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goods station building [Br.] [freight station]Güterbahnhofsgebäude {n}
goods stored gelagerte Ware {f}
goods tariffGütertarif {m}
goods to be transhipped umzuschlagende Güter {pl}
Goods to declare. Waren zu verzollen.
goods traffic Güterverkehr {m}
goods trafficWarenverkehr {m}
goods traffic across the border grenzüberschreitender Warenverkehr {m}
goods train [esp. Br.] Güterzug {m}
goods tram Güterstraßenbahn {f}
goods transportWarentransport {m}
goods turnover Warenumschlag {m} [Absatz von Waren]
goods vehicle [Br.]Transportfahrzeug {n}
goods vehicle [Br.] Transporter {m}
goods waggon [Br.]Güterwagen {m}
goods wagonGüterwagen {m}
goods wagon fleet Güterwagenflotte {f}
goods wagonsGüterwaggons {pl}
goods yard [Br.] Güterbahnhof {m} <Gbf> [schweiz: <Gb>]
[goods / merchandise sold by the meter] [Am.] Meterware {f}
[goods / merchandise sold by the metre] [Br.] Meterware {f}
[goods transported to markets by workers with wooden racks or baskets on their backs] Kraxenwaren {pl} [österr.] [sonst regional]
Goodsall's ruleGoodsall-Regel {f}
goods-in-transitTransitgüter {pl}
good-sized ziemlich groß
good-sized geräumig
good-sizedstattlich [geräumig]
good-sounding gut klingend
good-sounding title gut klingender Titel {m}
Goodspeed GlacierGoodspeed-Gletscher {m}
goods-producing sector güterproduzierender Sektor {m}
Goodstein's theorem [also: theorem of Goodstein] Satz {m} von Goodstein
good-tempered gut gelaunt
good-tempered gutmütig [ausgeglichen]
good-tempered freundlich [umgänglich]
good-tempered [even-tempered] ausgeglichen
good-till-cancelled <GTC> order bis auf Widerruf gültiger Auftrag {m}
good-time girlLebedame {f} [abwertend]
good-time girl [coll.] Partymaus {f} [ugs.]
goodwife [archaic] Hausherrin {f}
Goodwife [archaic] [similar to Mrs]Frau {f} <Fr.> [Anrede mit Namen]
goodwillFirmenwert {m}
goodwillgeschäftliches Ansehen {n}
goodwill Geschäftswert {m}
goodwill imaginärer Firmenwert {m}
goodwill imaginärer Geschäftswert {m}
goodwill immaterieller Firmenwert {m}
goodwill Gewogenheit {f}
goodwill Goodwill {m}
goodwillideeller Firmenwert {m}
goodwillguter Wille {m}
goodwillGeschäfts- oder Firmenwert {m} <GoF, GoFW>
goodwill [benevolence, favor]Gunst {f}
goodwill [established reputation](guter) Ruf {m}
goodwill [favour] Gefälligkeit {f}
goodwill [good will, benignity] Wohlwollen {n}
goodwill [of a company]Kulanz {f}
goodwill advertisingPrestigewerbung {f}
goodwill advertising Vertrauenswerbung {f}
goodwill ambassador Sonderbotschafter {m}
goodwill ambassadorBotschafter {m} des guten Willens
goodwill ambassador [female] Sonderbotschafterin {f}
goodwill of a companyideeller Wert {m} einer Firma
goodwill of the public Publikumsgunst {f}
goodwill (towards) Geneigtheit {f} (gegenüber)
goodwill (value) ideeller Geschäftswert {m}
goodwill visitFreundschaftsbesuch {m}
goody Leckerbissen {m}
goody [Br.] [coll.] [morally good person, esp. in a story etc.]Guter {m} [moralisch gute Person, bes. in einer Geschichte etc.]
goody [coll.]tolle Sache {f} [ugs.]
goody [coll.]toll [ugs.]
goody [sweet / candy] Bonbon {m} {n} [österr. nur {n}]
goody bag [coll.] Tüte {f} mit Leckereien
goody bag [with free samples] Tüte {f} mit Probepackungen
goody bag [with gifts] Tüte {f} mit Geschenken
goody two-shoesGutmensch {m} [iron.]
Goody! [coll.] [used esp. by children] Prima! [ugs.]
goodyear welt [also: Goodyear welt] [method of shoe construction]Goodyear-Rahmennaht {f}
goody-goody Musterkind {n}
goody-goody [coll.] superbrav [ugs.]
goody-goody [coll.] [pej.](affektiert) tugendhaft
goody-goody [coll.] [pej.] Gutmensch {m} [meist pej. oder ironisch]
goody-goody [coll.] [pretending] scheinheilig
gooey pampig [ugs.] [breiig]
gooey [coll.] [sticky]klebrig
gooey [fig.] [overly sentimental] schnulzig
gooey [sl.] zähflüssig
goof Filmfehler {m}
goofRegiefehler {m}
goof [coll.] (übler) Streich {m}
goof [coll.] [gaffe] Schnitzer {m} [ugs.] [Fehler]
goof [coll.] [gaffe]Patzer {m} [ugs.]
goof [esp. Am.] [coll.]Depp {m} [ugs.]
goof [esp. Am.] [coll.] [foolish person] Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
goofball Narkotikum {n}
goofball [Am.] [sl.] Doofkopp {m} [ugs.]
goofball [Am.] [sl.] Depp {m} [ugs.]
goofball [Am.] [sl.] Blödmann {m} [ugs.]
goofball [Am.] [sl.] [tranquilizer] Beruhigungsmittel {n} [Schlafmittel]
goofed up [coll.] vermasselt [ugs.]
« GoodGoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoofgoosgoosGor[Gorg »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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