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English-German Dictionary

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granddaughters Enkelinnen {pl}
grand-disciple [also: granddisciple]Enkelschüler {m}
Grande Comoro tree snake [Lycodryas cococola cococola][Unterart der Westlichen Komoren-Baumnatter (Lycodryas cococola)]
grande dame Grande Dame {f}
grandee Grande {m}
grander größer
grandeur Herrlichkeit {f}
grandeurGröße {f}
grandeurWürde {f}
grandeur Erhabenheit {f}
grandeurHoheit {f} [Erhabenheit]
grandeur Grandezza {f}
grandeur Majestät {f} [Erhabenheit, Würde]
grandeur [splendour] Pracht {f}
grandevity [rare] (hohes) Alter {n}
grandfamily Großelternfamilie {f} [selten] [Familie, bestehend aus Großeltern und ihren Enkelkindern]
grandfather Großvater {m}
grandfatherOpa {m}
grandfather Ahn {m} [veraltet] [noch regional] [Großvater]
grandfather Herrla {m} {n} [auch: Herrle, Härrle] [veraltet] [regional] [Großvater]
grandfatherÄhne {m} [westösterr.] [Großvater]
grandfather Ältervater {m} [regional] [veraltet] [Großvater]
grandfather clause Altfallregelung {f}
grandfather clock Standuhr {f}
grandfather clockGroßvateruhr {f} [Standuhr]
grandfather of four vierfacher Großvater {m}
grandfather of four (grandchildren)Großvater {m} von vier Enkeln
grandfather paradox Großvaterparadoxon {n}
grandfather rightsGroßvaterrechte {pl}
grandfather-father-son backupGroßvater-Vater-Sohn-Prinzip {n}
grandfather-father-son backupGenerationenprinzip {n}
grandfatheringBestandsschutzmethode {f}
grandfathering [environmental protection, finance]Grandfathering {n} [Umweltschutz, Finanz]
grandfathering clause [Am.] Besitzstandsklausel {f}
grandfatherliness Großväterlichkeit {f}
grandfathersGroßväter {pl}
grandidierite [(Mg,Fe)Al3(BO4)(SiO4)O]Grandidierit {m}
Grandidier's mongoose [Galidictis grandidieri]Großer Breitstreifenmungo {m}
Grandidier's vontsira [Galidictis grandidieri]Großer Breitstreifenmungo {m}
Grandidier's water snake [Liopholidophis grandidieri]Ranomafana-Glanzwassernatter {f}
grandiloquence [language, style, speech] Geschwollenheit {f} [pej.] [Rede, Stil: Bombast, Schwülstigkeit]
grandiloquence [language] hochtrabende Ausdrucksweise {f}
grandiloquence [language] Großsprecherei {f} [pej.]
grandiloquence [manner] hochtrabende Art {f}
grandiloquent hochtönend [selten] [hochtrabend]
grandiloquentgroßspurig [pej.]
grandiloquent [description]grandios
grandiloquent [gesture] übertrieben
grandiloquent [often pej.]großsprecherisch [pej.]
grandiloquently hochtrabend
grandiloquentlygroßspurig [pej.]
grandiloquently grandios
grandiose bombastisch
grandiose großartig
grandiose grandios
grandiose prachtvoll
grandiose pomphaft [oft abwertend]
grandiose pompös
grandiose [boastfully]vollmundig [großsprecherisch]
grandiosely großartig
grandiosely grandios
grandiosely schwülstig
grandioseness Großartigkeit {f}
grandiosity Prunk {m}
grandiosity Großartigkeit {f}
grandiosity Schwülstigkeit {f}
grandisol [C10H18O] Grandisol {n}
grandisonant [rare]stattlich [imposant]
grandite [Ca3Fe2 [SiO4]3-Ca3Al2 [SiO4]3] Grandit {m} [Andradit-Grossular-Serie]
grandkid [Am.] [coll.]Enkelkind {n}
grandleaf seagrape [Coccoloba pubescens, syn.: C. grandifolia] Ledermantelbaum {m}
grandma [coll.] Großmutter {f}
grandma [coll.] Großmama {f} [ugs.]
grandma [coll.] Großmutti {f} [ugs.]
grandma [coll.] Oma {f} [ugs.]
grandma [coll.]Grösi {n} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
grandma [coll.] Omi {f} [ugs.]
Grandma [Paul Weitz]Grandma
Grandma Duck [Disney] Oma Duck {f}
Grandma Duck [Disney] Dorette Duck {f}
Grandma SquarePants [SpongeBob SquarePants]Oma Schwammkopf [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
grandma's footsteps [treated as sg.] [Br.] [children's game]Zeitungslesen {n} [Kinderspiel]
grandma's footsteps [treated as sg.] [Br.] [statues] Ochs am Berg [Kinderspiel; auch: Ochs am Berg, schau um]
grandmaster [chess] Großmeister {m} [Schach]
grandmaster [(honorary) title for senior or experienced martial artists]Großmeister {m} [Titel / Ehrentitel für ältere oder erfahrene Kampfkünstler]
grandmom [Am.] [coll.] Oma {f} [ugs.]
Grandmontensians [Ordo Grandimontensium] Grandmontenser {pl}
Grandmontines Grandmontenser {pl}
GrandmontinesGrammontenser {pl}
grandmother Großmutter {f}
grandmotherGrösi {n} [schweiz.]
grandmother Größing {n} [nordd.] [ugs.] [Großmutter]
grandmother Frala {f} {n} [auch: Fraala] [veraltet] [regional] [Großmutter]
grandmother cell Großmutterneuron {n}
grandmother hypothesisGroßmutter-Hypothese {f}
grandmother of three dreifache Großmutter {f}
« graigramgramGrangrangrangrangrangrangrangran »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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