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greater long-nosed bat [Leptonycteris nivalis, syn.: Ischnoglossa nivalis] Große Mexikanische Blütenfledermaus {f}
greater long-tailed hamster [Tscherskia triton] Rattenartiger Zwerghamster {m}
greater long-tailed shrew tenrec [Microgale principula] Großer Langschwanz-Kleintenrek {m}
greater long-tailed shrew tenrec [Microgale principula] Großer Langschwanz-Kleintanrek {m}
greater lotus [Lotus uliginosus, Lotus pedunculatus] Sumpfschotenklee {m}
greater lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis]Großes Liebesgras {n}
greater lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis] Großähriges Liebesgras {n}
greater Magellan goose [Chloephaga picta leucoptera]Große Magellangans {f}
greater manakin [Schiffornis major] Zimtschiffornis / Zimt-Schiffornis {f}
greater manakin [Schiffornis major] Zimttrauerkotinga {f}
Greater Manchester Greater Manchester {n}
greater marsh rat [Lundomys molitor]Lund-Wasserratte {f}
greater Mascarene flying fox [Pteropus niger]Maskarenen-Flughund {m}
greater masterwort [Astrantia major] Große Sterndolde {f}
greater mastiff bat [Eumops perotis] Bulldoggfledermaus {f}
greater mastiff bat [Eumops perotis] Große Bulldoggfledermaus {f}
greater meadow-rue [Thalictrum aquilegifolium]Auen-Amstelraute {f}
greater meadow-rue [Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, also T. aquilegiaefolium, T. aquilegifolium]Akeleiblättrige Wiesenraute {f}
greater meadow-rue [Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, also T. aquilegiaefolium, T. aquilegifolium] Amstelraute {f}
greater meadow-rue [Thalictrum aquilegiifolium, also T. aquilegiaefolium, T. aquilegifolium]Akelei-Wiesenraute {f} [selten: Akeleiwiesenraute]
greater melampitta [Melampitta gigantea] Rußflöter {m}
greater mole rat [Spalax microphthalmus] Ostblindmaus {f}
greater mouse-deer [Tragulus napu]Großkantschil {m} {n} [Hirschferkel]
greater mouse-eared bat [Myotis myotis]Großes Mausohr {n}
greater multangular bone [Os trapezium] großes Vieleckbein {n}
greater musk shrew [Crocidura flavescens] Afrikanische Riesenspitzmaus {f}
greater musk shrew [Crocidura flavescens] Riesenwimperspitzmaus {f}
greater musk-mallow [Malva alcea] Rosen-Malve {f}
greater musk-mallow [Malva alcea] Spitzblättrige Malve {f}
greater musk-mallow [Malva alcea]Siegmarswurz / Sigmarswurz {f}
greater musk-mallow [Malva alcea] Sigmarskraut {m}
greater myna [Basilornis galeatus] Helmatzel {f} [auch: Helm-Atzel]
greater naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous tatouay]Großes Nacktschwanz-Gürteltier {n}
greater naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous tatouay]Großes Nacktschwanzgürteltier {n}
greater necklaced laughing thrush [Garrulax pectoralis] Brustbandhäherling {m}
greater necklaced laughing-thrush [Garrulax pectoralis, syn.: Ianthocincla pectoralis]Brustbandhäherling {m} [auch: Brustband-Häherling]
greater necklaced laughingthrush [Garrulax pectoralis] Brustbandhäherling {m}
greater need (of / for) Mehrbedarf {m} (an)
greater New Guinea thrush [Amalocichla sclateriana] Weißschwanzdrossel {f}
greater noctule (bat) [Nyctalus lasiopterus] Riesenabendsegler {m}
Greater NoidaGreater Noida {n}
greater omentum [Omentum majus]Darmnetz {n} [großes Netz]
greater omentum <GO> [Omentum majus]großes Netz {n}
greater one-horned rhinoceros [Rhinoceros unicornis]Indisches Nashorn {n}
greater one-horned rhinoceros [Rhinoceros unicornis] (Indisches) Panzernashorn {n}
greater or equal größer oder gleich
greater painted-snipe / painted snipe [Rostratula benghalensis]Buntschnepfe {f}
greater painted-snipe / painted snipe [Rostratula benghalensis]Bunt-Goldschnepfe {f}
greater part Großteil {m}
greater peat moss [Sphagnum majus] [also: greater peatmoss] Großes Torfmoos {n}
greater peat moss [Sphagnum majus] [also: greater peatmoss] Dusens Torfmoos {n} [österr.] [Südtirol] [Großes Torfmoos]
greater pectoral muscle [Musculus pectorialis major]großer Brustmuskel {m}
greater pellucid glass snail [Phenacolimax major]Große Glasschnecke {f}
greater pelvis [Pelvis major] großes Becken {n}
greater pencil-tailed tree mouse [Chiropodomys major] Große Pinselschwanz-Baummaus {f}
greater periwinkle [genus Vinca] Immergrün {n}
greater periwinkle [Vinca major] Großes Immergrün {n}
greater petrosal nerve [Nervus petrosus major] großer Felsenbeinnerv {m}
greater pewee [Contopus pertinax]Großer Schnäppertyrann {m}
greater pied kingfisher [Megaceryle lugubris] Trauerfischer {m}
greater pied woodpecker [Dendrocopos major, syn.: Picoides major] Buntspecht {m}
greater pied woodpecker [Dendrocopos major, syn.: Picoides major]Großer Specht {m}
greater pied woodpecker [Dendrocopos major, syn.: Picoides major]Rotspecht {m}
greater pipefish / pipe-fish [Syngnathus acus, syn.: S. alternans, S. brachyrhynchus, S. delalandi, S. rubescens, S. temminckii, Dermatostethus punctipinnis, Typhle heptagonus]Große Seenadel {f}
greater pitohui [Pitohui kirhocephalus] Ockerpitohui {m}
greater plantain [Plantago major, syn.: P. asiatica, P. borysthenica, P. latifolia, P. officinarum, P. vulgaris] Großer Wegerich {m}
greater plantain [Plantago major, syn.: P. asiatica, P. borysthenica, P. latifolia, P. officinarum, P. vulgaris]Heudieb {m} [Breitwegerich]
greater plantain [Plantago major, syn.: P. asiatica, P. borysthenica, P. latifolia, P. officinarum, P. vulgaris] Sauohr {n} [Breitwegerich]
greater plantain [Plantago major, syn.: P. asiatica, P. borysthenica, P. latifolia, P. officinarum, P. vulgaris]Schafszunge {f} [Breitwegerich]
greater plantain [Plantago major, syn.: P. asiatica, P. borysthenica, P. latifolia, P. officinarum, P. vulgaris] Wegerich {m}
greater plantain [Plantago major] Breitwegerich {m}
greater plantain [Plantago major] Wegbreit {m} [regional] [Breitwegerich]
Greater Poland VoivodeshipWoiwodschaft {f} Großpolen
greater pond sedge [Carex riparia] Ufer-Segge {f}
greater prairie chicken [Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus] Großes Präriehuhn {n}
greater prairie chicken [Tympanuchus cupido] Präriehuhn {n}
greater prairie-chicken [Tympanuchus cupido]Präriehuhn {n}
greater racket-tailed drongo [Dicrurus paradiseus] Flaggendrongo {m}
greater razor-billed curassow [Mitu tuberosum, syn.: M. tuberosa, Crax mitu] Amazonashokko {m}
greater razor-billed curassow [Mitu tuberosum, syn.: M. tuberosa, Crax mitu] Amazonas-Mitu {m}
greater red bat [Lasiurus atratus, syn.: Lasiurus (Lasiurus) atratus] Große Rotfledermaus {f}
greater red bat [Lasiurus atratus, syn.: Lasiurus (Lasiurus) atratus] Handleys Rote Fledermaus {f}
greater red musk shrew [Crocidura flavescens] Afrikanische Riesenspitzmaus {f}
greater red musk shrew [Crocidura flavescens] Riesenwimperspitzmaus {f}
greater red musk shrew [Crocidura flavescens]Große Rote Bisamspitzmaus {f}
greater red rock hare [Pronolagus crassicaudatus] Natal-Wollschwanzhase {m}
greater red-breasted blackbird [Sturnella loyca, syn.: Leistes loyca, Pezites loyca, P. militaris] Langschwanzstärling {m} [auch: Langschwanz-Stärling]
greater red-breasted blackbird [Sturnella loyca, syn.: Leistes loyca, Pezites loyca, P. militaris]Langschwanz-Soldatenstärling {m}
greater red-breasted meadowlark [Sturnella loyca, syn.: Leistes loyca, Pezites loyca, P. militaris] Langschwanzstärling {m} [auch: Langschwanz-Stärling]
greater red-breasted meadowlark [Sturnella loyca, syn.: Leistes loyca, Pezites loyca, P. militaris] Langschwanz-Soldatenstärling {m}
greater red-headed babbler [Malacopteron magnum, syn.: Moupinia poecilotis]Rotscheitel-Zweigtimalie {f}
greater red-headed babbler [Malacopteron magnum, syn.: Moupinia poecilotis]Rotscheiteltimalie {f} [auch: Rotscheitel-Timalie]
greater red-headed parrotbill [Paradoxornis ruficeps] Rotkopf-Papageimeise {f}
greater region Großregion {f}
greater rhea [Rhea americana]Nandu {m}
greater rice weevil [Sitophilus zeamais, syn.: Calandra zeamais]Maiskäfer {m}
greater rice weevil [Sitophilus zeamais, syn.: Calandra zeamais]La-Plata-Maiskäfer {m}
greater roadrunner [Geococcyx californianus]Erdkuckuck {m}
greater rockjasmine [Androsace maxima] Großer Mannsschild {m}
Greater Romania [1919 -1940]Großrumänien {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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