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English-German Dictionary

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Gray's monitor [Varanus olivaceus]Grays Waran {m}
Gray's monitor lizard [Varanus olivaceus, syn.: V. (Philippinosaurus) olivaceus, V. grayi, V. ornatus] Grays Waran {m}
Gray's monitor (lizard) [Varanus olivaceus, syn.: V. (Philippinosaurus) olivaceus, V. grayi, V. ornatus] Gray-Waran {m}
Gray's monitor (lizard) [Varanus olivaceus, syn.: V. (Philippinosaurus) olivaceus, V. grayi, V. ornatus]Butaan {m} [Grays Waran]
Gray's paradox Graysches Paradoxon {n} [alt]
Gray's paradoxGray'sches Paradoxon {n}
Gray's robin [Turdus grayi] Gilbdrossel {f}
Gray's robin [Turdus grayi]Schlichtdrossel {f}
Gray's sedge [Carex grayi] Grays Segge {f}
Gray's sticky-toed gecko [Hoplodactylus granulatus, syn.: Naultinus elegans, N. granulatus, N. grayi, N. sylvestris, N. versicolor] Neuseeländischer Waldgecko {m}
Gray's stream frog [Strongylopus grayii] [also: clicking stream frog, Gray's grass / spotted frog]Grays Flussfrosch {m}
Gray's tanager [Piranga rubriceps] Scharlachkopftangare {f} [auch: Scharlachkopf-Tangare]
Gray's thrush [Turdus grayi] Gilbdrossel {f}
Gray's thrush [Turdus grayi] Schlichtdrossel {f}
Gray's warbler [Locustella fasciolata]Riesenschwirl {m}
Gray's water snake [Myron richardsonii] Östliche Mangrovennatter {f}
graysby [Cephalopholis cruentata] Blutroter Juwelenbarsch {m}
grayscale [Am.]Graustufen {pl}
grayscale [Am.] graustufig [Farben]
grayscale [Am.] [Agaricus moelleri, syn.: A. meleagris] Perlhuhn-Champignon / Perlhuhnchampignon {m}
grayscale [Am.] [Agaricus moelleri, syn.: A. meleagris] Perlhuhn-Egerling / Perlhuhnegerling {m}
grayscale matrix [Am.]Grauwertmatrix {f}
gray-scale resolution [Am.]Grauwertauflösung {f}
grayscale resolution [Am.] Grauwertauflösung {f}
gray-scale value [Am.]Grauwert {m}
gray-shanked douc (langur) [Am.] [Pygathrix cinerea]Grauschenkliger Kleideraffe {m}
gray-sided bush warbler [Am.] [Cettia brunnifrons] Rotkopf-Buschsänger {m}
gray-sided chickadee [Am.] [Poecile sclateri, syn.: Parus sclateri]Grauflankenmeise {f}
gray-sided flowerpecker [Dicaeum celebicum] [Am.] Schwarzwangen-Mistelfresser {m}
gray-sided laughing thrush [Garrulax caerulatus] [Am.]Grauflankenhäherling {m}
gray-sided thrush [Am.] [Turdus feae]Rostdrossel {f}
gray-sided thrush [Am.] [Turdus feae]Braunkopfdrossel {f}
gray-sided thrush [Am.] [Turdus feae]Feadrossel {f}
gray-spotted flycatcher [Am.] [Muscicapa griseisticta] Strichelschnäpper {m}
gray-spotted flycatcher [Am.] [Muscicapa griseisticta]Fleckenschnäpper {m}
gray-stem goldenrod [Am.] [Solidago nemoralis] Graue Goldrute {f}
gray-streaked [Am.]graumeliert
gray-streaked flycatcher [Am.] [Muscicapa griseisticta] Strichelschnäpper {m}
gray-streaked flycatcher [Am.] [Muscicapa griseisticta]Fleckenschnäpper {m}
gray-striped [Am.] graugestreift
gray-striped [Am.] grau gestreift
gray-striped brush finch [Am.] [Arremon costaricensis, syn.: Buarremon costaricensis, B. torquatus costaricensis] Panamabuschammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
gray-striped francolin [Am.] [Pternistis griseostriatus]Graustreifenfrankolin {m}
gray-tailed cardinal [Am.] [Cardinalis cardinalis, syn.: Richmondena cardinalis] Rotkardinal {m}
gray-tailed cardinal [Am.] [Cardinalis cardinalis, syn.: Richmondena cardinalis]Roter Kardinal {m}
gray-tailed mountain-gem / mountaingem [Lampornis cinereicauda] [Am.]Grauschwanznymphe {f}
gray-tailed tattler [Am.] [Tringa brevipes] [formerly Heteroscelus brevipes]Graubürzelwasserläufer {m} [auch: Graubürzel-Wasserläufer]
gray-tailed tattler [Tringa brevipes] [formerly Heteroscelus brevipes] [Am.] Ostsibirischer Wanderwasserläufer {m}
gray-tailed tattler [Tringa brevipes] [formerly Heteroscelus brevipes] [Am.] Grauschwanzwasserläufer {m} [auch: Grauschwanz-Wasserläufer]
gray-throated babbler [Am.] [Stachyris nigriceps] Graukehl-Buschtimalie {f}
gray-throated barbet [Am.] [Gymnobucco bonapartei]Graukopf-Bartvogel {m}
gray-throated barbet [Gymnobucco bonapartei] [Am.]Trauerbartvogel {m}
gray-throated flycatcher [Am.] [Myioparus griseigularis, syn.: Alseonax griseigularis]Graukehlschnäpper {m}
gray-throated leaftosser [Sclerurus albigularis] [Am.] Graukehl-Laubwender {m}
gray-throated martin [Am.] [Riparia chinensis] Graukehl-Uferschwalbe {f}
gray-throated rail [Am.] [Canirallus oculeus]Augenralle {f}
gray-throated tit flycatcher [Am.] [Myioparus griseigularis] Graukehlschnäpper {m}
gray-throated warbler [Am.] [Basileuterus cinereicollis] Graukehl-Waldsänger {m}
gray-value image [Am.] Grauwertbild {n}
gray-value scaling [Am.]Grauwertskalierung {f}
gray-vested illadopsis [Am.] [Kakamega poliothorax, syn.: Trichastoma poliothorax] Graubrust-Drosseltimalie {f}
graywacke [Am.] Grauwacke {f}
graywater [Am.] Grauwasser {n} [fäkalienfreies, gering verschmutztes Abwasser]
graywater recycling [Am.] Grauwasserrecycling {n} [auch: Grauwasser-Recycling]
gray-whale baby [Am.] [also: gray whale baby] Grauwalbaby {n} [auch: Grauwal-Baby]
gray-whale calf [Am.] [also: gray whale calf] Grauwalkalb {n}
gray-white [Am.]grauweiß
graywing francolin [Am.] [Francolinus africanus, syn.: Scleroptila africanus] Grauflügelfrankolin {m}
gray-winged akelat [Cossypha polioptera] [Am.]Grauflügelrötel {m}
gray-winged blackbird [Am.] [Turdus boulboul]Bülbülamsel {f}
gray-winged blackbird [Am.] [Turdus boulboul]Grauflügeldrossel {f}
gray-winged cotinga [Am.] [Tijuca condita] Grauflügelkotinga / Grauflügel-Kotinga {f}
gray-winged cotinga [Am.] [Tijuca condita]Grauflügeltijuca {f}
gray-winged francolin [Am.] [Francolinus africanus, syn.: Scleroptila africanus] Grauflügelfrankolin {m}
gray-winged Inca finch [Incaspiza ortizi] [Am.]Grauflügelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Grauflügel-Ammer]
gray-winged Inca sparrow [Am.] [Incaspiza ortizi] Grauflügelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Grauflügel-Ammer]
gray-winged longbill [Toxorhamphus poliopterus] [Am.]Graukinn-Pfriemschnabel {m}
gray-winged trumpeter [Psophia crepitans] [Am.]Grauflügel-Trompetervogel {m}
GrazGraz {n}
Graz [attr.] Grazer [indekl.]
graze Schramme {f}
grazeSchürfwunde {f}
grazeAbschürfung {f}
graze [slight shot-wound] Streifschuss {m}
graze (of the skin)Hautabschürfung {f}
graze shotStreifschuss {m}
graze wound Streifschuss {m} [Schusswunde]
grazed abgegrast
grazed abgeschürft
grazedaufgeschunden [regional] [abgeschürft]
grazed [pastured] gegrast
grazed [animals]geäst
grazer Grasfresser {m}
grazer Weidetier {n}
grazerZwischendurchesser {m} ["Snack-Esser"]
grazers Weidetiere {pl}
grazesSchürfwunden {pl}
Graziana klagenfurtensis [freshwater snail in the family Hydrobiidae]Klagenfurter Zwergquellschnecke {f}
Graziana lacheineri [freshwater snail in the family Hydrobiidae] Steirische Zwergquellschnecke {f}
Graziana pupula [freshwater snail in the family Hydrobiidae] Glänzende Zwergquellschnecke {f}
« graygraygraygraygrayGraygrazgreagreagreaGrea »
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