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grass pickerel [Esox americanus vermiculatus] Grashecht {m}
grass pink [Dianthus armeria]Büschel-Nelke / Büschelnelke {f}
grass pink [Dianthus armeria] Raue Nelke {f}
grass pink [Dianthus plumarius, syn.: D. blandus, D. tatrae, D. winteri] Hainburger Nelke {f}
grass pink [Dianthus plumarius, syn.: D. blandus, D. tatrae, D. winteri] Feder-Nelke / Federnelke {f}
grass pitchRasenplatz {m}
grass playing fieldRasenspielplatz {m} [Rasenfläche in Sportanlagen]
grass playing field Rasenspielfeld {n}
grass pollen {sg}Gräserpollen {pl}
grass pollen allergy Gräserpollenallergie {f}
grass pollen allergy Graspollenallergie {f}
grass pollen season Graspollensaison {f}
grass prawn [Palaemon elegans, syn.: P. minans, Leander squilla typica, Palaemonella gracilis] Kleine (Gewöhnliche) Felsengarnele {f}
grass prawn [Palaemon elegans, syn.: P. minans, Leander squilla typica, Palaemonella gracilis](Kleine) Felsgarnele {f}
grass rivulet [Perizoma albulata] [moth]Klappertopf-Kapselspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grass roof Grasdach {n}
grass rootsGraswurzeln {pl}
grass roots {pl} [fig.]Basis {f}
grass roots [fig.]Grundlagen {pl}
grass runwayGras-Start- und Landebahn {f}
grass runway Graspiste {f}
grass rush [Butomus umbellatus, syn.: B. junceus, B. vulgaris] (Doldiges) Wasserliesch {n}
grass rush [Butomus umbellatus, syn.: B. junceus, B. vulgaris]Blumenschilf {n}
grass rush [Butomus umbellatus] Wasserviole {f}
grass rush [Butomus umbellatus](Doldige) Schwanenblume {f}
grass rush [Butomus umbellatus]Blumenbinse {f} [Schwanenblume]
grass rush [genus Butomus] Schwanenblume {f}
grass sack [Am.] [regional] [tow sack, burlap sack] Sack {m} [aus Sackleinen, Jute]
grass scuttle [Callistoctopus macropus] Weißgefleckter Oktopus {m}
grass scuttle [Callistoctopus macropus]Langarmiger Krake {m} [ugs. auch: Langarmige Krake {f}]
grass scuttle [Callistoctopus macropus] Großer Krake {m} [ugs. auch: Große Krake {f}]
grass scuttle [Callistoctopus macropus]Atlantischer Weißfleckenkrake {m} [ugs. auch: Atlantische Weißfleckenkrake {f}]
grass seed Grassamen {m}
grass seed Grassamen {pl}
grass seed Grassame {m}
grass seed mixtureRasensaatgutmischung {f}
grass seed mixtureGrassaatmischung {f}
grass shears {pl} [one pair] Rasenschere {f}
grass shears {pl} [one pair]Grasschere {f}
grass sickle [sickle for grass cutting] Grassichel {f}
grass silageGrassilage {f}
grass ski Grasski {m}
grass skiing Grasski {n}
grass skippers [subfamily Hesperiinae, family Hesperiidae]Hesperiinae {pl} [Unterfamilie der Dickkopffalter (Hesperiidae)]
grass skirtBastrock {m}
grass skis Grasski {pl}
grass skis Grasschier {pl}
grass skisGrasskis {pl} [bes. schweiz.]
grass skis Grasschi {pl}
grass skis Grasskier {pl}
grass slopeGrasböschung {f}
grass snake [Opheodrys vernalis, syn.: Coluber vernalis, Liochlorophis vernalis] Glatte Grasnatter {f}
grass snakes [genus Natrix] Europäische Wassernattern {pl}
grass snakes [genus Natrix] Europäische Schwimmnattern {pl}
grass speciesGräserart {f}
grass species {pl} Gräserarten {pl}
grass sports field Rasenspielfeld {n}
grass sports field Rasenspielplatz {m} [Rasenfläche in Sportanlagen]
grass sports field Rasenfeld {n} [Rasenspielfeld]
grass stain Grasfleck {m} [auf der Kleidung]
grass stalk Grashalm {m}
grass stemGrasstengel {m} [alt]
grass stem Grasstängel {m}
grass steppe Grassteppe {f}
grass supplyGrasvorrat {m}
grass tennis court Tennisrasen {m} [auf dem Tennis gespielt wird]
grass tournament [tennis] Rasenturnier {n}
grass trees [genus Xanthorrhoea]Grasbäume {pl}
grass trimmer [lawn trimmer] Rasentrimmer {m}
grass tundra Grastundra {f}
grass verge [beside the road] Grünstreifen {m} [Straßenrand]
grass vetchling [Lathyrus nissolia]Gras-Platterbse {f}
grass vetchling [Lathyrus nissolia] Blattlose Platterbse {f}
grass water plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum]Gras-Froschlöffel {m}
grass water plantain [Alisma gramineum, also A. arcuatum, A. geyeri, A. lanceolatum] Grasblättriger Froschlöffel {m}
grass wave [Perconia strigillaria] [moth] Heide-Streifenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grass wave [Perconia strigillaria] [moth] Zebra-Spanner {m} [auch: Zebraspanner]
grass weeds [grasses classified as weeds] Ungräser {pl}
grass wet with dewtaunasses Gras {n}
grass whistle / whistling duck [Dendrocygna eytoni] Sichelpfeifgans {f}
grass whistle duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii] Gelbfußbaumente {f}
grass whistle duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii] Eytons Baumente {f}
grass whistle duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii]Gelbfuß-Pfeifgans {f} [auch: Gelbfußpfeifgans]
grass whistling-duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii] Sichelpfeifgans {f}
grass whistling-duck / whistling duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii] Gelbfußbaumente {f}
grass whistling-duck / whistling duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii] Eytons Baumente {f}
grass whistling-duck / whistling duck [Dendrocygna eytoni, syn.: D. eytonii]Gelbfuß-Pfeifgans {f} [auch: Gelbfußpfeifgans]
grass widow grüne Witwe {f}
grass widow Strohwitwe {f}
grass widower Strohwitwer {m}
(grass) courtRasen {m} [Tennis]
(grass) glume Hüllspelze {f} [bei Gräsern]
(grass) warbler [Locustella spp.]Schwirl {m}
grassbird [Pooecetes gramineus, syn.: P. grammineus] Abendammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
grass-carrying wasp [Isodontia mexicana] Stahlblauer Grillenjäger {m}
grasscloth [wallpaper] Grastapete {f}
grasscloth (wallpaper)Naturtapete {f} [Grastapete]
grass-covered mit Gras bedeckt
grass-covered [attr.]grasbedeckt
« grapgrapgrapgrapgrasgrasgrasgrasgrasgratgrav »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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