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gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus rubrocanus] Kastaniendrossel {f}
gray-headed thrush [Am.] [Turdus rubrocanus] Kastanienamsel {f}
gray-headed tit babbler [Am.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi]Braunkopfalcippe {f} [auch: Braunkopf-Alcippe]
gray-headed tit babbler [Am.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi]Braunohralcippe {f}
gray-headed (tree) babbler [Stachyris poliocephala] [Am.]Graukopf-Buschtimalie {f}
gray-headed warbler [Am.] [Basileuterus griseiceps]Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m}
gray-headed warbler [Am.] [Vermivora ruficapilla, syn.: Helminthophila ruficapilla, Leiothlypis ruficapilla, Oreothlypis ruficapilla]Rubinfleck-Waldsänger {m}
gray-headed waxbill [Am.] [Estrilda quartinia, syn.: Coccopygia quartinia] Gelbbauchastrild {m} [auch: Gelbbauch-Astrild]
gray-headed wheatear [Am.] [Oenanthe moesta] Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
gray-headed wheatear [Am.] [Oenanthe moesta]Fahlbürzelschmätzer {m}
gray-headed woodpecker [Picus canus] [Am.]Grauspecht {m}
gray-hooded bunting [Am.] [Emberiza buchanani]Steinortolan {m}
gray-hooded bunting [Am.] [Emberiza buchanani] Grauhelmammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-hooded bunting [Am.] [Emberiza fucata] Bandammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-hooded bunting [Am.] [Emberiza fucata] Braunohrammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-hooded bunting [Am.] [Emberiza fucata]Graukopfammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-hooded bush tanager [Am.] [Cnemoscopus rubrirostris] Graukopf-Buschtangare {f}
gray-hooded bush-tanager [Am.] [Cnemoscopus rubrirostris] Graukopf-Buschtangare {f}
gray-hooded flycatcher [Mionectes rufiventris] [Am.]Graukopf-Pipratyrann {m}
gray-hooded fulvetta [Am.] [Alcippe cinereiceps, syn.: Fulvetta cinereiceps]Braunkopfalcippe {f}
gray-hooded kingfisher [Am.] [Halcyon leucocephala]Graukopfliest {m}
gray-hooded sierra finch [Am.] [Phrygilus gayi] Kordillerenämmerling {m}
gray-hooded sunbird [Aethopyga primigenius] [Am.] Graukehl-Nektarvogel {m}
gray-hooded white-eye [Lophozosterops pinaiae] [Am.] Pinaiabrillenvogel {m}
gray-hoohed parakeet [Psilopsiagon aymara] [formerly Bolborhynchus aymara] [Am.]Aymarasittich {m}
graying [Am.] grau meliert
graying [Am.] graumeliert
graying [Am.]ergrauend
graying [Am.]grau werdend
graying [Am.]angegraut
grayish [Am.] gräulich [Farbe]
grayish [Am.] graulich [Farbe]
grayish flycatcher [Am.] [Melaenornis microrhynchus, syn.: Bradornis microrhynchus, Bradornis pallidus]Strichelkopfschnäpper {m}
grayish flycatcher [Am.] [Melaenornis pumilus, syn.: Bradornis mariquensis, B. mariquensis] Fantischnäpper {m}
grayish mourner [Am.] [Rhytipterna simplex]Graurhytipterna / Grau-Rhytipterna {f}
grayish mourner [Am.] [Rhytipterna simplex] Grauschmucktyrann {m}
grayish mouse opossum [Tlacuatzin canescens, formerly Marmosa canescens] [Am.] Graue Zwergbeutelratte {f}
grayish piculet [Am.] [Picumnus granadensis] Braunrücken-Zwergspecht {m}
grayish saltator [Am.] [Saltator coerulescens]Grausaltator / Grau-Saltator {m}
grayish white [Am.] grauweiß
grayish-black [Am.] grauschwarz
grayite [(Th,Pb,Ca)PO4·H2O]Grayit {m}
graylag goose [Am.] [Anser anser, syn.: Anser cinereus] Schlackergans {f} [veraltet bzw. regional] [z. B. Hessen, Westfalen] [Graugans]
graylag goose [Am.] [Anser anser, syn.: Anser cinereus] Wilde Gans {f} [veraltet] [Graugans]
graylag goose [Am.] [Anser anser] Graugans {f}
grayleaf / gray-leaf cotoneaster [Am.] [Cotoneaster glaucophyllus] Blaugrünblättrige Zwergmispel {f}
grayleaf / gray-leaf cotoneaster [Am.] [Cotoneaster glaucophyllus]Blaugrüne Zwergmispel {f}
grayleaf / gray-leaf willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa]Seidenhaarige Weide {f}
grayleaf / gray-leaf willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa] Blau-Weide / Blauweide {f}
grayleaf / gray-leaf willow [Am.] [Salix glauca, syn.: S. glauca ssp. glauca, S. villosa] Arktische Grau-Weide / Grauweide {f}
gray-leaf willow [Am.] [Salix brachycarpa] Kurzfrüchtige Weide {f}
gray-leaved cotoneaster [Am.] [Cotoneaster glaucophyllus]Blaugrüne Zwergmispel {f}
gray-leaved cotoneaster [Am.] [Cotoneaster glaucophyllus]Blaugrünblättrige Zwergmispel {f}
gray-legged tinamou [Am.] [Crypturellus duidae] Graufußtinamu {m}
gray-level image [Am.] Grauwertbild {n}
gray-level value <GLV> [Am.]Graustufenwert {m} [Grauwert]
gray-lined hawk [Am.] [Buteo nitidus, syn.: Asturina nitida, A. nitidus, Leucopternis nitidus]Graubussard {m}
gray-lined hawk [Am.] [Buteo nitidus, syn.: Asturina nitida, A. nitidus, Leucopternis nitidus] [Buteo nitidus, syn.: Asturina nitida, A. nitidus, Leucopternis nitidus] Zweibindenbussard {m}
grayling [Thymallus thymallus](Europäische) Äsche {f} [Fischart]
grayling fisher Äschenfischer {m}
grayling region Äschenregion {f}
grayling zoneÄschenregion {f}
graylisting [Am.] [temporary rejection of e-mail] Greylisting {n}
grayly [Am.] gräulich
gray-mantled albatross [Am.] [Phoebetria palpebrata] Rußalbatros {m}
gray-mantled wren [Odontorchilus branickii] [Am.] Graumantel-Zaunkönig {m}
gray-necked bald crow [Picathartes oreas] [Am.]Buntkopf-Felshüpfer {m}
gray-necked bunting [Am.] [Emberiza buchanani] Grauhelmammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-necked bunting [Emberiza buchanani] [Am.] Steinortolan {m}
gray-necked crow [Am.] [Corvus splendens] Glanzkrähe {f}
gray-necked fruit pigeon [Ducula carola] [Am.] Hufeisen-Fruchttaube {f}
gray-necked wood-rail [Aramides cajanea] [Am.]Cayenneralle {f}
grayness [Am.]Düsterkeit {f}
grayness [Am.] Grauanteil {m} [Graustich]
grayness [Am.] Graustich {m}
grayness [Am.] [color, also fig.] Grau {n} [auch fig.]
grayness [Am.] [of face]Fahlheit {f} [Gesicht]
grayness [Am.] [of life, world, outlook] [bleakness]Trostlosigkeit {f}
grayness [Am.] [of person] [anonymity] Gesichtslosigkeit {f}
grayness [Am.] [of place] [anonymity] Anonymität {f}
grayness [Am.] [of weather, day]Trübheit {f} [Wetter, Tag]
gray-olive [Am.] grauoliv
gray-olive greenbul [Phyllastrephus cerviniventris] [Am.]Fahlbauchbülbül {m}
gray-rumped chat [Am.] [Cercomela schlegelii] Bleichschmätzer {m}
gray-rumped swallow [Pseudhirundo griseopyga] [Am.]Graubürzelschwalbe {f}
gray-rumped treeswift [Am.] [Hemiprocne longipennis] Haubenbaumsegler {m}
grays [Am.]Graus {pl}
Gray's bald-faced saki [Pithecia irrorata] Kahlgesichtiger Saki {m}
Gray's beaked whale [Mesoplodon grayi] Camperdown-Wal {m}
Gray's beaked whale [Mesoplodon grayi]Gray-Zweizahnwal {m}
Gray's brush-turkey / brush turkey [Macrocephalon maleo]Hammerhuhn {n}
Gray's brush-turkey / brush turkey [Macrocephalon maleo]Maleo {m}
Gray's earth snake [Uropeltis melanogaster]Schwarzbauchschildschwanz {m} [Schlange]
Gray's funnel-eared bat [Natalus stramineus]Strohgelbes Trichterohr {n} [Fledermausart]
Gray's giant flying squirrel [Petaurista nobilis] Bhutan-Riesengleithörnchen {n}
Gray's goshawk [Accipiter henicogrammus] Halmaherahabicht {m}
Gray's grasshopper warbler [Locustella fasciolata]Riesenschwirl {m}
Gray's green gecko [Naultinus grayii, syn.: Gymnodactylus grayii, Hoplodactylus grayi] Nordland-Grüngecko {m}
Gray's lark [Ammomanes grayi] Namiblerche {f}
Gray's malimbe [Malimbus nitens]Rotkehlweber {m}
« graygraygraygraygraygrayGraygrazgreagreagrea »
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