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English-German Dictionary

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gospel [message of salvation]Heilsbotschaft {f}
Gospel according to ... Evangelium {n} nach ...
Gospel according to JohnEvangelium {n} nach Johannes
Gospel according to John Johannesevangelium {n}
Gospel according to JohnJohannisevangelium {n}
Gospel according to JudasEvangelium {n} nach Judas
Gospel according to Luke Evangelium {n} nach Lukas
Gospel according to Luke Lukasevangelium {n}
Gospel according to MarkEvangelium {n} nach Markus
Gospel according to MarkMarkusevangelium {n} <Mk.>
Gospel according to MatthewEvangelium {n} nach Matthäus
Gospel according to Matthew Matthäusevangelium {n}
gospel account Evangelienbericht {m}
Gospel book [also: Gospel Book, gospel book] Evangeliar {n}
Gospel book [capitalization varies]Evangelienbuch {n}
gospel choir Gospelchor {m}
gospel criticism Evangelienkritik {f}
gospel harmonyEvangelienharmonie {f}
Gospel music Gospelmusik {f}
gospel oath Eid {m} auf die Bibel
Gospel of James Protevangelium {n} des Jakobus
Gospel of JudasJudasevangelium {n}
Gospel of MaryEvangelium {n} der Maria
Gospel of MatthiasMatthiasevangelium {n}
Gospel of Nicodemus Evangelium {n} Nikodemi
Gospel of NicodemusNikodemusevangelium {n}
Gospel of PeterPetrusevangelium {n}
Gospel of Peter Evangelium {n} nach Petrus
Gospel of Philip Philippusevangelium {n}
Gospel of the Hebrews Hebräerevangelium {n}
Gospel of Thomas <NHC II, 2> [Nag Hammadi text]Thomasevangelium {n} [Text aus Nag Hammadi]
Gospel of Truth [Nag Hammadi text] Evangelium {n} der Wahrheit
(Gospel of) JohnJohannesevangelium {n}
(Gospel of) John Johannes-Evangelium {n}
(Gospel of) Luke <Lk>Lukasevangelium {n} <Lk>
Gospel reading [lection] Evangelienlesung {f} [auch: Evangeliumslesung]
gospel singer Gospelsänger {m}
gospel singer [female] Gospelsängerin {f}
gospel song Gospellied {n}
Gospel textEvangelientext {m}
gospeler [Am.] [preacher] Gospelprediger {m}
gospelsEvangelien {pl} <Evv.>
Gospels {pl} of Otto III Evangeliar {n} Ottos III.
Gosper curveGosper-Kurve {f}
Gosplan [State Planning Committee] Gosplan {n}
goss [Br.] [coll.] [gossip] Klatsch {m} [ugs.] [Plauderei] [oft pej.: Gerede, Tratsch]
gossamer hauchzart
gossamer Gespinst {n} [Spinne]
gossamer {sg} Spinnfäden {pl}
gossamer {sg}Sommerfäden {pl}
gossamer [archaic] [from Middle English - goose summer]Altweibersommer {m}
gossamer grass [Anemanthele lessoniana, syn.: Oryzopsis lessoniana, Stipa arundinacea]Neuseeland-Wind-Gras / Neuseeland-Windgras {n}
gossamer grass [Anemanthele lessoniana, syn.: Oryzopsis lessoniana, Stipa arundinacea] Fasanenschwanz-Gras {n}
gossamer-winged butterflies [family Lycaenidae]Bläulinge {pl}
gossamer-winged butterflies [family Lycaenidae]Lycaeniden {pl}
gossamer-winged butterfly [family Lycaenidae]Bläuling {m} [Tagfalter]
gossamery leicht
gossamery duftig
gossan Eiserner Hut {m}
Gosselin's fracture [also: Gosselin fracture] Gosselin-Fraktur {f}
Gossen's laws gossensche Gesetze {pl}
Gossen's laws Gossensche Gesetze {pl} [alt]
Gossen's laws Gossen'sche Gesetze {pl}
gossipGeschwätz {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [Klatsch, Tratsch]
gossip Klatsch {m}
gossip Klatschbase {f}
gossipPlauderei {f}
gossip Plausch {m}
gossip Schwatz {m}
gossipGerede {n} [Klatsch]
gossip Geklatsche {n} [ugs.] [Gerede]
gossip Getratsche {n} [ugs.]
gossipKlatschtante {f}
gossipGemunkel {n} [Klatsch]
gossip Klatschgeschichte {f}
gossip Klatschweib {n}
gossip Quatschtante {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [bezieht sich auf beide Geschlechter]
gossip Tratsche {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Person, die tratscht]
gossip [female] Ratschn {f} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
gossip [female]Ratschkathl {f} [pej.] [ugs.] [bayer.] [österr.]
gossip [female] [pej.]Tratschweib {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [südd.] [pej.]
gossip [involving details which are not confirmed as true] Tratsch {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
gossip [person who gossips]Klatschmaul {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
gossip [small talk] Plaudern {n}
gossip [woman]Tratschen {f} [österr.] [ugs.]
gossip and tittle-tattleKlatsch und Tratsch
gossip chamber [coll.] [Emperor Wilhelm II. on the German parliament]Schwatzbude {f} [ugs.] [Kaiser Wilhelm II. über den Reichstag]
gossip columnKlatschspalte {f}
gossip column Klatschkolumne {f}
gossip columnistKlatschkolumnist {m}
gossip columnist [female] Klatschkolumnistin {f}
gossip factory Gerüchteküche {f}
gossip item number one Klatschthema {n} Nummer eins
gossip magazine Klatschmagazin {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
gossip magazineSoraya-Presse {f} [veraltet]
gossip magazines {pl} Klatschpresse {f} [Illustrierte] [ugs.]
gossip mongerKlatschbase {f}
gossip mongerKlatschtante {f} [ugs.] [erzählt Gerüchte]
« goofgoosgoosGorbGorggospgossgotugottGoulgout »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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