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great princessGroßfürstin {f}
Great Privilege [1477] Großes Privileg {n}
great problemernstes Problem {n}
great problem großes Problem {n}
great prominent [Peridea anceps, also P. trepida] [moth]Großer Eichen-Zahnspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
great prominent [Peridea anceps] [moth] Eichen-Zahnspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
great puncturella [Cranopsis major, syn.: Puncturella major] Cranopsis major {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Great Purge Große Säuberung {f}
Great Pyramid (of Giza)Cheopspyramide {f} [auch: Cheops-Pyramide]
great Pyrenees Pyrenäen-Berghund {m}
Great Pyrenees dog [Am.]Pyrenäenhund {m}
Great Pyrenees dog [Am.] Pyrenäenberghund {m}
great quaking grass [Briza maxima] Großes Zittergras {n}
great quantity große Menge {f}
Great Quest [The Neverending Story]Große Suche {f} [Die unendliche Geschichte]
great raft spider [Dolomedes plantarius, Dolomedes clercki] Gerandete Wasserspinne {f}
great ramshorn [Planorbarius corneus] Posthornschnecke {f}
great ram's-horn snail [Planorbarius corneus, syn.: Planorbis corneus] Posthornschnecke {f}
great rapa chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Chank {f}
great rapa chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Hinduglocke {f}
great rapa chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Birn-Wirbelschnecke {f}
great rapa chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Echte Birnschnecke {f}
great raritygroße Seltenheit {f}
Great Ravensburg Trading Society [Magna Societas Alamannorum] Große Ravensburger Handelsgesellschaft {f}
Great Red Spot [on Jupiter] <GRS>Großer Roter Fleck {m} <GRF> [am Jupiter]
great red-bellied woodpecker [Melanerpes superciliaris] Bahamaspecht {m}
great reed warbler / reed-warbler [Acrocephalus arundinaceus]Drosselrohrsänger {m}
great renown großes Ansehen {n}
Great Replacement Großer Austausch {m}
great respect Ehrfurcht {f}
great respect hohe Achtung {f}
great rhinoceros hornbill [Buceros rhinoceros] Rhinozeroshornvogel {m} [auch: Rhinozeros-Hornvogel]
great rhombicosidodecahedrongroßes Rhombenikosidodekaeder {n}
great rhombicosidodecahedronIkosidodekaederstumpf {m}
great rhombicuboctahedrongroßes Rhombenkuboktaeder {n}
great rhombicuboctahedronKuboktaederstumpf {m}
Great Riddle Gate [The Neverending Story]Große Rätsel Tor {n} [Die unendliche Geschichte]
great ringed kingfisher [Megaceryle torquata, syn.: M. torquatus, Ceryle torquata, C. torquatus] Rotbrustfischer {m} [auch: Rotbrust-Fischer]
great ringed plover [Charadrius hiaticula] Sandregenpfeifer {m}
great room [Am.] [Raum mit hoher Decke und offener Architektur in Privathäusern]
great rosefinch [Carpodacus rubicilla] Berggimpel {m}
great round-headed garlic [Allium ampeloprasum, syn.: A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum, A. holmense, A. lineare, A. porrum, Porrum ampeloprasum] Pferde-Knoblauch / Pferdeknoblauch {m}
great round-headed garlic [Allium ampeloprasum, syn.: A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum, A. holmense, A. lineare, A. porrum, Porrum ampeloprasum] Weinlauch {m}
great round-headed garlic [Allium ampeloprasum, syn.: A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum, A. holmense, A. lineare, A. porrum, Porrum ampeloprasum] Sommer-Knoblauch / Sommerknoblauch {m}
great round-headed garlic [Allium ampeloprasum, syn.: A. ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum, A. holmense, A. lineare, A. porrum, Porrum ampeloprasum] Acker-Knoblauch / Ackerknoblauch {m}
great rufous woodcreeper [Xiphocolaptes major] Riesenbaumsteiger {m}
Great Rus' [Great Russia] Große Rus {f} [Großrussland]
Great RussiaGroßrussland {n}
Great Russians Großrussen {pl}
great rye brome [Bromus grossus] Spelz-Trespe {f} [Dicke Trespe]
great rye brome [Bromus grossus] Dicke Trespe {f}
great rye brome [Bromus grossus] Dinkel-Trespe {f}
great sale großer Ausverkauf {m}
great sallow [Salix caprea]Sal-Weide / Salweide {f}
great sallow [Salix caprea] Hänge-Sal-Weide / Hängesalweide {f}
great sallow [Salix caprea] Palm-Weide / Palmweide {f}
great sallow [Salix caprea] Palmkätzchen {n}
great sallow [Salix caprea] Kätzchen-Weide / Kätzchenweide {f}
Great Salt LakeGroßer Salzsee {m}
great sand eel [Hyperoplus immaculatus]Ungefleckter Großer Sandaal {m}
Great Sandy Desert [Central Australia] Große Sandwüste {f}
great saphenous vein <GSV> [Vena saphena magna <VSM>] große Rosenader {f}
great sapphirewing [Pterophanes cyanopterus]Blauflügelkolibri {m}
great save große Einsparung {f}
great saving große Einsparung {f}
great scallop [Pecten maximus]Große Pilgermuschel {f}
great scented liverwort [Conocephalum conicum] Kegelkopfmoos {n}
Great SchismPapstschisma {n}
Great Schism of the Russian Church Großes Schisma {n} der Russischen Kirche
Great Scott! [dated] Heiliges Kanonenrohr! [veraltet]
great scouring rush [Equisetum hyemale] Winter-Schachtelhalm / Winterschachtelhalm {m}
great scouringrush / scouring-rush / scouring rush [Equisetum hyemale]Überwinternder Schachtelhalm {m}
great sea lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina] Große Lamprete {f}
great sea lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina] Großes Neunauge {n}
great sea lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina]Meer-Neunauge / Meerneunauge {n}
great sea lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina]Meerpricke {f} [Meer-Neunauge]
great sea lamprey [Petromyzon marinus, syn.: P. adriaticus, P. concolor, P. lampetra, P. maximus, P. ruber, Lampetra marina] Seelamprete {f}
great sealHauptsiegel {n}
Great Seal of the United States Großes Siegel {n} der Vereinigten Staaten
great sea-slater [Ligia oceanica, syn.: Oniscus oceanica, Oniscus oceanicus]Strandassel {f}
great sea-slater [Ligia oceanica, syn.: Oniscus oceanica, Oniscus oceanicus] Meeresklippenassel / Meeres-Klippenassel {f}
great sea-slater [Ligia oceanica, syn.: Oniscus oceanica, Oniscus oceanicus] Klippenassel {f}
Great Seljuk Empire Großseldschukisches Reich {n}
Great SenateGroßer Senat {m}
great sensation starker Eindruck {m}
great shaggy bear (of a man) [fig.]Zottelbär {m} [ugs.] [Mann]
great shearwater [Br.] [Puffinus gravis] Kappensturmtaucher {m}
great shearwater [Br.] [Puffinus gravis] Großer Sturmtaucher {m}
great shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo] Holzbohrwurm {m} [Schiffsbohrwurm]
great shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo] Schiffsbohrmuschel {f}
great shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo]Schiffsbohrwurm {m}
great shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo] Bohrmuschel {f}
great shipworm [Teredo navalis, syn.: T. batavus, T. japonica, T. marina, T. novangliae, T. sinensis, T. vulgaris, Pholas teredo, Serpula teredo]Pfahlwurm {m}
great shock of hair Haarflut {f}
great shortwing [Heinrichia calligyna] Celebeskurzflügel {m}
great shrike tyrant [Agriornis livida]Würgertyrann {m}
great shrike-tanager [Lanio aurantius] Schwarzkehl-Würgtangare {f}
great shrike-tanager [Lanio aurantius]Schwarzkehl-Würgertangare {f}
great shrike-tyrant [Agriornis lividus] Schwarzschwanz-Hakentyrann {m}
great silver fir [Abies grandis, syn.: Abies excelsior]Küsten-Tanne {f}
« greagreaGreaGreagreagreagreagreagreagreagrea »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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