gonocoxite Gonocoxit {n}
gonocytesGonozyten {pl}
gonoduct Gonodukt {m}
gonopericardial system Gonoperikardialsystem {n}
gonopericardial system Gonopericardialsystem {n}
gonophoreGonophor {n}
gonophore development Gonophorenentwicklung {f}
gonopodia Gonopoden {pl}
gonopodiumGonopodium {n}
gonopods Gonopoden {pl}
gonopore Gonopore {f}
gonorhynchiforms [order Gonorhynchiformes]Sandfischartige {pl}
gonorrhea [Am.] Tripper {m}
gonorrhea [Am.]Gonorrhö {f}
gonorrhea [Am.]Gonorrhöe {f}
gonorrhea [Am.]Gonorrhoe {f}
gonorrhea of the throat Rachentripper {m} [ugs.]
gonorrhoea [Br.] Tripper {m}
gonorrhoea [Br.] Gonorrhö {f}
gonorrhoea [Br.] Gonorrhöe {f}
gonorrhoea [Br.] Gonorrhoe {f}
gonorrhoea infection Gonorrhö-Infektion {f} [auch: Gonorrhöinfektion]
gonorrhoea of the throat [Br.] Rachentripper {m} [ugs.]
gonosomesGonosomen {pl}
gonospore [meiospore]Gonospore {f} [Meiospore]
gonostylar Gonostylen-
gonostylus Gonostylus {m}
gonothecaGonotheca {f}
gonotheca Gonotheka {f}
gonotokontGonotokont {m}
gonozooidGonozooid {n}
gonozooidal Gonozooid-
gony spot [(red) spot on the bills of gulls]Gonysfleck {m} [(roter) Fleck am Schnabel von Möwen]
gonyerite [(Mn,Mg)5Fe(Si3Fe)O10(OH)8]Gonyerit {m} [ein Chlorit]
gonzo [coll.] [esp. Am.]reißerisch
gonzo [coll.] [esp. Am.] verrückt
gonzo [coll.] [esp. Am.]übertreibend
gonzo [coll.] [esp. Am.] exzentrisch
gonzo [coll.] [esp. Am.]stark übertrieben
gonzo journalism [Am.]Gonzo-Journalismus {m}
Gonzo the Great [The Muppet Show]Gonzo der Große
goo klebriges Zeug {n}
goo Schmiere {f} [schmieriges Zeug]
goo Glibber {m}
goo [Am.] [coll.]Soße {f} [ugs.] [klebriges Zeug]
goo [coll.] übertriebene Sentimentalität {f}
goo [coll.] verlogene Schmeichelei {f}
goo [coll.] [sentimentality] Schmalz {m} [ugs.]
goo [coll.] [sticky substance] Klebstoff {m}
Goo Lagoon [SpongeBob SquarePants] Goo Lagune {f} [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
goober [Am., esp. Southern and Midland US] [peanut] Erdnuss {f}
goober [sl.] (liebenswerter) Trottel {m}
Goober State [nickname] [Georgia]Erdnussstaat {m} [auch: Erdnuss-Staat] [Spitzname für Georgia, USA]
good gut [Zensur 2]
good lieb
good von guter Qualität [nachgestellt]
goodWohl {n}
good gut
goodGut {n}
good jut [berlin.] [gut]
good [enjoyable] schön
good [favorable] günstig
good [reliable] zuverlässig
good [sufficient] ausreichend
good [considerable] [e.g., "a good distance"]ziemlich [attr.] [ugs.] [beträchtlich] [z. B. "eine ziemliche Strecke"]
good [deeds] fromm [Werke]
good [delicious] lecker
good [of a child] brav [Kind]
good [of children]artig
good [proper] gescheit [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [gut, ordentlich]
good [use] Nutzen {m}
good / great / strong header of the ball kopfballstarker Spieler {m}
(good / poor) fuel efficiency (niedriger / hoher) Kraftstoffverbrauch {m}
good actiongute Tat {f}
good addressangesehene Firma {f}
good address angesehene Wohnlage {f}
good addressgute Wohnlage {f}
good administrative behaviour [Br.]gute Verwaltungspraxis {f}
Good afternoon! Guten Tag! [nachmittags]
good and bad [good and evil]Gut und Böse
good and evil Gut und Böse
good and proper gehörig [ugs.] [groß, beträchtlich]
good and proper [coll.] deftig [ugs.]
good and proper [coll.] [spoken] anständig [ugs.]
good and proper [coll.] [idiom] [thoroughly]nach Strich und Faden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
(good and) proper [esp. Br.] [coll.] [thoroughly, completely] ganz und gar
Good appearance essential! Gepflegte Erscheinung Voraussetzung!
Good appetite is the best sauce. Hunger ist der beste Koch.
good as goldmustergültig
good as gold [idiom] [esp. of children]sehr brav
good assortmentgutes Sortiment {n}
« goldgoldgoligonagonegonogoodGoodGoodgoodgood »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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