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gray-collared becard [Pachyramphus major] [Am.] Glanzkopfbekarde {f}
gray-collared chipmunk [Am.] [Tamias cinereicollis, syn.: Neotamias cinereicollis] Grauhals-Streifenhörnchen {n}
gray-crested finch [Am.] [Lophospingus griseocristatus] Grauhauben-Zwergkardinal {m}
gray-crested tit [Am.] [Lophophanes dichrous, syn.: Parus dichrous]Birkenmeise {f}
gray-crested tit [Am.] [Lophophanes dichrous, syn.: Parus dichrous] Grauhaubenmeise {f}
gray-crowned babbler [Pomatostomus temporalis] [Am.]Grauscheitelsäbler {m}
gray-crowned crocias [Am.] [Crocias langbianis] Grauscheitel-Würgertimalie {f}
gray-crowned finch [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Graukopf-Schneegimpel {m}
gray-crowned finch [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha] Schwarzstirnschneegimpel {m} [auch: Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel]
gray-crowned flatbill [Tolmomyias poliocephalus] [Am.] Schieferkopf-Breitschnabel {m}
gray-crowned flycatcher [Tolmomyias poliocephalus] [Am.]Schieferkopf-Breitschnabel {m}
gray-crowned foditany [Phyllastrephus cinereiceps / Bernieria cinereiceps] [Am.] Grauscheitel-Bülbül {m}
gray-crowned greenbul [Phyllastrephus cinereiceps / Bernieria cinereiceps] [Am.]Grauscheitelbülbül {m}
gray-crowned leucosticte [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Graukopf-Schneegimpel {m}
gray-crowned leucosticte [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Schwarzstirnschneegimpel {m} [auch: Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel]
gray-crowned oxylabes [Oxylabes cinereiceps] [Am.] Grauscheitelfoditany {m}
gray-crowned oxylabes [Phyllastrephus cinereiceps / Bernieria cinereiceps] [Am.]Grauscheitel-Bülbül {m}
gray-crowned palm tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus] Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f}
gray-crowned palm-tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus]Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f}
gray-crowned palm-tanager / palm tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus]Grauscheitelpalmist {m}
gray-crowned pygmy woodpecker [Am.] [Yungipicus canicapillus, syn.: Dendrocopos canicapillus, Picoides canicapillus] Grauscheitelspecht {m}
gray-crowned rosy finch / rosy-finch [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Graukopf-Schneegimpel {m}
gray-crowned rosy finch / rosy-finch [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha] Schwarzstirnschneegimpel {m} [auch: Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel]
gray-crowned tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus] Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f}
gray-crowned tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus] Grauscheitelpalmist {m}
gray-crowned tetraka [Phyllastrephus cinereiceps / Bernieria cinereiceps] [Am.]Grauscheitelbülbül {m}
gray-crowned warbler tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus]Grauscheitel-Palmtangare {f}
gray-crowned warbler tanager [Am.] [Phaenicophilus poliocephalus]Grauscheitelpalmist {m}
gray-crowned woodpecker [Am.] [Piculus auricularis] Graukappenspecht {m} [auch: Graukappen-Specht]
gray-crowned yellowthroat [Am.] [Geothlypis poliocephala, syn.: Chamaethlypis poliocephala] Wiesengelbkehlchen {n} [auch: Wiesen-Gelbkehlchen]
gray-cushioned grimmia moss [Am.] [Grimmia pulvinata]Polster-Kissenmoos {n}
gray-eared brush finch [Am.] [Atlapetes melanolaemus]Schwarzgesicht-Buschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-eared finch [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Graukopf-Schneegimpel {m}
gray-eared finch [Am.] [Leucosticte tephrocotis, syn.: Leucosticte griseonucha]Schwarzstirnschneegimpel {m} [auch: Schwarzstirn-Schneegimpel]
grayed [Am.] ergraut
grayed out [Am.] grau unterlegt [z. B. Schaltfläche]
grayed out [Am.]ausgegraut
grayed out [Am.]deaktiviert
grayed out [Am.]abgegraut [ausgegraut]
grayed out [Am.]grau geblendet [z. B. Schaltfläche]
grayer [Am.]grauer
grayest [Am.] graueste
gray-eyed [Am.] grauäugig
gray-eyed bulbul [Am.] [Iole propinqua] Grauaugenbülbül {m}
gray-eyed fulvetta [Am.] [Alcippe poioicephala]Graukopfalcippe {f} [auch: Graukopf-Alcippe]
gray-eyed nun babbler [Am.] [Alcippe poioicephala] Graukopfalcippe {f} [auch: Graukopf-Alcippe]
gray-faced liocichla [Am.] [Liocichla omeiensis]Omeihäherling {m}
gray-faced petrel [Am.] [Pterodroma macroptera]Langflügel-Sturmvogel {m}
gray-faced sengi [Rhynchocyon udzungwensis] [Am.] Graugesichtiges Rüsselhündchen {n}
gray-faced tit babbler [Am.] [Macronous kelleyi]Kelleytimalie {f}
gray-faced tit-babbler / tit babbler [Am.] [Macronous flavicollis, syn.: Mixornis flavicollis] Graunackentimalie {f}
gray-faced tit-babbler / tit babbler [Am.] [Macronous flavicollis, syn.: Mixornis flavicollis]Graunacken-Meisentimalie {f}
gray-faced tit-babbler / tit babbler [Am.] [Macronous kelleyi, syn.: Macronus kelleyi, Mixornis kelleyi]Kelleytimalie {f} [auch: Kelley-Timalie]
gray-faced tit-babbler / tit babbler [Am.] [Macronous kelleyi, syn.: Macronus kelleyi, Mixornis kelleyi] Graugesicht-Meisentimalie {f}
gray-faced woodpecker [Picus canus] [Am.]Grauspecht {m}
grayfish [Am.] [Gadus macrocephalus] Pazifischer Kabeljau {m}
gray-flanked cinclodes [Cinclodes oustaleti] [Am.]Grauflanken-Uferwipper {m}
gray-footed chipmunk [Am.] [Tamias canipes, syn.: Neotamias canipes]Graufuß-Streifenhörnchen {n}
gray-gold tanager [Am.] [Tangara palmeri]Palmertangare {f} [auch: Palmer-Tangare]
gray-green bush shrike [Chlorophoneus bocagei] [Am.]Bocagewürger {m}
gray-green fruit dove [Ptilinopus purpuratus] [Am.]Tahitifruchttaube {f}
gray-haired [Am.] grauhaarig
gray-handed night monkey [Am.] [Aotus griseimembra]Grauhand-Nachtaffe {m}
gray-headed albatross [Am.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma] Graukopfalbatros {m}
gray-headed antbird [Myrmeciza griseiceps] [Am.] Graukopf-Ameisenvogel {m}
gray-headed apalis [Am.] [Alcippe brunneicauda] Braunschwanzalcippe {f} [auch: Braunschwanz-Alcippe]
gray-headed batis [Am.] [Batis orientalis]Heuglinschnäpper {m}
gray-headed bristle-bill / gray headed bristlebill / gray-headed bristle bill / gray-headed bristlebill [Am.] [Bleda canicapilla] Graukopfbleda {f}
gray-headed bulbul [Am.] [Pycnonotus priocephalus] Graukopfbülbül {m}
gray-headed bullfinch [Am.] [Pyrrhula erythaca]Maskengimpel {m}
gray-headed bunting [Am.] [Emberiza cineracea] Türkenammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-headed bunting [Am.] [Emberiza cineracea] Kleinasiatische Ammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}: Kleinasiatischer Ammer]
gray-headed bush-shrike [Am.] [Malaconotus blanchoti]Graukopfwürger {m}
gray-headed canary flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m}
gray-headed canary-flycatcher / canary flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] Graukopfschnäpper {m}
gray-headed chachalaca [Am.] [Ortalis cinereiceps]Graukopftschatschalaka {m}
gray-headed chachalaca [Ortalis cinereiceps] [Am.]Graukopfguan {m}
gray-headed chickadee [Am.] [Poecile cinctus, syn.: Poecile cincta, Parus cinctus] Lapplandmeise {f}
gray-headed flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis] Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m}
gray-headed flycatcher [Am.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis]Graukopfschnäpper {m}
gray-headed flying fox [Pteropus poliocephalus] [Am.]Graukopf-Flughund {m}
gray-headed flying squirrel [Am.] [Petaurista (elegans) caniceps]Graukopf-Riesengleithörnchen {n}
gray-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus hyogaster / Ptilinopus hyogastra / Ptilinopus hyogastrus] [Am.]Blaukopf-Fruchttaube {f}
gray-headed green woodpecker / green-woodpecker [Am.] [Picus canus] Grauspecht {m}
gray-headed greenbul [Phyllastrephus poliocephalus] [Am.]Goldbauchbülbül {m}
gray-headed greenlet [Hylophilus decurtatus] [Am.]Graukappenvireo {m}
gray-headed honeyeater [Lichenostomus keartlandi] [Am.] Grauscheitel-Honigfresser {m}
gray-headed kingfisher [Am.] [Halcyon leucocephala] Graukopfliest {m}
gray-headed lapwing [Am.] [Vanellus cinereus]Graukopfkiebitz {m}
gray-headed lemur [Eulemur cinereiceps; früher: Eulemur albocollaris] [Am.] Weißkragenmaki {m} [Lemur]
gray-headed lovebird [Agapornis cana] [Am.] Grauköpfchen {n}
gray-headed mollymawk [Am.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma] Graukopfalbatros {m}
gray-headed nightingale-thrush [Am.] [Catharus aurantiirostris] Goldschnabel-Musendrossel {f}
gray-headed parrotbill [Paradoxornis gularis] [Am.] Graukopf-Papageimeise {f}
gray-headed pied woodpecker [Am.] [Yungipicus canicapillus, syn.: Dendrocopos canicapillus, Picoides canicapillus] Grauscheitelspecht {m}
gray-headed redstart [Am.] [Basileuterus griseiceps, syn.: Myiothlypis griseiceps] Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m}
gray-headed spinetail [Cranioleuca semicinerea / Certhiaxis semicinerea] [Am.] Graukopfschlüpfer {m}
gray-headed starling [Am.] [Sturnia malabarica, syn.: Sturnus malabaricus] Graukopfstar {m}
gray-headed tanager [Am.] [Eucometis penicillata] Graukopftangare {f}
gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus obscurus] Weißbrauendrossel {f}
« graygraygraygraygraygraygrayGraygrazgreagrea »
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