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« backPage 233 for words starting with G in the English-German dictionarynext page »
graph search Graphsuche {f} <GS> [auch: Graph-Suche]
graph structureGraphstruktur {f}
graph structureGraphenstruktur {f}
graph tablet Graphiktablett {n}
graph tabletGrafik-Tablett {n}
graph tabletGrafiktablett {n}
graph theoretic model [spv.] graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
graph theoretical model [spv.] graphentheoretisches Modell {n}
graph theory Graphentheorie {f}
graph theoryGrafentheorie {f} [selten] [Rsv.] [Graphentheorie]
graphaesthesia [Br.]Graphästhesie {f}
graphematic graphematisch
grapheme Graphem {n}
graphemeGrafem {n}
graphemesGrapheme {pl}
graphemesGrafeme {pl}
graphemic graphemisch
graphemic grafemisch
graphemicsGraphemik {f}
graphemicsGraphematik {f}
graphemics Grafemik {f}
graphemics Grafematik {f}
graphene Graphen {n}
graphene oxideGraphenoxid {n}
graphene oxide powderGraphenoxidpulver {n} [auch: Graphen-Oxid-Pulver]
graphesthesia [Am.] Graphästhesie {f}
graphetics [treated as sg.] Graphetik {f}
graphic Grafik {f}
graphicklar [anschaulich]
graphic [account, description] anschaulich
graphic [account, description] plastisch [Schilderung, Sprache]
graphic [Am.] [euphem.] [grisly] [images, video, accounts]grausam [Bilder, Szenen, Berichte]
graphic [relating to pictorial representation]bildlich
graphic [relating to pictorial representations]grafisch
graphic [relating to pictorial representations]graphisch
graphic account [representation by drawings etc.] grafische Darstellung {f}
graphic account [vivid description] bildhafte Schilderung {f}
graphic art bildende Kunst {f} [Malerei und Graphik]
graphic art [esp. drawings, lithography, printmaking] Graphik {f}
graphic art studioGrafikstudio {n}
graphic artist Graphiker {m} [Rsv.]
graphic artist Grafiker {m}
graphic artist [female] Grafikerin {f}
graphic artist [female] Graphikerin {f}
graphic arts bildende Künste {pl}
graphic arts {pl} Grafik {f}
graphic arts industry grafische Industrie {f}
graphic calculatorGrafikrechner {m}
graphic calculator Graphikrechner {m}
graphic character grafisches Zeichen {n}
graphic character Schriftzeichen {n}
graphic data input grafische Dateneingabe {f}
graphic data output grafische Datenausgabe {f}
graphic data processing Graphikdatenverarbeitung {f}
graphic data processingGrafikdatenverarbeitung {f}
graphic data processing grafische Datenverarbeitung {f}
graphic description [vivid]plastische Schilderung {f}
graphic design grafische Gestaltung {f}
graphic design Grafikdesign {n} [Studiengang]
graphic designerGrafiker {m}
graphic designer Graphiker {m} [Rsv.]
graphic designer Grafikdesigner {m}
graphic designer Grafik-Designer {m} [Rsv.]
graphic designer [female]Grafikerin {f}
graphic designer [female] Grafikdesignerin {f}
graphic designer [female] Grafik-Designerin {f}
graphic display grafische Anzeige {f}
graphic display grafischer Bildschirm {m}
graphic display graphische Anzeige {f}
graphic display screenGrafikbildschirm {m}
graphic editor Grafikeditor {m}
graphic formulaFormelbild {n}
graphic novel Bilderroman {m} [Roman in Cartoonform]
graphic novel Comicroman {m}
graphic novel illustrierter Roman {m} [Comics in Buchform]
graphic novel grafischer Roman {m} [Comics in Buchform]
graphic peripheral devices Grafikperipherie {f}
graphic plotter Kurvenschreiber {m}
graphic presentationzeichnerische Darstellung {f}
graphic programGrafikprogramm {n}
graphic records graphische Aufzeichnungen {pl}
graphic rectification graphische Entzerrung {f}
graphic renditiongrafische Darstellungsart {f}
graphic representationgraphische Darstellung {f}
graphic representationgrafische Darstellung {f}
graphic representation of (the) hearing abilitygraphisches Hörfeld {n} [grafisches Abbild der Hörempfindung]
graphic supportgrafische Unterstützung {f}
graphic surface [esp. of software] grafische Oberfläche {f}
graphic symbol grafisches Zeichen {n}
graphic terminalGrafiksichtgerät {n}
graphic training aidLehrtafel {f}
graphic tuskfish [Choerodon graphicus] Grafik-Zahnlippfisch {m}
graphic view grafische Ansicht {f}
graphic view grafische Darstellung {f}
graphic view graphische Ansicht {f}
graphic viewgraphische Darstellung {f}
« grangrangrangrapgrapgrapgrapGrapgrasgrasgras »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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