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English-German Dictionary

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got readyfertig gemacht
Got some change? [way of begging] Haste mal 'ne Mark / 'nen Euro? [ugs.]
got stuck festgefahren
Got that? Verstanden?
Got the idea? Verstanden?
got there [Br.] [by chance] hingeraten
Got to go! <g2g> [sl.] Muss los! [ugs.]
Got to go! <g2g> [sl.] Ich muss gehen!
got to knowkennengelernt
got together [met up] sich zusammengetan
got up aufgestanden
Götaland [archaic also: Gothia, Gothland, Gothenland, Gautland, Geatland]Götaland {n} [veraltet auch: Gothia, Gothian, Gotland]
gotani-bean [Canavalia ensiformis, syn.: C. ensiformis var. albida, C. gladiata var. alba, Canavaia ensiformis, Dolichos ensiformis] Jackbohne {f}
Gotcha. [coll.] [I understand.]Alles klar.
gotcha [sl.] häufiger Fehler {m} [insb. bei Programmierung]
Gotcha. [sl.] [I understand.]Verstanden.
gotcha question [Am.] [coll.] Fangfrage {f}
gotcha questions [Am.] [coll.]Fangfragen {pl}
Gotcha! [Am.] [sl.]Hab Dich!
Gotcha! [Am.] [sl.] Erwischt!
gote [Br. dial., also goit] Wassergraben {m} [Wasserlauf]
Goteborg Göteborg {n}
Goth Gote {m}
gothGruftimusik {f}
goth [coll.]Grufti {m} [ugs.] [der schwarzen Szene zugehörig]
Goth [female] Gotin {f}
goth [style] Gruftistil {m} [ugs.]
goth bandGruftiband {f}
goth scene Gothicszene {f}
GothaGotha {n}
Gothamist [literary] Schildbürger {m}
Gothenburg Göteborg {n}
Gothenburg Gotenburg {n} [veraltet, neben: Gothenburg] [Göteborg]
Gothic gotisch <got.>
Gothic Gotisch {n}
Gothicgotische Schrift {f}
gothic Grufti-
gothic [fashion, music etc.] Gothic-
Gothic [Ken Russell]Gothic
gothic [novel, play, film]Schauer-
Gothic alphabet gotisches Alphabet {n}
gothic battleGotenschlacht {f}
Gothic Bible [also Wulfila Bible]Wulfila Bibel {f} [auch Gotenbibel]
Gothic book hand [also: Gothic bookhand]gotische Textura {f}
Gothic building gotisches Bauwerk {n}
Gothic buttressgotischer Strebepfeiler {m}
Gothic cathedral gotische Kathedrale {f}
Gothic chess pieces set [Capablanca chess on 10x8 squares] Gotischer Figurensatz {m} [Schach auf 80 Feldern]
Gothic churchgotische Kirche {f}
Gothic fictionSchauerliteratur {f}
gothic film Gruselfilm {m}
Gothic handwriting Kurrentschrift {f}
Gothic languagegotische Sprache {f}
Gothic Line [Linea Gotica, WWII]Gotenstellung {f}
gothic (moth) [Naenia typica]Buchdruckereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
gothic (moth) [Naenia typica]Adereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
gothic (moth) [Naenia typica] Gespenstereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
gothic movieGruselfilm {m}
gothic novelSchauerroman {m}
Gothic period Gotik {f}
Gothic Revival Neugotik {f}
Gothic RevivalNeogotik {f}
Gothic Revival architectureneugotische Architektur {f}
gothic romance [gothic novel] Schauerroman {m}
gothic scene Gruftiszene {f}
gothic sceneGothicszene {f}
Gothic scriptgotische Schrift {f}
Gothic script Frakturschrift {f}
gothic story Schauergeschichte {f}
Gothic style Gotik {f}
Gothic style gotischer Stil {m}
gothic tale Schauergeschichte {f}
Gothic typeFraktur {f} [Schriftart]
Gothic type Frakturschrift {f}
(Gothic) textualis [Gothic book hand] (gotische) Textura {f}
gothically gotisch
Gothicism Schauerliteratur {f}
gothicism Gotizismus {m}
Gothika [Mathieu Kassovitz, Thom Oliphant]Gothika
Göthlin's test [also: Göthlin test, Gothlin test] [capillary fragility test] Göthlin-Test {m}
GothsGoten {pl}
goths [coll.] Gruftis {pl} [ugs.] [der schwarzen Szene zugehörig]
Gotland [largest island of the Baltic Sea]Gotland {n} [größte Insel der Ostsee]
Gotland Basin Gotlandbecken {n}
Gotland class [submarine] Gotland-Klasse {f}
Gotland Deep Gotlandtief {n}
Gotland grass snake [Natrix natrix gotlandica] Gotland-Ringelnatter {f}
Gotland grass snake [Natrix natrix gotlandica] Gotländische Ringelnatter {f}
Gotlandian [Silurian] Gotlandium {n} [Silur]
goto [a form of branch or jump statement] GOTO / Goto {n} [Sprungbefehl, Sprunganweisung]
go-to [attr.] [coll.] [sth. that can always be relied on]eine Bank {f} für jdn./etw. [etw. worauf immer Verlass ist]
go-to guy [Am.] [sl.] Mann {m} für schwierige Fälle [Leistungsträger]
go-to guy [sl.] Leistungsträger {m}
go-to guy [sl.] Mann {m} für knifflige Situationen [ugs.]
go-to guy [sl.] Ansprechpartner {m}
go-to guy [sl.]Spielmacher {m}
go-to instruction Sprungbefehl {m}
« goosGor[GorggoslgossgotrgotoGoulgoutgovegove »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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