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English-German Dictionary

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governor [Br.] [coll. address] Chef {m} [umgangssprachliche Anrede]
governor [Br.] [coll.] Chef {m} [ugs.]
governor [female]Statthalterin {f}
governor [female] [of an Austrian province]Landeshauptfrau {f}
governor [female] <Gov.>Gouverneurin {f}
governor [of a German state] Ministerpräsident {m}
governor [of a Prussian province]Oberpräsident {m}
governor [of an Austrian province]Landeshauptmann {m} [österr.]
governor [of an Austrian province] Landeskaiser {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
governor <Gov.> Gouverneur {m}
governor balls [of a feedback control device] [archaic] Schwungkugeln {pl} [eines Fliehkraftreglers] [veraltet]
governor drive Antrieb {m} zum Steuerbock
governor generalGeneralstatthalter {m}
Governor General [Br.] [also: Governor-General] Generalgouverneur {m}
governor of a castleBurggraf {m}
governor of the Bank of FranceGouverneur {m} der Bank von Frankreich
governor spindleReglerspindel {f}
Governor Winthrop desk [Am.] [Sekretär mit schräggestellter, abklappbarer Schreibplatte]
governorate Regierungsbezirk {m}
governorateGouvernement {n}
governoress [rare] Gouvernante {f}
governor's officeGouverneursposten {m}
governor's plum [Flacourtia indica]Gouverneurspflaume {f}
governor's race [coll.] [gubernatorial election] Gouverneurswahl {f}
governor's residence Vogtei {f} [Sitz]
governorshipStatthalterschaft {f}
governorshipVogtei {f} [Amt]
governorship Gouverneursamt {n}
gowan [chiefly Scot.]Gänseblümchen {n}
gowan [Ranunculus bulbosus] Knolliger Hahnenfuß {m}
gowan [Ranunculus bulbosus]Knollenhahnenfuß {m} [auch: Knollen-Hahnenfuß]
Gowanus Canal Gowanuskanal {m}
Gowdy spacetime Gowdy-Raumzeit {f}
Gower PeninsulaGower-Halbinsel {f} [walisisch: Penrhyn Gŵyr] [Halbinsel in Wales]
gowerite [CaB6O10·5H2O] Gowerit {m}
Gowers sign [also: Gowers' sign] Gowers-Zeichen {n}
Gowers' tract Vorderseitenstrang {m}
Gowers-Paton-Kennedy syndromeGowers-Paton-Kennedy-Syndrom {n}
gown Kittel {m}
gown [bath robe] Bademantel {m}
gown [cape] Umhang {m}
gown [dress]Kleid {n}
gown [evening gown, ceremonial robe]Robe {f}
gown [evening gown]Abendkleid {n}
gown [of a judge, priest etc.]Talar {m}
gowning Bekleidungsprozedere {n} (in Reinraumklassen)
gowning qualification[Qualifizierung des Ankleidens]
gowns Kleider {pl}
goy [a Jewish word for a gentile]Nichtjude {m}
goy [a Jewish word for a gentile] Goi {m}
goy [also pej.] Goj {m} [auch pej.]
Goya's Ghosts [Miloš Forman] Goyas Geister
goyazite [SrAl3(PO4)(PO3OH)(OH)6]Goyazit {m} [Hamlinit]
goyish [also pej.] gojisch [auch pej.]
Gozdowice Güstebiese {n}
gozzanEiserner Hut {m}
GP surgery [Br.] Hausarztpraxis {f}
G-protein coupled receptor kinases <GRKs>G-Protein-gekoppelte Proteinkinasen {pl} <GRK>
GPS [navigation device] [coll.] Navigationssystem {n}
GPS [navigation device] [coll.] Navi {n} [ugs.] [Navigationssystem]
GPS data GPS-Daten {pl}
GPS jammer GPS-Jammer {m}
GPS jammer GPS-Störsender {m}
GP's surgery Arztpraxis {f} [Allgemeinmediziner]
GQM [initialism for goal, question, metric]Goal Question Metric [ohne Artikel] <GQM>
gr8 (great) [coll.] großartig
Graafian / graafian follicle Graaffollikel / Graaf-Follikel {m}
Graafian follicleGraaf'scher Follikel {m}
Graafwater Formation [South Africa: Cape Province] Graafwater-Formation {f}
grab [device for gripping objects] Klaue {f} [Kralle, Greifer, Greifvorrichtung]
grab [device for gripping objects]Greifer {m} [Vorrichtung zum Greifen von Gegenständen]
grab bag [Am.]Wundertüte {f}
grab bag [Am.]Grabbelsack {m}
grab bag [Am.] [coll.] [assortment]Mischmasch {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.]
grab container Greifbehälter {m}
grab craneGreifkran {m}
grab (for sth.)Griff {m} (nach etw. [Dat.])
grab for votes Stimmenfang {m}
grab handle Haltegriff {m}
grab sampleSchürfprobe {f}
grab-and-go [esp. Am.] zum Mitnehmen [nachgestellt]
grabapple tree [Malus spec., e.g. Malus prunifolia, Malus × zumi] Zierapfel / Zier-Apfel {m} [Baum]
grabbable cargoGreifergut {n}
grabbed zugefasst
grabber [device for clutching an object] Greifer {m} [Greifzange, Müllzange usw.]
grabbingAufnehmen {n}
grabbing fassend
grabbing zufassend
grabby [Am.] [coll.] gierig
grabby [esp. Am.] [coll.] [wanting possessions]raffgierig
grabby [esp. Am.] [coll.] [wanting possessions]habgierig
grabenGraben {m}
Grabenbach [Saalach] Grabenbach {m} [Saalach]
Grabowa (River) Grabow {f}
grabpoleHaltestange {f}
grabrail [coll.] [also: grab-rail, grab rail] [hand-rail] Handlauf {m}
Gračanica Monastery Kloster {n} Gračanica
graceGnadenfrist {f}
grace Nachfrist {f}
« Goulgoutgovegovegovegovegracgracgradgradgrad »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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