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« backPage 234 for words starting with G in the English-German dictionarynext page »
graphite-clay potteryGraphittonkeramik {f}
graphited-grease pencil Graphitfettstift {m}
graphite-moderated graphitmoderiert
graphite-moderated pressure tube reactor graphitmoderierter Druckröhrenreaktor {m}
graphite-moderated reactor graphitmoderierter Reaktor {m}
graphite-moderated reactor graphitmoderierter Kernreaktor {m}
graphites Graphite {pl}
graphitic gneisses Graphitgneise {pl}
graphitic phyllite Graphitphyllit {m}
graphitisation [Br.] Graphitierung {f}
graphitization Graphitisierung {f}
graphitization Graphitierung {f}
grapho-legasthenia Schreib-Lese-Schwäche {f}
graphologic graphologisch
graphological graphologisch
graphologically graphologisch
graphologistGraphologe {m}
graphologist Grafologe {m}
graphologist [female]Graphologin {f}
graphologist [female]Grafologin {f}
graphology Handschriftendeutung {f}
graphologySchriftdeutung {f}
graphology [handwriting analysis] Graphologie {f} [Handschriftdeutung]
graphomaniaGraphomanie {f}
graphomania Schreibzwang {m} [Grafomanie]
graphomaniaGrafomanie {f}
graphophobiaGraphophobie {f}
graphosemantics Graphosemantik {f}
graphospasm Schreibkrampf {m}
graphospasm Graphospasmus {m}
graphs Schaubilder {pl}
graphs Diagramme {pl}
graphs Graphen {pl}
graph-theoretic modelgraphentheoretisches Modell {n}
graph-theoretical modelgraphentheoretisches Modell {n}
grapnelKletteranker {m}
grapnel [anchor] Dregganker {m}
grapnel [anchor]Draggen {m}
grapnel [grappling hook]Enterhaken {m}
grappa Treberschnaps {m}
grappa Grappa {m} [auch {f}]
grapple Handgemenge {n}
grappleWurfhaken {m}
grapple [Am.]Enterhaken {m}
grapple plant [Harpagophytum procumbens](Afrikanische) Teufelskralle {f}
grapple plant [Harpagophytum procumbens] Trampelklette {f}
grappled gepackt [gegriffen]
grappled with auseinandergesetzt
grapplerGreifarm {m}
grappling packend
grappling Grappling {n}
grappling hook Enterhaken {m}
grappling hook Wurfanker {m}
grappling iron Enterhaken {m}
grappling with sich auseinandersetzend
graptolite [subclass Graptolithina] [extinct] Graptolith {m} [ausgestorben]
graptolite shaleGraptolithenschiefer {m}
graptolite zoneGraptolithenzone {f}
graptolites [subclass Graptolithina] [extinct] Graptolithen {pl} [ausgestorben]
grapy [esp. Am.] traubig [Aroma, Geschmack]
Grashof number <Gr>Grashof-Zahl {f} <Gr>
grasing antelopes [subfamily Hippotraginae] Pferdeböcke {pl}
grasp Fassungsgabe {f} [veraltet]
graspGriff {m} [Handgriff]
graspZugriff {m}
grasp Fassungskraft {f}
grasp [comprehension] Erfassen {n}
grasp [fig.]Umklammerung {f}
grasp [perceptive faculty]Auffassungsgabe {f}
grasp [understanding]Verständnis {n} [Verstehen, Erfassen]
grasp position Greifposition {f}
grasp reflexGreifreflex {m} [bei Säuglingen]
grasp reflexZwangsgreifen {n}
graspabilityErfassbarkeit {f}
graspable erfassbar
graspable [also fig.]greifbar [auch fig.]
grasped begriffen
grasped festgehalten
grasper Greifer {m}
grasping habgierig
grasping forceGreifkraft {f}
grasping forceps {pl} [one pair] Fasszange {f}
grasping forceps {pl} [one pair]Greifzange {f}
grasping forceps {pl} [one pair]Fasspinzette {f}
grasping function Greiffunktion {f}
grasping mechanismGreifmechanismus {m}
grasping movementGreifbewegung {f}
grasping reflex Greifreflex {m}
grasping tailGreifschwanz {m}
graspingly habgierig
graspingness Habsucht {f}
grass Gras {n}
grass Rasen {m}
grass [attr.] [e.g. field, pitch, paving, shears] Rasen- [z. B. Fläche, Platz, Pflaster, Schere]
grass [attr.] [e.g. seed, stalk, roof, stain] Gras- [z. B. Samen, Halm, Dach, Fleck]
« grangrapgrapgrapgrapgrapgrasgrasgrasgrasgras »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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