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grape tomato Traubentomate {f}
grape tomato [Solanum lycopersicum var.]Strauchtomate {f}
grape tortrix (moth) [Argyrotaenia pulchellana, syn.: Argyrotaenia ljungiana] Kiefernsämlingswickler {m} [Falter]
grape variety Rebsorte {f}
grape variety Traubensorte {f}
grape variety Kreszenz {f} [Rebsorte]
grape vine Weinrebe {f}
grape vine louse [Phylloxera vitifoliae] Reblaus {f}
(grape) vine moth [Lobesia botrana, syn.: Olindia rosmarinana]Bekreuzter Traubenwickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
(grape) wine Traubenwein {m}
(grape) woodbine [Parthenocissus vitacea, syn.: Parthenocissus inserta] Gewöhnliche Jungfernrebe {f}
(grape) woodbine [Parthenocissus vitacea, syn.: Parthenocissus inserta] Rankender Mauerwein {m}
grape-flavored [Am.] mit Traubengeschmack [nachgestellt]
grape-flavoured [Br.] mit Traubengeschmack [nachgestellt]
grapefruitGrapefruit {f}
grapefruitGrapefrucht {f} [selten für: Grapefruit]
grapefruit {pl}Grapefruits {pl}
grapefruit {pl} [Citrus × aurantium or Citrus paradisi] Pampelmusen {pl} [selten bzw. bes. nordd. für: Grapefruits]
grapefruit [attr.] Grapefruit-
grapefruit [Citrus × aurantium / Citrus paradisi]Pampelmuse {f} [selten bzw. bes. nordd. für: Grapefruit]
grapefruit essential oil Grapefruitkernöl {n}
grapefruit flavor [Am.] Grapefruitgeschmack {m}
grapefruit flavour [Br.] Grapefruitgeschmack {m}
grapefruit juice Grapefruitsaft {m}
grapefruit juiceGrapefruchtsaft {m} [selten für: Grapefruitsaft]
grapefruit juicePampelmusensaft {m}
grapefruit knife Grapefruitmesser {n}
grapefruit oilPampelmusenöl {n}
grapefruit oilGrapefruitöl {n}
grapefruit pit extract Grapefruitkernextrakt {m} [auch {n}]
grapefruit seed extract <GSE> Grapefruitsamenextrakt {m} <GSE> [auch {n}]
grapefruit spoon Grapefruitlöffel {m}
grapefruit tasteGrapefruitgeschmack {m}
grapefruit tomatoGrapefruit-Tomate {f} [Grapefruittomate]
grapefruit tree [Citrus mạxima] Pampelmusenbaum {m}
grapefruit tree [Citrus paradisis] Grapefruitbaum {m}
grapefruit-flavored [Am.] mit Grapefruitgeschmack [nachgestellt]
grapefruit-flavoured [Br.] mit Grapefruitgeschmack [nachgestellt]
grapefruitsGrapefruits {pl}
grapefruits [Citrus × aurantium or Citrus paradisi] Pampelmusen {pl} [selten bzw. bes. nordd. für: Grapefruits]
grape-growing season Weinbausaison {f} [auch: Weinbau-Saison]
grape-harvest season Lesesaison {f} [Weinlesesaison]
grapeleaf / grape-leaf anemone [Anemone vitifolia, syn.: A. elegans] Weinblättrige Anemone {f}
grapeleaf / grape-leaf anemone [Anemone vitifolia, syn.: A. elegans] Weinblättriges Weidenröschen {n}
grape-leaf begonia [Begonia dregei]Ahornblättrige Begonie {f}
grape-like [e.g. flowers]traubig [einer Traube ähnlich, in Trauben; z. B. Blüten]
grapery [building]Weintreibhaus {n}
grapesWeinbeeren {pl}
grapes Weintrauben {pl}
grapes {pl} Rebgut {n} [Trauben]
grapes {pl} [treated as sg.] [in cattle] Perlsucht {f}
grapes [in horses] Mauke {f} [Pferdeerkrankung]
grape-shotKartätsche {f}
grapeshot Kartätsche {f}
grapevine Weinstock {m}
grapevine Weinrebe {f}
grapevine [lockstep]Kreuzschritt {m}
grapevine cross Weinrebenkreuz {n}
grapevine disease Rebenkrankheit {f}
grapevine family {sg} [family Vitaceae, also sometimes Vitidaceae]Weinrebengewächse {pl}
grapevine family {sg} [family Vitaceae, also sometimes Vitidaceae]Vitaceen {pl}
grapevine knotdoppelter Spierenstich {m}
grapevine leafRebenblatt {n}
grapevine leaf Weinblatt {n}
grapevine leaf Rebblatt {n}
grapevine (leaf) louse [Viteus vitifolii, syn.: Dactylosphaera vastatrix, D. vitifoliae, Pemphigus vitifoliae, Peritymbia vastatrix, Phylloxera pemphigoides, P. vitifoliae, Rhizaphis vastatrix] Wurzelreblaus {f}
grapevine (leaf) louse [Viteus vitifolii, syn.: Dactylosphaera vastatrix, D. vitifoliae, Pemphigus vitifoliae, Peritymbia vastatrix, Phylloxera pemphigoides, P. vitifoliae, Rhizaphis vastatrix] (Langrüsselige) Reblaus {f}
grapevine leafminer / leaf miner [Phyllocnistis vitegenella] Amerikanische Miniermotte {f}
grapevine leaves Weinblätter {pl}
grapevine phylloxera [Viteus vitifolii, syn.: Dactylosphaera vastatrix, D. vitifoliae, Pemphigus vitifoliae, Peritymbia vastatrix, Phylloxera pemphigoides, P. vitifoliae, Rhizaphis vastatrix] (Langrüsselige) Reblaus {f}
grapevine phylloxera [Viteus vitifolii, syn.: Dactylosphaera vastatrix, D. vitifoliae, Pemphigus vitifoliae, Peritymbia vastatrix, Phylloxera pemphigoides, P. vitifoliae, Rhizaphis vastatrix]Wurzelreblaus {f}
grapevine rootstock [Vitis labrusca] Fuchsrebe {f}
grapevine rootstock [Vitis labrusca] Erdbeerrebe {f}
grapevine rust mite [Phyllocoptes vitis]Rebstockkräuselmilbe / Rebstock-Kräuselmilbe {f}
grapevine scale [Parthenolecanium persicae, syn.: Eulecanium berberidis, E. persicae, Lecanium berberidis, L. persicae]Pfirsichschildlaus / Pfirsich-Schildlaus {f}
grapevine smoky moth [Theresimima ampelophaga, syn.: Ino ampelophaga, Theresia ampelophaga, Zygaena ampelophaga]Weinwidderchen {n}
(grapevine) pruning Rebschnitt {m}
grapey [esp. Br.] traubig [Aroma, Geschmack]
graph Graph {m}
graphgraphische Darstellung {f}
graphKurve {f}
graphKurvenblatt {n}
graphSchaubild {n} [Kurve]
graph Diagramm {n}
graph grafische Darstellung {f}
graphGraf {m} [Rsv.] [Graph]
graph matching algorithm Graph-Matching-Algorithmus {m}
graph matching problemGraph-Matching-Problem {n}
graph paper Millimeterpapier {n}
graph rewritingGraphersetzungssystem {n}
graph search Graphsuche {f} <GS> [auch: Graph-Suche]
graph structureGraphstruktur {f}
graph structure Graphenstruktur {f}
graph tabletGraphiktablett {n}
graph tablet Grafik-Tablett {n}
graph tablet Grafiktablett {n}
graph theoretic model [spv.]graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
graph theoretical model [spv.] graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
graph theory Graphentheorie {f}
« grangrangrangrangrapgrapgrapgrapgrapgrasgras »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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