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gray starling [Am.] [Spodiopsar cineraceus, syn.: Sturnus cineraceus] Weißwangenstar {m}
gray (sugarcane) borer [Am.] [Argyroploce schistaceana, syn.: Grapholita schistaceana] (Grauer) Zuckerrohrbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
gray tanager [Am.] [Tangara inornata]Schlichttangare {f} [auch: Schlicht-Tangare]
gray teal [Am.] [Anas gracilis] Australische Weißkehlente {f}
gray thicket flycatcher [Peneothello cryptoleucus / cryptoleuca] [Am.] Fahlbauch-Dickichtschnäpper {m}
gray thistle [Am.] [Cirsium undulatum, syn.: Carduus undulatus] Wellige Kratzdistel {f}
gray thrasher [Toxostoma cinereum] [Am.]Grauspottdrossel {f}
gray thrush [Am.] [Turdus cardis, syn.: Tarsiger cardis] Scheckendrossel {f}
gray thrush [Am.] [Zoothera princei, syn.: Geokichla princei, Turdus princei]Ghanadrossel {f}
gray tiger salamander [Am.] [Ambystoma mavortium] Westlicher Tiger-Querzahnmolch {m}
gray tinamou [Am.] [Tinamus tao]Tao {m}
gray tinamou [Am.] [Tinamus tao] Taotinamu {m}
gray tinamou [Am.] [Tinamus tao]Tao-Steißhuhn {n}
gray tit [Am.] [Melaniparus afer, syn.: Parus afer]Kaprußmeise {f}
gray tit [Am.] [Melaniparus afer, syn.: Parus afer] Kapmeise {f}
gray tit babbler / tit-babbler [Am.] [Myioparus plumbeus, syn.: Parisoma plumbeum, P. plumbeus]Meisenschnäpper {m}
gray tit-flycatcher [Myioparus plumbeus] [Am.] Meisenschnäpper {m}
gray tit-warbler [Am.] [Myioparus plumbeus, syn.: Parisoma plumbeum, P. plumbeus] Meisenschnäpper {m}
gray tones [Am.] Grautöne {pl}
gray topshell / top shell [Am.] [Gibbula cineraria]Graue Kreiselschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
gray topshell / top shell [Am.] [Gibbula cineraria]Friesenknopf {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
gray topshell / top shell [Am.] [Gibbula cineraria] Aschfarbene Kreiselschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
gray topshell / top shell [Am.] [Gibbula cineraria] Aschgraue Kreiselschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
gray tree rat [Am.] [Lenothrix canus]Graue Baumratte {f}
gray trembler [Am.] [Cinclocerthia gutturalis, syn.: Necropsar leguati]Grauzitterdrossel {f}
gray trembler [Cinclocerthia gutturalis] [Am.]Martiniquespottdrossel {f}
gray triggerfish [Am.] [Balistes capriscus, syn.: Balistes carolinensis] Atlantischer Drückerfisch {m}
gray triggerfish [Am.] [Balistes capriscus, syn.: Balistes carolinensis]Mittelmeer-Drückerfisch {m}
gray triggerfish [Am.] [Balistes capriscus, syn.: Balistes carolinensis]Grauer Drückerfisch {m}
gray truffle [Am.] [Tuber magnatum] Herrentrüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
gray truffle [Am.] [Tuber magnatum] Piemont-Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
gray truffle [Am.] [Tuber magnatum] Alba-Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist {m}]
gray truffle [Am.] [Tuber magnatum]Weiße Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist: Weißer Trüffel {m}]
gray unicornfish [Am.] [Naso caesius] Schwarzlippen-Nasendoktorfisch {m}
gray value distribution [Am.] Grauwertverteilung {f}
gray vireo [Vireo vicinior] [Am.] Grauvireo {m}
gray wagtail [Am.] [Motacilla cinerea, syn.: M. melanope, M. caspica, M. boarula, Calobates cinerea, C. melanope] Bergstelze {f}
gray wagtail [Motacilla cinerea] [Am.]Gebirgsstelze {f}
gray warbler-finch [Am.] [Certhidea fusca]Blindloedarwinfink {m}
gray water [Am.] Grauwasser {n}
gray water [Am.]Schmutzwasser {n}
gray water recycling [Am.] Grauwasserrecycling {n}
gray waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda perreini] Schwarzschwanz-Schönbürzel {m}
gray waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda perreini] Schwarzschwanz-Schönbürzelastrild {m}
gray waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda perreini]Pereins Astrild {m}
gray waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda troglodytes, syn.: E. cinerea, E. xanthophrys] Grauastrild {m} [auch: Grau-Astrild]
gray waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda troglodytes, syn.: E. cinerea, E. xanthophrys] Grauer Astrild {m}
gray whale [Am.] [Eschrichtius robustus]Grauwal {m}
gray whale carcass [Am.] Grauwalkadaver {m} [auch: Grauwal-Kadaver]
gray whale hunt [Am.] Grauwaljagd {f} [Jagdunternehmung]
gray whale hunting [Am.] Grauwaljagd {f} [Jagen von Grauwalen]
gray whale population [Am.]Grauwalpopulation {f} [auch: Grauwal-Population ]
gray whistler [Am.] [Pachycephala simplex] Graudickkopf {m}
gray white-eye [Am.] [Zosterops borbonicus] Maskarenenbrillenvogel {m} [auch: Maskarenen-Brillenvogel]
gray white-eye [Am.] [Zosterops borbonicus] [Reunion grey white-eye] Réunion-Graubrillenvogel {m}
gray willow [Am.] [Salix atrocinerea]Rostrote Weide {f}
gray willow [Am.] [Salix bebbiana] Bebbs Weide {f}
gray willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]Seidenhaarige Weide {f}
gray willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa] Blau-Weide / Blauweide {f}
gray willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]Arktische Grau-Weide / Grauweide {f}
gray wolf [Canis lupus lupus] [Am.](Grauer) Wolf {m}
gray woodpecker [Am.] [Dendropicos goertae, syn.: Mesopicos goertae]Graubrustspecht {m}
gray woodpecker [Am.] [Picus canus]Grauspecht {m}
gray wood-pigeon [Am.] [Columba argentina] Silbertaube {f}
gray wood-pigeon [Columba unicincta] [Am.] Kongotaube {f}
gray woolly monkey [Lagothrix cana] [Am.] Grauer Wollaffe {m}
gray wrasse [Am.] [Symphodus cinereus]Grauer Lippfisch {m}
gray wren [Thryothorus griseus] [Am.]Grauzaunkönig {m}
gray wren warbler [Calamonastes simplex / Camaroptera simplex] [Am.] Somalibindensänger {m}
gray zorro [Am.] [Lycalopex griseus, syn.: Pseudalopex griseus] Grauer Andenfuchs {m}
gray zorro [Am.] [Lycalopex griseus, syn.: Pseudalopex griseus] Chilla {m}
["Gray wolves"-- nickname of the WW II German submarines] Graue Wölfe {pl} [Deutschland, 2. WK, Spitzname für die U-Boote der Kriegsmarine]
(gray) catbird [Dumetella carolinensis] [Am.] Katzendrossel {f}
gray-and-brown laughingthrush [Garrulax palliatus] [Am.]Schieferhäherling {m}
gray-and-buff woodpecker [Hemicircus concretus] [Am.] Kurzschwanzspecht {m}
gray-and-gold tanager [Am.] [Tangara palmeri]Palmertangare {f} [auch: Palmer-Tangare]
gray-and-gold warbler [Basileuterus fraseri] [Am.] Feenwaldsänger {m}
gray-backed camaroptera [Am.] [Camaroptera brevicaudata]Meckergrasmücke {f}
gray-backed cisticola [Cisticola subruficapillus] [Am.]Bergcistensänger {m}
gray-backed fiscal [Lanius excubitoroides] [Am.]Graumantelwürger {m}
gray-backed myna [Am.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis] Mandarinstar {m}
gray-backed myna [Am.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis] Mandarinenstar {m}
gray-backed shearwater [Am.] [Puffinus bulleri]Graunacken-Sturmtaucher {m}
gray-backed shrike [Am.] [Lanius tephronotus] Tibetwürger {m}
gray-backed sparrow-lark [Am.] [Eremopterix verticalis, syn.: Megalotis verticalis]Nonnenlerche {f}
gray-backed sparrow-lark [Am.] [Eremopterix verticalis, syn.: Megalotis verticalis] Graurückenlerche {f}
gray-backed sportive lemur [Lepilemur dorsalis] [Am.] Graurücken-Wieselmaki {m}
gray-backed starling [Am.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis] Mandarinstar {m}
gray-backed starling [Am.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis]Mandarinenstar {m}
gray-backed tachuri [Polystictus superciliaris] [Am.]Silberbrauentyrann {m}
gray-backed tern [Am.] [Onychoprion lunatus, syn.: Sterna lunata] Brillenseeschwalbe / Brillen-Seeschwalbe {f}
gray-backed thrush [Am.] [Turdus hortulorum, syn.: T. dissimilis h.]Graurückendrossel {f}
gray-backed thrush [Am.] [Turdus hortulorum, syn.: T. dissimilis h.]Amurdrossel {f}
gray-backed wagtail [Am.] [Motacilla clara] Langschwanzstelze {f}
gray-backed white-eye [Zosterops lateralis] [Am.]Graumantel-Brillenvogel {m}
gray-banded munia [Lonchura vana] [Am.] Arfaknonne {f}
graybark grape [Am.] [Vitis cinerea]Graurinden-Rebe {f}
graybeard [Am.] alter Mann {m}
graybeard [Am.] [Clematis vitalba] Gemeine Waldrebe {f}
graybeard [Am.] [Clematis vitalba] Weiße Waldrebe {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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