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English-German Dictionary

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Gorgon's head [Euphorbia gorgonis] Gorgonenhaupt-Wolfsmilch {f}
Gorgonzola [also: gorgonzola] Gorgonzola {m}
Gorgophone Gorgophone {f}
Gorgosaurus Gorgosaurus {m}
gorier blutiger
gorilla [fig.]Bulle {m} [fig.] [bulliger Mann]
gorilla [genus Gorilla] Gorilla {m}
gorilla ancestor Gorilla-Vorfahr {m} [auch Gorillavorfahr]
gorilla babyGorillababy {n}
gorilla brain Gorillagehirn {n}
gorilla cageGorillakäfig {m}
gorilla costume Gorillakostüm {n}
gorilla genome Gorilla-Genom {n} [auch: Gorillagenom]
gorilla population Gorillapopulation {f} [auch: Gorilla-Population]
gorilla populationsGorillapopulationen {pl}
gorilla populations Gorillabestände {pl} [auch: Gorilla-Bestände]
gorilla rescue center [Am.] Gorilla-Auffangstation {f} [Rettungsstation]
gorilla rescue centre [Br.] Gorilla-Auffangstation {f} [Rettungsstation]
gorilla skeleton Gorillaskelett {n} [auch: Gorilla-Skelett]
gorilla skullGorillaschädel {m}
gorilla speciesGorillaart {f} [auch: Gorilla-Art]
gorilla species {pl} Gorillaarten {pl} [auch: Gorilla-Arten]
gorillas [genus Gorilla] Gorillas {pl}
Gorillas in the Mist: The Story of Dian Fossey [Michael Apted] Gorillas im Nebel
gorily [bloodthirstily] blutrünstig
gorily [sanguinarily] blutig
GoriziaGörz {n}
Gorky Park [Martin Cruz Smith] Gorki Park
Gorky Park [Michael Apted]Gorky Park
Görlitz Görlitz {n}
gormandizer [glutton]Schlemmer {m}
gormandizingSchlemmerei {f}
gormanite [Fe3Al4(PO4)4(OH)6·2H2O]Gormanit {m}
gormless [Br.] [coll.] doof [ugs.]
gormless [Br.] [coll.]dumm
gormless [Br.] [coll.] blöd [ugs.]
gormless [Br.] [coll.] dusselig [ugs.]
gormless [Br.] [coll.] dämlich [ugs.]
gormless [Br.] [coll.] [foolish] dusslig [ugs.] [auch: dusselig]
gormlessly [Br.] [coll.]dusselig [ugs.]
gormlessness [esp. Br.] Unbedarftheit {f}
gormlessness [esp. Br.] Unbedarftsein {n}
Gorna Oryahovitsa Gorna Orjachowiza {n}
Gorongosa girdled lizard [Smaug mossambicus, syn.: Cordylus mossambicus, Cordylus warreni mossambicus] Gorongosa-Gürtelschweif {m}
Gorongosa girdled lizard [Smaug mossambicus, syn.: Cordylus mossambicus, Cordylus warreni mossambicus]Mosambik-Gürtelschweif {m}
Gorongosa National ParkNationalpark {m} Gorongosa
Gorongoza gerbil [Gerbilliscus (Taterona) inclusus, syn.: Tatera inclusa] Gorongoza-Nacktsohlenrennmaus {f}
Gorongoza kneria [Parakneria mossambica] Gorongosa-Knerie {f}
Gorontalo macaque [Macaca nigrescens]Gorontalo-Makak {m}
gorp [coll.] Studentenfutter {n}
gorseGinsterbusch {m}
gorse Ginster {m} [Stechginster, mit Dornen]
gorse bushStechginsterstrauch {m}
gorse bush Stechginsterbusch {m}
gorse bushes {pl} Ginstergebüsch {n}
gorse hedge Ginsterhecke {f}
gorse orbweaver [Agalenatea redii] [also: gorse orb-weaver] Körbchenspinne {f}
gorse orbweaver [Agalenatea redii] [also: gorse orb-weaver] Strauchradspinne {f}
gorse shieldbug / shield bug [Piezodorus lituratus]Ginster-Baumwanze {f}
gorse shieldbug / shield bug [Piezodorus lituratus]Ginsterwanze {f}
Gorsedd [Br.]Gorsedd {m} [Bardenvereinigung]
gorsoon [archaic] [rare] Bursche {m} [junger Diener, Page]
gorsy [abounding in gorse]voller Stechginster [nachgestellt]
gorsy [resembling gorse] stechginsterartig
gortdrumite [(Cu,Fe)6Hg2S5] Gortdrumit {m}
gory [murder, detail, sight] blutig
gory [scene, story, violence]blutrünstig
Gorzian [related to Gorze Abbey] gorzisch
Gorzów WielkopolskiLandsberg {n} an der Warthe
Gosalyn Mallard [Darkwing Duck] Kiki Erpel
goseGose {f} {n}
Gosh darn it! [Am.] [coll.] Verdammt noch mal! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.]Donnerwetter! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.]Mensch! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.]Du meine Güte! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.] Oida! [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.]Krass! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.] Meine Güte!
Gosh! [coll.] Mann! [ugs.]
Gosh! [coll.]Alter Schwede! [ugs.]
GoshenGosen {n} [auch Goschen]
goshenite [colourless beryl] Goshenit {m} [farbloser Beryll]
goslarite [ZnSO4·7H2O] Goslarit {m}
goslingGänschen {n}
gosling Gössel {n} [nordd.]
goslingjunge Gans {f}
goslingGänslein {n}
gosling Gänseküken {n}
gosling [naive or inexperienced young person] [obs.] Grünschnabel {m} [oft pej.]
Gosling's apalis [Apalis goslingi]Gosling-Feinsänger {m} [auch: Goslingfeinsänger]
go-slow Bummelstreik {m}
go-slow strike Bummelstreik {m}
go-slow strikeVerlangsamung {f} des Arbeitstempos
go-slow (strike)Go-Slow {m} {n}
gosmore [Hypochaeris radicata, also Hypochoeris radicata]Gemeines Ferkelkraut {n}
gosmore [Hypochaeris radicata, also Hypochoeris radicata] Gewöhnliches Ferkelkraut {n}
gospel Evangelium {n}
gospelGospel {m} {n}
« goodgoofgoosgoosGorbGorggospgossgotugottGoul »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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