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English-German Dictionary

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great white egret [Egretta alba]Silberreiher {m}
Great White Fleet Große Weiße Flotte {f}
great white heron [Ardea alba, syn.: Casmerodius albus, Egretta alba] Silberreiher {m}
great white heron [Ardea herodias] [white morph of great blue]Kanadareiher {m}
great white owl [Am.] [Bubo scandiacus, syn.: Bubo virginianus wapacuthu, Nyctea scandiaca]Schneeeule {f}
great white shark [Carcharodon carcharias] Weißhai {m}
great white shark [Carcharodon carcharias]Weißer Hai {m}
great white shark [Carcharodon carcharias]Menschenhai {m}
great white-bellied heron [Ardea insignis, syn.: Ardea imperialis] Kaiserreiher {m}
great white-bellied heron [Ardea insignis, syn.: Ardea imperialis] Weißbauchreiher {m}
great willowherb [Epilobium hirsutum] Zottiges Weidenröschen {n} [auch: Zottiges Weideröschen]
great willow-herb / willow herb / willowherb [Epilobium hirsutum] Rauhaariges Weidenröschen {n} [alt: Rauhhaariges Weidenröschen]
great winter moth [Erannis defoliaria]Großer Frostspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
great woodpecker [Dendrocopos major, syn.: Picoides major]Buntspecht {m}
great woodpecker [Dendrocopos major, syn.: Picoides major] Großer Specht {m}
great woodpecker [Dendrocopos major, syn.: Picoides major]Rotspecht {m}
great wood-rush [Luzula sylvatica]Wald-Hainsimse {f}
great wood-rush [Luzula sylvatica] Große Hainsimse {f}
great wood-rush [Luzula sylvatica] Waldmarbel {f}
great woodswallow [Artamus maximus]Riesenschwalbenstar {m}
great xenops [Megaxenops parnaguae] Riesensteigschnabel {m}
great Yap white-eye [Zosterops oleagineus]Yapbrillenvogel {m}
great yellow bumblebee [Bombus distinguendus] Deichhummel {f}
great yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium] Wasserkresse {f}
great yellow wolfsbane [Aconitum lycoctonum, also A. lycotonum] Wolfs-Eisenhut {m}
great yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium]Wassersumpfkresse {f}
great yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium] Ufer-Sumpfkresse / Ufersumpfkresse {f}
great yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium] Teichkresse {f}
Great Zab [river]Oberer Zab {m}
Great Zab [river]Großer Zab {m}
Great Zimbabwe Groß-Simbabwe {n} [auch: Groß-Zimbabwe]
Great! Großartig!
Great! Prima! [ugs.]
Great! [ironic] Na Prosit! [ironisch]
Great! Now he tells me. [coll.] (Na) toll! Das sagt der mir jetzt. [ugs.]
(Great) Britain's remaining in the EUGroßbritanniens Verbleib {m} in der EU
(Great) British großbritannisch
(great) bundle Packen {m}
(great) court councilHoftag {m}
(great) darkling beetle [Blaps gigas]Riesentotenkäfer {m}
(great) gossip [woman]Tratschtante {f} [ugs.]
(great) green turban [Turbo marmoratus, syn.: T. olearia, T. regenfussi, Lunatica marmorata]Ölkrug {m} [Marmorierte Kreiselschnecke] [Meeresschneckenart]
(great) green turban [Turbo marmoratus, syn.: T. olearia, T. regenfussi, Lunatica marmorata]Marmorierte Kreiselschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
(great) green turban [Turbo marmoratus, syn.: T. olearia, T. regenfussi, Lunatica marmorata]Jade-Turbo / Jadeturbo {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
(great) hairy willowherb [Epilobium hirsutum]Zottiges Weidenröschen {n} [auch: Zottiges Weideröschen]
(great) hairy willow-herb / willowherb [Epilobium hirsutum] Rauhaariges Weidenröschen {n} [alt: Rauhhaariges Weidenröschen]
(great) helmeted hornbill [Buceros hydrocorax, syn.: Rhinoplax vigil] Schildhornvogel {m}
(Great) Imperial Peace [Holy Roman Empire] (Großer) Reichslandfrieden {m}
(great) improviser Improvisationstalent {n} [Mensch]
(great) Indian bustard [Ardeotis nigriceps]Kappentrappe {f}
(great) Indian chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Chank {f}
(great) Indian chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Hinduglocke {f}
(great) Indian chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Birn-Wirbelschnecke {f}
(great) Indian chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Echte Birnschnecke {f}
(great) packagePacken {m}
(Great) Paris Magical Papyrus(Großer) Pariser Zauberpapyrus {m}
(great) promise Verheißung {f} [geh.]
(great) pumpkin [Cucurbita maxima, syn.: C. andreana, C. maxima var. turbaniformis, C. turbaniformis] Speisekürbis / Speise-Kürbis {m}
(great) pumpkin [Cucurbita maxima]Riesen-Kürbis {m} [auch: Riesenkürbis]
(Great) Pyramid of Khufu [also: pyramid of Khufu]Cheopspyramide {f} [auch Cheops-Pyramide]
(great) renown [great fame or glory, splendour] Glorie {f} [geh.] [Ruhm]
(great) rhinoceros hornbill [Buceros rhinoceros] Nashornvogel {m}
(great) rhinoceros hornbill [Buceros rhinoceros] Rhinozerosvogel {m}
(great) scarlet poppy [Papaver bracteatum] Arznei-Mohn {m}
(great) seminal catastrophe Urkatastrophe {f}
(great) Truk white-eye [Rukia ruki] Trukbrillenvogel {m}
(Great) Western Schism(Großes) Abendländisches Schisma {n}
(great) white hopeHoffnungsträger {m}
(great) white hope [female] Hoffnungsträgerin {f}
(great) white pelican [Pelecanus onocrotalus] Rosapelikan {m}
(great) white shark skeleton Skelett {n} des / eines Weißen Hais
(great) white trillium [Trillium grandiflorum]Großblütige Waldlilie {f}
(great) white trillium [Trillium grandiflorum] Große Dreizipfellilie {f}
(great) white trillium [Trillium grandiflorum]Wald-Dreiblattlilie {f} [Großblütige Waldlilie]
(great) yellow gentian [Gentiana lutea] Gelber Enzian {m}
great-aunt Großtante {f}
great-billed hermit [Phaethornis malaris]Langschnabeleremit {m}
great-billed hermit [Phaethornis malaris] Dunkler Schattenkolibri {m}
great-billed hermit [Phaethornis malaris]Dunkelschattenkolibri {m}
great-billed heron [Ardea sumatrana] Rußreiher {m}
great-billed kingfisher [Pelargopsis melanorhyncha, syn.: Halcyon melanorhyncha] Schwarzschnabelgurial {m}
great-billed kingfisher [Pelargopsis melanorhyncha] Schwarzschnabelliest {m}
great-billed mannikin [Lonchura grandis]Dickschnabelnonne {f}
great-billed parrot [Tanygnathus megalorhynchos]Schwarzschulterpapagei {m}
great-billed seed-finch [Oryzoborus maximiliani] Dickschnabel-Reisknacker {m}
great-clawed crab [Porcellana platycheles, syn.: Cancer platycheles]Grauer Porzellankrebs {m}
great-clawed crab [Porcellana platycheles, syn.: Cancer platycheles] Haariger Porzellankrebs {m}
greatcoat [archaic]Paletot {m} [veraltet]
greatcoat [esp. Br.]Wintermantel {m} [lang und schwer, bes. als Uniformteil]
greater größer
greater höher
greater [used with reference to cities] Groß-
greater [increased]stärker [gesteigert]
Greater / greater Asclepiad großer Asklepiadeus {m}
(greater / large) green-billed malcoha [Rhopodytes tristis, syn.: Phaenicophaeus tristis] Großer Grünschnabelkuckuck {m}
(greater / large) green-billed malkoha [Rhopodytes tristis, syn.: Phaenicophaeus tristis]Großer Grünschnabelkuckuck {m}
greater / more than the sum of its parts größer / mehr als die Summe seiner Teile
greater adjutant [Leptoptilos dubius]Argala-Marabu {m}
« GreaGreagreagreagreagreagreagreagreagreagrea »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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