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English-German Dictionary

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grand standZuschauertribüne {f}
Grand StarGroßstern {m} [österr. Ehrenzeichen]
grand stridesgroße Fortschritte {pl}
grand strides große Schritte {pl}
grand styleprächtiger Stil {m}
Grand Testament [François Villon] Das Große / große Testament
grand theftschwerer Diebstahl {m}
grand theft auto [Am.] schwerer Kraftfahrzeugdiebstahl {m} [Straftatbestand im US-Strafrecht]
grand theft auto [Am.] schwerer Autodiebstahl {m} [nicht fachspr., vereinfachend für: schwerer Kraftfahrzeugdiebstahl; Straftatbestand im US-Strafrecht]
Grand Theft Auto [Ron Howard] Gib Gas... und lasst euch nicht erwischen
grand theory umfassende Theorie {f}
grand theorygroße Theorie {f}
grand theory [pej.] [overly abstract, universal social theory detached from real life] Grand Theory {f} [pej.] [abstrakte, abgehobene universelle Theorie]
grand totalGesamtsumme {f}
grand total Gesamtbetrag {m}
grand total Endsumme {f}
grand total Gesamtresultat {n}
grand tour Kavalierstour {f}
grand tour [of young nobles]Kavalierreise {f}
grand tour [of young nobles] Kavaliersreise {f}
grand tour [of young nobles] Cavaliersreise {f} [veraltete Schreibung]
Grand Unified Theory <GUT> große vereinheitlichte Feldtheorie {f}
Grand Unified Theory <GUT>große vereinheitlichte Theorie {f}
grand union [tram or trolleybus systems]Vollkreuzung {f}
Grand Union CanalGrand-Union-Kanal {m}
Grand Valley mannikin [Lonchura teerinki] Schwarzbrust-Schilffink {m}
Grand Valley munia [Lonchura teerinki] Schwarzbrust-Schilffink {m}
grand vizier Großwesir {m}
Grand Wizard [Ku Klux Klan] Großer Hexenmeister {m}
grand wormwood [Artemisia absinthium]Wermutkraut {n}
grand wormwood [Artemisia absinthium] (Gemeiner) Wermut {m}
grand wormwood [Artemisia absinthium]Absinth {m}
grand wormwood [Artemisia absinthium] Heilbitter {m} [Wermutkraut]
grand wormwood [Artemisia absinthium] Wurmkraut {n} [Wermutkraut]
grand wormwood [Artemisia absinthium]Alsem {m} [Wermutkraut]
(Grand) Comoro scops owl [Otus pauliani] Komoren-Zwergohreule {f}
(Grand) Comoro scops owl [Otus pauliani]Komoreneule {f}
(Grand) Comoro white-eye [Zosterops mouroniensis]Karthalabrillenvogel {m}
(grand) finale Kehraus {m} [ugs.] [großes Finale]
granda [Scot.] [Irish] Opa {m}
grandad [coll.]Opi {m} [ugs.]
grandad [coll.]Opa {m} [ugs.]
grandala [Grandala coelicolor]Grandala {f}
grandam [archaic]Großmutter {f}
grandame [archaic] [spv.] Großmutter {f}
grandaunt Großtante {f}
grandbaby [coll.]Enkelkind {n} [Säugling]
grandbairn [N.-Engl.] [Scot.] Enkelkind {n}
grandchild Enkel {m} [regional auch: {n}]
grandchild Enkelkind {n}
grandchild Großkind {n} [schweiz.] [sonst regional, veraltend] [Enkelkind]
grandchild Kindeskind {n} [veraltet]
grandchildren Enkel {pl}
grandchildrenEnkelkinder {pl}
grandchildren's generation Enkelkindergeneration {f}
granddad Großvater {m}
granddad Opa {m}
granddad [coll.] Opi {m} [ugs.]
granddaddy [coll.] Pferdekuss {m} [ugs.]
granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg] Negerboandl {n} [bayer.] [Pferdekuss]
granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg] Knöck {m} [fränk.] [Pferdekuss]
granddaddy [coll.] [thigh knock] Schenkerl {n} [auch: Tschekapuff, Eisenbahner] [österr.]
granddaughter Enkelin {f}
granddaughter Großtochter {f} [veraltet] [Enkelin]
granddaughter Enkeltochter {f}
granddaughterGrossmäitli {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Enkelin]
granddaughtersEnkeltöchter {pl}
granddaughtersEnkelinnen {pl}
grand-disciple [also: granddisciple] Enkelschüler {m}
Grande Comoro tree snake [Lycodryas cococola cococola] [Unterart der Westlichen Komoren-Baumnatter (Lycodryas cococola)]
grande dameGrande Dame {f}
grandee Grande {m}
grander größer
grandeur Herrlichkeit {f}
grandeur Größe {f}
grandeurWürde {f}
grandeur Erhabenheit {f}
grandeur Hoheit {f} [Erhabenheit]
grandeur Grandezza {f}
grandeur Majestät {f} [Erhabenheit, Würde]
grandeur [splendour] Pracht {f}
grandevity [rare] (hohes) Alter {n}
grandfamily Großelternfamilie {f} [selten] [Familie, bestehend aus Großeltern und ihren Enkelkindern]
grandfather Großvater {m}
grandfather Opa {m}
grandfather Ahn {m} [veraltet] [noch regional] [Großvater]
grandfather Herrla {m} {n} [auch: Herrle, Härrle] [veraltet] [regional] [Großvater]
grandfather Ähne {m} [westösterr.] [Großvater]
grandfather Ältervater {m} [regional] [veraltet] [Großvater]
grandfather clause Altfallregelung {f}
grandfather clockStanduhr {f}
grandfather clock Großvateruhr {f} [Standuhr]
grandfather of four vierfacher Großvater {m}
grandfather of four (grandchildren)Großvater {m} von vier Enkeln
grandfather paradox Großvaterparadoxon {n}
grandfather rightsGroßvaterrechte {pl}
grandfather-father-son backup Großvater-Vater-Sohn-Prinzip {n}
grandfather-father-son backupGenerationenprinzip {n}
grandfathering Bestandsschutzmethode {f}
grandfathering [environmental protection, finance]Grandfathering {n} [Umweltschutz, Finanz]
« graigraigramGranGrangrangrangrangrangrangran »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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