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goto instruction [also GOTO instruction] Sprungbefehl {m}
go-to person [sl.]Leistungsträger {m}
go-to person [sl.] Mann {m} für knifflige Situationen [ugs.]
go-to person [sl.] Ansprechpartner {m}
go-to player [sl.] Leistungsträger {m}
go-to player [sl.]Mann {m} für knifflige Situationen [ugs.]
go-to player [sl.]Spielmacher {m}
goto statement Sprunganweisung {f}
Gotse Delchev Goze Deltschew {n}
gottardiite [Na3Mg3Ca5Al19Si117O272·93H2O]Gottardiit {m}
gotten [Am.] bekommen
gotten [Am.] gekriegt [ugs.] [bekommen, erhalten]
gotten there [Am.] [by chance] hingeraten
gotten to know [Am.] kennen gelernt [Rsv.]
gotten to know [Am.]kennengelernt
götterdämmerung [disastrous conclusion of events]Götterdämmerung {f} [fig.]
Gottfried von Strassburg Gottfried {m} von Straßburg
(Gottfried Wilhelm) Leibniz Prize(Gottfried Wilhelm) Leibniz-Preis {m} [kurz für: Förderpreis für deutsche Wissenschaftler im Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Programm der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft]
Gotthard Base Tunnel <GBT> Gotthard-Basistunnel {m} <GBT>
Gotthard massifGotthardmassiv {n}
Gotthard PassGotthardpass {m}
Gotthard railway [Br.] Gotthardbahn {f}
Gotthard Railway Company Gotthardbahn-Gesellschaft {f} <GB>
Gotthard road tunnel Gotthard-Straßentunnel {m}
Göttin [German village in the district of Herzogtum Lauenburg in Schleswig-Holstein]Göttin {n}
Göttingen [attr.]Göttinger [indekl.]
Göttingen / Goettingen sentence test Göttinger Satztest {m} <GÖSA-Test>
Göttingen GroveGöttinger Hain {m} [literarische Gruppe]
gottlobite [CaMg(VO4,AsO4)(OH)] Gottlobit {m}
Gottron's papule Gottron-Papel {f}
Gottron's syndrome Gottron-Syndrom {n}
Gottscheerish [also: Granish] Gottscheerisch {n}
GottscheersGottscheer {pl}
Göttweig AbbeyStift {n} Göttweig
gotu kola [Centella asiatica. syn.: Hydrocotyle asiatica]Indischer Wassernabel {m} [Gotu Kola]
gotu kola [Centella asiatica. syn.: Hydrocotyle asiatica]Asiatischer Wassernabel {m} [Gotu Kola]
gotu kola [Centella asiatica, syn.: Hydrocotyle asiatica] Tigergras {n} [Gotu Kola]
gotu kola [Centella asiatica, syn.: Hydrocotyle asiatica] Asiatisches Sumpfpfennigkraut {n} [Gotu Kola]
götzenite [Na(Na,Ca)4Ca2Ti [(O,F)2|(Si2O7)2]] Götzenit {m}
gou [Aplodinotus grunniens]Süßwassertrommler {m}
gouache Gouache {f}
gouache Guasch {f} [Rsv.]
gouache (painting) Deckfarbenmalerei {f}
Gouda (cheese) Gouda {m} [Käse]
Gouda (cheese) Gouda-Käse {m}
Gouda (cheese) Goudakäse {m}
goudeyite [(Al,Y)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3H2O] Goudeyit {m}
Goudot's guan [Chamaepetes goudotii] Sichelguan {m}
Goudot's sickle-winged guan [Chamaepetes goudotii] Sichelguan {m}
gougeHohlmeißel {m}
gougeDelle {f}
gougeRille {f}
gouge Hohlbeitel {m}
gougeFurche {f} [Rille]
gouge Stichel {m}
gougeHohleisen {n}
gouge [swindle] Schwindel {m} [ugs.] [Betrug]
gouged ausgemeißelt
gouged [Am.] [coll.] [overcharged] geneppt [ugs.] [pej.]
gouged [dented]eingedellt
gouger [Am.] [coll.] [swindler] Gauner {m} [pej.] [Schwindler]
gouger [Irish] [coll.] [pej.] [low-class city lout]Proletenlümmel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey syndrome Gougerot-Hailey-Hailey-Syndrom {n}
Gough bunting [Rowettia goughensis, syn.: Neospiza goughensis] Gough-Ammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Gough bunting [Rowettia goughensis]Gough Ammerfink {m}
Gough bunting [Rowettia goughensis] Goughammerfink {m}
Gough bunting [Rowettia goughensis] Rowettia {f}
Gough finch [Rowettia goughensis]Gough-Ammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Gough finch [Rowettia goughensis] Gough Ammerfink {m}
Gough finch [Rowettia goughensis]Goughammerfink {m}
Gough finch [Rowettia goughensis]Rowettia {f}
Gough Glacier Gough-Gletscher {m}
Gough Island coot [Gallinula comeri]Gough-Teichhuhn {n}
Gough Island finch [Rowettia goughensis, syn.: Neospiza goughensis] Gough-Ammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Gough Island finch [Rowettia goughensis]Goughammerfink {m}
Gough Island finch [Rowettia goughensis]Gough Ammerfink {m}
Gough Island finch [Rowettia goughensis] Rowettia {f}
Gough Island moorhen [Gallinula comeri]Gough-Teichhuhn {n}
Gough moorhen [Gallinula comeri]Gough-Teichhuhn {n}
Gough-Joule effect [also: Gow-Joule effect]Gough-Joule-Effekt {m}
goulashGulasch {n} {m} [österr. nur {n}]
goulashGulyas {n} [veraltende Rsv.]
goulash juiceGulaschsaft {m}
goulash recipe Gulaschrezept {n}
goulash soup Gulaschsuppe {f}
Gould Coast Gould-Küste {f}
Gouldian finch [Erythrura gouldiae / Chloebia gouldiae] Gouldamadine {f}
Gould-Jacobs reaction Gould-Jacobs-Reaktion {f}
Gould's bronze cuckoo [Chrysococcyx russatus] Gouldbronzekuckuck {m}
Gould's euphonia [Euphonia gouldi]Olivrückenorganist {m} [Olivrücken-Organist]
Gould's frogmouth [Batrachostomus stellatus]Schuppenfroschmaul {n}
Gould's fulvetta [Alcippe brunnea, syn.: Schoeniparus brunnea, S. brunneus]Olivflankenalcippe {f}
Gould's fulvetta [Alcippe brunnea]Rotkopfalcippe {f}
Gould's goanna [Varanus gouldii, syn.: V. gouldii gouldii, Monitor gouldii, V. panoptes]Goulds Waran {m}
Gould's goanna [Varanus gouldii, syn.: V. gouldii gouldii, Monitor gouldii, V. panoptes]Gould-Waran / Gouldwaran {m}
Gould's inca [Coeligena torquata inca] Inkaandenkolibri {m}
Gould's jewelfront [Heliodoxa aurescens]Juwelenkrönchen {n}
Gould's jewelfront [Heliodoxa aurescens]Rotbrustbrilliantkolibri {m}
« Gor[GorggoslgossgotrgotoGoulgoutgovegovegove »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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