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good-humouredly [Br.]gutgelaunt [Rsv.]
goodie [Am.] [coll.] Leckerli {n} [ugs.]
goodie [Br.] [coll.] [morally good person, esp. in a story etc.]Guter {m} [moralisch gute Person, bes. in einer Geschichte etc.]
goodie [Br.] [coll.] [someone who never does anything wrong] guter Mensch {m} [Gutmensch]
goodie bag [Am.] [coll.] Leckertüte {f} [ugs.]
goodie bag [Am.] [coll.] Naschtüte {f} [ugs.]
goodie two shoes Saubermann {m}
goodies Annehmlichkeiten {pl}
goodies [coll.]Süßigkeiten {pl}
goodies [coll.] tolle Sachen {pl}
gooding [Scot.] Düngen {n}
goodish leidlich
goodishziemlich gut
goodlier tüchtiger
goodliest [archaic]tüchtigste
goodliest [rare] beträchtlichste
goodlinessSchönheit {f}
goodlinessStattlichkeit {f}
goodliness [archaic] Anmut {f}
goodliness [archaic] Anmut {f}hoppsa
goodliness [archaic]Güte {f}
good-looker Schöner {m} [schöner Mann / Junge]
good-looker [female] Schöne {f} [schöne Frau]
good-lookinggut aussehend
good-looking gutaussehend
good-lookinggut ausschauend [südd.] [österr.]
good-luck Glücks-
good-luck-leaf [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata] Goethe-Pflanze {f}
good-luck-leaf [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata]Schwiegermutterpflanze {f}
good-luck-leaf [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata] Brutblatt {n} [Goethe-Pflanze]
goodly beträchtlich
goodly ansehnlich
goodly [archaic] [of metal] glänzend
goodly [archaic]fein [exzellent, gut]
goodly [considerable] erklecklich [geh.]
goodman [archaic] Hausherr {m}
Goodman [courtesy title before the surname of a commoner] [archaic] [Ehem. höfliche Anrede für einen Bürgerlichen, dt. etwa: Meister, Gevatter, Nachbar, Freund]
Goodman HillsGoodman Hills {pl}
Goodman's mouse lemur [Microcebus lehilahytsara]Goodman-Mausmaki {m}
good-natured freundlich
good-natured [person] gemütlich [Person]
good-naturedly freundlich
good-naturedness Gutmütigkeit {f}
good-naturedness Verträglichkeit {f} [Friedfertigkeit, Umgänglichkeit]
good-neighborly [Am.] gutnachbarlich
good-neighborly friendship [Am.] gutnachbarschaftliche Freundschaft {f}
good-neighbourly [Br.] gutnachbarlich
good-neighbourly friendship [Br.] gutnachbarschaftliche Freundschaft {f}
goodnessGutheit {f}
goodness Gutsein {n}
goodness {sg} [beneficial elements of food such as vitamins and minerals] wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe {pl}
goodness [kindheartedness]Herzensgüte {f} [geh.]
goodness [kindness, amiableness] Gütigkeit {f}
goodness [quality of being good or kind]Güte {f}
goodness [virtue, moral excellence] Tugend {f}
Goodness gracious me! [idiom] Ach du lieber Himmel! [Redewendung]
goodness knows whatWunder {n} was
Goodness knows! Wer weiß (denn)?
goodness of fitAnpassungsgüte {f}
goodness of fitAnpassung {f}
goodness-of-fit testAnpassungstest {m}
goodnight [attr.]Gutenacht-
goodnight kiss Gutenachtkuss {m}
goodnight kiss Gutenachtkuß {m} [alt]
Goodnight Moon [Margaret Wise Brown] Gute Nacht, lieber Mond
good-night prayer [also: goodnight prayer] Gutenachtgebet {n} [auch: Gute-Nacht-Gebet]
Goodnight!Gute Nacht!
Goodnight-Loving TrailGoodnight-Loving-Trail {m}
Good-oh! [Br.] [dated] Prima!
good-payinggut bezahlt
good-paying gutbezahlt
goodput [application level throughput] Datendurchsatz {m} [eines Netzes]
goodsGüter {pl}
goodsWaren {pl}
goods bewegliche Sachen {pl}
goods {pl}Ware {f}
goods {pl} Gut {n}
goods {pl} being returned Rückware {f}
goods {pl} billed to customer in Rechnung gestellte Ware {f}
goods {pl} dangerous in themselvesan sich gefährliches Gut {n}
goods {pl} for exportExportware {f}
goods {pl} for saleVerkaufsware {f}
goods {pl} for supplyAngebotsware {f}
goods {pl} in bad orderWare {f} in schlechtem Zustand
goods {pl} in bondWare {f} unter Zollverschluss
goods {pl} in bondZollverschlussware {f}
goods {pl} in bulkBulkware {f}
goods {pl} in demand begehrte Ware {f}
goods {pl} in favour [Br.] begehrte Ware {f}
goods {pl} in general supplygängige Ware {f}
goods {pl} in process in Arbeit befindliche Ware {f}
goods {pl} in questionfragliche Ware {f}
goods {pl} in short supplyMangelware {f}
« goodGoodGoodGoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoofgoosgoos »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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