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English-German Dictionary

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Gräfenberg spot G-Punkt {m}
graffitiGraffiti {n} [ugs.]
graffiti [pej. sense] Wandschmierereien {pl}
graffiti [pej. sense] Geschmiere {n} [ugs.] [an Wänden]
graffiti [pej. sense] Geschmier {n} [ugs.] [an Wänden]
graffiti artist Graffitikünstler {m}
graffiti artist Sprayer {m}
graffiti removalGraffitibeseitigung {f}
graffiti removal Graffitientfernung {f}
graffiti sceneGraffitiszene {f}
graffiti sprayerGraffiti-Sprüher {m}
graffiti sprayerGraffiti-Sprayer {m}
graffiti wallGraffitiwand {f} [auch: Graffiti-Wand]
graffitist [artist] Graffitikünstler {m}
graffitoKritzelei {f} [ugs.]
graffitoGraffito {m} {n}
graffito Wandkritzelei {f}
Graf's hybrid frog [Pelophylax kl. grafi] Grafscher / Grafs Hybridfrosch {m}
graft Transplantat {n}
graft Schufterei {f}
graft Schiebung {f}
graft Reis {n}
graft Pfropfreis {n}
graftBestechung {f}
graft Körpergewebe {n} [geeignet zum Transplantieren oder Implantieren]
graft [Br.] [coll.] Schuften {n} [ugs.]
graft [Br.] [coll.]Maloche {f} [ugs.]
graft [Br.] [coll.] [work]Klotzerei {f} [ugs.] [harte Arbeit]
graft [vascular access for haemodialysis] Gefäßprothese {f}
graft allegations Korruptionsvorwürfe {pl}
graft caseBestechungsfall {m}
graft copolymerPfropfcopolymer {n}
graft copolymerPfropf-Copolymer {n}
graft monomer Pfropfmonomer {n}
graft occlusion Transplantatverschluss {m}
graft rejectionTransplantatabstoßung {f}
graft scandal Schmiergeldskandal {m}
graft surgery Transplantationschirurgie {f}
graftageVeredeln {n}
graftage Pfropfung {f}
grafter Pfropfmesser {n}
grafter Schieber {m}
grafter [Br.] [coll.]Arbeitstier {n} [ugs.] [fig.]
grafter [Br.] [coll.] Malocher {m} [ugs.]
grafter [coll.] [scammer]Gauner {m}
grafter [coll.] [scammer] Schwindler {m}
grafter [grafting knife]Veredelungsmesser {n}
grafting veredelnd
grafting Pfropfen {n}
grafting Veredelung {f}
grafting Veredlung {f}
graftingPfropfung {f}
graftingAufpfropfen {n}
grafting Bepfropfen {n}
grafting knifeKopulierhippe {f}
grafting knifeKopuliermesser {m}
grafting knife Veredelungsmesser {n}
grafting method Veredlungsmethode {f}
grafting wax Baumwachs {n}
graftonite [(Fe,Mn,Ca)3(PO4)2]Graftonit {m}
graft-versus-host disease Graft-versus-host-Krankheit {f}
graft-versus-host disease <GVHD, GvhD, GvHD>Transplantat-gegen-Wirt-Krankheit {f} [auch engl. Abk.: GVHD, GvHD]
graft-versus-host reactionTransplantat-gegen-Wirt-Reaktion {f}
graft-versus-host reaction <GVHR> Graft-versus-Host-Reaktion {f} <GvHR> [Transplantat-Wirt-Reaktion]
graham [Am.] Weizenschrot-
Graham bean weevil [Callosobruchus analis, syn.: C. jekelii, Bruchus analis, B. jekelii] Gramerbsenkäfer {m}
Graham breadGrahambrot {n}
graham cracker [Am.] [dünnes, knuspriges, sehr trockenes Gebäck mit Vollkorn und Melasse]
graham flour Weizenschrotmehl {n}
Graham Island [Br.]Graham-Insel {f}
Graham Land [veraltet auch: Grahamsland]Grahamland {n}
Graham Steell murmur Graham-Steell-Geräusch {n}
Graham's crayfish snake [Regina grahamii] Grahams Krabbennatter {f}
Graham's crayfish snake [Regina grahamii]Grahams Wassernatter {f}
Graham's crayfish snake [Regina grahamii]Grahams Krebsnatter {f}
Graham's crayfish snake [Regina grahamii] Mississippi-Krebsnatter {f}
Graham's numberGrahams Zahl {f}
Graham's water snake [Regina grahamii]Grahams Krebsnatter {f}
Graham's water snake [Regina grahamii] Grahams Wassernatter {f}
Graham's water snake [Regina grahamii]Grahams Krabbennatter {f}
Graham's water snake [Regina grahamii] Mississippi-Krebsnatter {f}
Graham's willow [Salix ×grahamii, syn.: S. grahamii]Grahams Weide {f}
Graham-Steell murmurGraham-Steell-Geräusch {n}
Graian Alps Grajische Alpen {pl}
grail Gral {m}
Grail Movement Gralsbewegung {f}
Grail quest Gralssuche {f}
grain Getreide {n}
grainKorn {n}
grainMaserung {f}
grain Quentchen {n} [alt]
grain Quäntchen {n}
grain Samenkorn {n}
grain Kornstärke {f}
grain Holzfaser {f}
grain Fadenlauf {m}
grain Faserabweichung {f} [Holz]
grainKörnigkeit {f} [eines Films]
grain Körnung {f}
« gracgradgradgradgradGräfgraigraigraigramgran »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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