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English-German Dictionary

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grazierViehzüchter {m}
grazing äsend
grazing Weiden {n}
grazing Grasen {n}
grazing Äsung {f}
grazing Beweidung {f}
grazing Abgrasen {n}
grazing angleStreifwinkel {m}
grazing angle Glanzwinkel {m}
grazing animalWeidetier {n}
grazing animals Weidetiere {pl}
grazing animals {pl} Weidevieh {n}
grazing animals [activity] Viehweiden {n}
grazing area Weidefläche {f}
grazing capacity Weidekapazität {f}
grazing cattle {pl} Weidevieh {n}
grazing cattle {pl} weidendes Vieh {n}
grazing cycleWeidezyklus {m}
grazing dairy cows weidende Milchkühe {pl}
grazing feesWeidegebühren {pl}
grazing fees {pl} Weidegeld {n} [Weidegebühr(en)]
grazing fire Bestreichungsfeuer {n}
grazing groundWeideland {n}
grazing grounds {pl} Weidegebiet {n}
grazing intensity Beweidungsintensität {f}
grazing land Weideland {n}
grazing (land) management Weidebewirtschaftung {f}
grazing light Streiflicht {n}
grazing livestock Weidevieh {n}
grazing livestock Weidetiere {pl}
grazing livestock unit <GLU>Rinder-Großvieheinheit {f} <RiGV, RiGVE>
grazing management Beweidungsmanagement {n}
grazing managementWeidemanagement {n}
grazing management Weidenutzung {f}
grazing of pastures and croplandsBeweiden {n} von Gras- und Ackerland
grazing potentialWeidepotential {n} [Weidepotenzial]
grazing pressure Weidedruck {m}
grazing rate Grazingrate {f}
grazing resources Weideressourcen {pl}
grazing rights Weiderechte {pl}
grazing rights {pl}Weiderecht {n}
grazing rights {pl} Weidegerechtigkeit {f}
grazing season Weidesaison {f}
grazing shot Streifschuss {m}
grazing sound fieldswaagerecht schwingende Schallfelder {pl}
grazing yearWeidejahr {n}
grease Fett {n}
greaseSchmiere {f}
grease Schmierfett {n}
Grease [Randal Kleiser] Grease
grease box Schmierbuchse {f}
grease box Schmierbüchse {f} [für Fett]
grease cartridge Fettkartusche {f}
grease container Fettbehälter {m}
grease cupSchmierbüchse {f}
grease dropFettauge {n}
grease drops Fettaugen {pl}
grease filter Fettfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
grease fireFettbrand {m}
grease fire extinguisher [extinguisher for grease fire] Fettbrandlöscher {m} [Feuerlöscher]
grease fitting [grease nipple] Schmiernippel {m}
grease gun Fettpresse {f}
grease gun Schmierpresse {f}
grease gun Abschmierpresse {f}
grease (heel)Mauke {f}
grease hole Schmierloch {n}
grease interceptor Fettabscheider {m}
Grease lightly! Leicht fetten!
grease lubrication Fettschmierung {f}
grease man [most agile acrobat]Schlangenmensch {m} [höchst gelenkiger Akrobat]
grease money [coll.]Schmiergeld {n} [ugs.]
grease monkey [coll.] Mechaniker {m}
grease monkey [coll.]Schmiermaxe {m} [ugs.] [Mechaniker]
grease monkey [female] [coll.] Mechanikerin {f}
grease moth [Aglossa pinguinalis] [large tabby]Fettzünsler {m}
grease nipple Abschmiernippel {m}
grease nipple Schmiernippel {m}
grease nipple Fettnippel {m}
grease paste Fettpaste {f}
grease pencilFettstift {m}
grease pitAbschmiergrube {f}
grease removerFettlöser {m}
grease remover Fettabstreifer {m}
grease resistance [of paper, coatings etc.]Fettdichtigkeit {f} [von Papier, Beschichtungen etc.]
grease retainer Fettabdichtung {f}
grease separator Fettabscheider {m}
grease splatter Fettspritzer {m}
grease spotFettfleck {m}
grease spotFettflecken {m}
grease spot photometer Fettfleckphotometer {n}
grease spot photometer [Bunsen photometer] Fleckfettfotometer {n} [selten] [Fleckfett-Photometer]
grease stainFettfleck {m}
grease trapFettfang {m}
grease trap Fettabscheider {m}
grease zerk [Am.] [grease fitting] Schmiernippel {m}
greaseball [Am.] [pej.] [Italian] Itaker {m} [pej.] [Italiener]
greaseball [Am.] [sl.][ungepflegter, schmalzhaariger Mann]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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