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good value for money preiswert
good vintage gute Weinernte {f}
good vintage guter Jahrgang {m}
good votes [Br.] gültige Stimmen {pl}
good weather klares Wetter {n}
good weekly wage reichlicher Wochenlohn {m}
good will Wohlwollen {n}
good will Entgegenkommen {n}
good will Wohlgefallen {n}
Good Will Hunting [Gus Van Sant] Good Will Hunting
good wishes Segenswünsche {pl}
good wishes (for)Glückwunsch {m}
good wishes (for)Glückwünsche {pl} (für)
Good Witch of the North [The Wonderful Wizard of Oz] Gute Hexe des Nordens [Der Zauberer von Oz]
good worker tüchtiger Arbeiter {m}
good works gute Werke {pl} [karitative]
[good deed] Wohlthat {f} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Wohltat]
(good) cheerFreude {f}
(good) child-bearing hips {pl}gebärfreudiges Becken {n} [ugs.]
(good) mixer [sociable person] Gesellschaftsmensch {m}
(good) nose [also fig.]Spürnase {f} [auch fig.]
(good) old boy's club Altherrenriege {f}
(good) working orderFunktionsfähigkeit {f}
Goodale GlacierGoodale-Gletscher {m}
goodby [Am.] [rare]Abschied {m}
Good-by! [Am.]Leb wohl!
Goodby! [Am.] Auf Wiedersehen!
Good-by! [Am.] [less common for: Goodbye!, Good-bye!] Auf Wiedersehen!
goodbyeAbschied {m}
goodbye Abschieds-
goodbyeAbschiedsgruß {m}
goodbyeLebewohl {n}
Goodbye Again [Aimez Vous Brahms?] [novel: Francoise Sagan, film: Anatole Litvak] Lieben Sie Brahms?
Goodbye California [Alistair MacLean] Goodbye Kalifornien
Goodbye, Children [Louis Malle] Auf Wiedersehen, Kinder
good-bye dinner Abschiedsessen {n}
Goodbye for now! Auf Wiederhören!
Goodbye forever! Auf Nimmerwiedersehen! [ugs.]
goodbye kiss Abschiedskuss {m}
Goodbye, Mr. Chips [Sam Wood] Auf Wiedersehen Mr. Chips / [DVD-Titel] Goodbye, Mr. Chips
good-bye ritual Verabschiedungsritual {n}
goodbye summer [Saponaria officinalis] [soapwort] (Echtes) Seifenkraut {n}
goodbye summer [Saponaria officinalis] [soapwort]Gemeines Seifenkraut {n}
goodbye summer [Saponaria officinalis] [soapwort]Gewöhnliches Seifenkraut {n}
goodbye summer [Saponaria officinalis] [soapwort] Speichelwurz {f}
goodbye summer [Saponaria officinalis] [soapwort] Waschkraut {n}
goodbye summer [Saponaria officinalis] [soapwort]Waschwurz {f}
good-bye tripAbschiedstour {f}
Goodbye! Ade!
Goodbye! Adieu! [regional, sonst veraltend]
Goodbye! Auf Wiedersehen!
Goodbye!Servus! [bayer.] [österr.]
Goodbye! Auf Wiederschauen! [südd.] [österr.]
Goodbye!Pfiat euch Gott! [österr.] [südd.]
Goodbye! Pfüat enk! [österr.] [südd.]
Goodbye! Auf Wiederschaun! [österr.] [bayer.]
Goodbye! Pfiat euch! [österr.] [südd.]
Goodbye! Pfüat di! [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.]
Good-bye! [telephone, radio show]Auf Wiederhören!
Goodbye! [telephone] Auf Wiederhören!
goodbyes Verabschiedungen {pl}
goodbys [Am.]Abschiede {pl}
good-conduct certificateFührungszeugnis {n}
Goodell's sign [also: Goodell sign] Goodell-Zeichen {n}
goodenia family {sg} [family Goodeniaceae] Goodeniengewächse {pl}
goodenia family {sg} [family Goodeniaceae]Goodeniaceen {pl}
Goodenough Island blackbird [Turdus poliocephalus]Südseedrossel {f}
goodfella [Am.] [sl.] [gangster, esp. in Mafia]Mafioso {m}
Goodfellas [Martin Scorsese]Good Fellas – Drei Jahrzehnte in der Mafia
Goodfellow's jungle flycatcher / jungle-flycatcher [Rhinomyias goodfellowi, syn.: Vauriella goodfellowi]Graurücken-Dschungelschnäpper {m}
Goodfellow's kingfisher [Ceyx lepidus goodfellowi]Goodfellowfischer {m}
Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo [Dendrolagus goodfellowi] Goodfellow-Baumkänguru {n}
Goodfellow's white-eye [Lophozosterops goodfellowi]Mindanaobrillenvogel {m}
good-for-nothing nichtsnutzig
good-for-nothing Taugenichts {m}
good-for-nothing Tunichtgut {m}
good-for-nothing Früchtchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [Taugenichts]
good-for-nothing Haderlump {m} [österr.] [südd.]
good-for-nothing Hadersack {m} [österr.] [südd.]
good-for-nothing Baraber {m} [pej.] [nordbayer.] [Nichtsnutz]
good-for-nothingLumpensack {m} [pej.] [Habenichts, Taugenichts]
good-for-nothingGfrast {n} [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.] [Nichtsnutz]
good-for-nothing [coll.]Haderwachl {m} [österr.] [Nichtsnutz, Trottel]
good-for-nothing [person] Nichtsnutz {m} [veraltend]
good-for-nothings Tunichtgute {pl}
good-hearted herzensgut
good-heartedness Gutmütigkeit {f} [Gutherzigkeit]
good-heartedness Gutherzigkeit {f}
good-heartedness Herzensgüte {f} [geh.]
good-humored [Am.]gut gelaunt
good-humored [Am.] gutgelaunt [Rsv.]
good-humored [Am.]fröhlich
good-humoredly [Am.] gut gelaunt
good-humoredly [Am.] gutgelaunt [Rsv.]
good-humoured [Br.]gut gelaunt
good-humoured [Br.] gutgelaunt [Rsv.]
good-humoured [Br.]fröhlich
good-humoured [Br.] wohlgelaunt
good-humouredly [Br.]gut gelaunt
« gonigoodGoodGoodGoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoofgoos »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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