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greater Swiss mountain dogGroßer Schweizer Sennenhund {m}
Greater Syria Großsyrien {n}
Greater Syrtis [Gulf of Sirte, Libya]Große Syrte {f} [Libyen]
greater tasselgrass [Themeda villosa, syn.: Anthistiria villosa] Kängurugras {n}
greater than [symbol >] größer als [>]
greater thornbird [Phacellodomus ruber] Rotschwingen-Bündelnister {m}
greater thornbird [Phacellodomus ruber]Rotbrauner Bündelnister {m}
greater tree mouse [Chiruromys forbesi] Große Baumratte {f}
greater trochanter [Trochanter major] großer Rollhügel {m}
greater tube-nosed bat [Murina leucogaster] Rötliche Röhrennasenfledermaus {f}
greater tussock sedge [Carex paniculata] Rispen-Segge {f}
greater twayblade [Listera ovata]Großes Zweiblatt {n}
greater upland goose [Chloephaga picta leucoptera] Große Magellangans {f}
greater variance größere Abweichung {f}
greater vasa parrot [Coracopsis vasa]Großer Vasa {m}
greater vasa parrot [Coracopsis vasa]Großer Vasapapagei {m}
greater Venus's looking-glass [Specularia speculum, syn.: Campanula speculum-veneris, Githopsis latifolia, Legousia durandi, L. speculum-veneris, Specularia speculum-veneris] Venus-Frauenspiegel / Venusfrauenspiegel {m}
greater Venus's looking-glass [Specularia speculum, syn.: Campanula speculum-veneris, Githopsis latifolia, Legousia durandi, L. speculum-veneris, Specularia speculum-veneris] Gewöhnlicher Frauenspiegel {m}
greater Venus's looking-glass [Specularia speculum, syn.: Campanula speculum-veneris, Githopsis latifolia, Legousia durandi, L. speculum-veneris, Specularia speculum-veneris] Großer Venusspiegel {m}
greater vestibular gland [Glandula vestibularis major]bartholinische Drüse {f}
greater vestibular gland [Glandula vestibularis major]große Scheidenvorhofdrüse {f} [Bartholini-Drüse]
greater vine scale [Parthenolecanium persicae, syn.: Eulecanium berberidis, E. persicae, Lecanium berberidis, L. persicae]Pfirsichschildlaus / Pfirsich-Schildlaus {f}
greater wagtail tyrant [Stigmatura budytoides] Stelzentachuri {m}
greater wall mustard [Diplotaxis tenuifolia, syn.: Arabis sylvestris, Eruca muralis, E. perennis, Sisymbrium acre]Schmalblättriger Doppelsame {m}
greater Wallacean drongo [Dicrurus densus]Wallacedrongo {m}
greater water boatman [Notonecta glauca] [Br.]Gemeiner Rückenschwimmer {m} [Wasserwanzenart]
greater water boatman [Notonecta glauca] [Br.] Gewöhnlicher Rückenschwimmer {m} [Wasserwanzenart]
greater water-moss [Fontinalis antipyretica]Gewöhnliches Quellmoos {n}
greater water-moss [Fontinalis antipyretica] Gemeines Brunnenmoos {n}
greater wax moth [Galleria mellonella] Große Wachsmotte {f}
greater weeverPetersmann {m} [Fischart]
greater weever [Trachinus draco]Gewöhnliches Petermännchen {n}
greater weever [Trachinus draco] Großes Petermännchen {n}
greater weever [Trachinus draco]Petermännchen {n}
greater weevil [Liparus glabrirostis]Großer Pestwurzrüssler {m}
greater weevil [Liparus glabrirostis]Großer Trägrüssler {m}
greater whipwort [Bazzania trilobata]Dreilappiges Peitschenmoos {n}
greater whitefront [Am.] [Anser albifrons] [(greater) white-fronted goose] Blässgans {f}
greater whitethroat [Am.] [Sylvia communis] Dorngrasmücke {f}
greater white-toothed shrew [Crocidura russula]Hausspitzmaus {f}
greater white-toothed shrew [Crocidura russula] Hauswimperspitzmaus {f}
greater Wilfred's mouse [Wilfredomys oenax]Wilfred-Maus {f}
greater woodrush / wood-rush [Luzula sylvatica] Wald-Hainsimse / Waldhainsimse {f}
greater woodrush / wood-rush [Luzula sylvatica] Große Hainsimse {f}
greater woodrush / wood-rush [Luzula sylvatica] Waldmarbel {f}
greater wood-shrike [Pitohui kirhocephalus] Ockerpitohui {m}
greater yellow finch [Sicalis auriventris] Goldbauch-Gilbammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
greater yellow rattle [Rhinanthus alectorolophus]Zottiger Klappertopf {m}
greater yellow-banded caecilian [Ichthyophis glutinosus] Ceylonesische Blindwühle {f}
greater yellow-banded caecilian [Ichthyophis glutinosus]Ceylonwühle {f}
greater yellow-billed kingfisher [Syma megarhyncha, syn.: Halcyon megarhyncha] Bergliest {m}
greater yellow-billed kingfisher [Syma megarhyncha, syn.: Halcyon megarhyncha]Bergtorotoro {m}
greater yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium]Teichkresse {f}
greater yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium] Ufer-Sumpfkresse / Ufersumpfkresse {f}
greater yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium]Wasser-Sumpfkresse / Wassersumpfkresse {f}
greater yellowcress / yellow cress [Rorippa amphibia, syn.: Nasturtium amphibium]Wasserkresse {f}
greater yellow-eared spiderhunter [Arachnothera flavigaster]Brillenspinnenjäger {m}
greater yellow-headed vulture [Cathartes melambrotus] Großer Gelbkopfgeier {m}
greater yellowlegs [treated as sg.] [Tringa melanoleuca] Großer Gelbschenkel {m}
greater yellownape [Chrysophlegma flavinucha, syn.: Picus flavinucha]Gelbnackenspecht {m}
greater yellow-naped woodpecker [Chrysophlegma flavinucha, syn.: Picus flavinucha]Gelbnackenspecht {m}
greater yellow-rattle [Rhinanthus angustifolius, syn.: Rhinanthus serotinus, Rh. major, Rh. glaber, Rh. grandiflorus] Großer Klappertopf {m}
greater zygomatic muscle [Musculus zygomaticus major]großer Jochbeinmuskel {m}
(greater) Andean flamingo [Phoenicoparrus andinus, syn.: Phoenicopterus andinus] Andenflamingo / Anden-Flamingo {m}
(greater) Antillean grackle / Antillean grakle [Quiscalus niger]Antillengrackel / Antillen-Grackel {f}
(greater) band-winged nightjar [Systellura longirostris, syn.: Caprimulgus longirostris] Große Spiegelnachtschwalbe {f} [jetzt: Breitspiegel-Nachtschwalbe]
(greater) band-winged nightjar [Systellura longirostris, syn.: Caprimulgus longirostris] Breitspiegel-Nachtschwalbe {f}
(greater) black-winged lapwing [Vanellus melanopterus]Schwarzflügelkiebitz {m}
(greater) hoopoe lark [Alaemon alaudipes] Wüstenläuferlerche {f}
(greater) hoopoe-lark [Alaemon alaudipes] Wüstenläuferlerche {f}
(greater) hornwrack / horn wrack [Flustra foliacea]Blätter-Moostierchen / Blättermoostierchen {n}
(greater) hornwrack / horn wrack [Flustra foliacea] Großes Blätter-Moostierchen / Blättermoostierchen {n}
(greater) leaf-folding frog [Afrixalus fornasini] Ostafrikanischer Bananenfrosch {m}
(greater) leaf-folding frog [Afrixalus fornasini] Kleiner Bananenfrosch {m}
(greater) marmoset rat [Hapalomys longicaudatus]Langschwanz-Kletterratte {f}
(greater) marmoset rat [Hapalomys longicaudatus] Langschwanz-Seidenratte {f}
(greater) painted snipe [Rostratula benghalensis] Goldschnepfe {f}
(greater) roadrunner [Geococcyx californianus] Wegekuckuck {m}
(greater) roadrunner [Geococcyx californianus] Großer Rennkuckuck {m}
(greater) roadrunner [Geococcyx californianus] Roadrunner {m} [Wegekuckuck, Großer Rennkuckuck]
(greater) scaup (duck) [Aythya marila] Bergente {f}
(greater) short-toed lark [Calandrella brachydactyla]Kurzzehenlerche {f}
(greater) stripe-backed shrew [Sorex cylindricauda] Rückenstreifen-Spitzmaus {f}
(greater) swine cress [Lepidium coronopus, syn.: L. squamatum, Cochlearia coronopus, Coronopus squamatus] Gewöhnlicher Krähenfuß {m}
(greater) swine cress [Lepidium coronopus, syn.: L. squamatum, Cochlearia coronopus, Coronopus squamatus]Niederliegender Knotenfuß {m}
(greater) Venus's looking-glass [Specularia speculum, syn.: Campanula speculum-veneris, Githopsis latifolia, Legousia durandi, L. speculum-veneris, Specularia speculum-veneris] Echter Frauenspiegel {m}
(greater) Venus's looking-glass [Specularia speculum, syn.: Campanula speculum-veneris, Githopsis latifolia, Legousia durandi, L. speculum-veneris, Specularia speculum-veneris]Gemeiner Frauenspiegel {m}
(greater) water parsnip [Sium latifolium] Breitblättriger Merk {m}
(greater) water parsnip [Sium latifolium]Großer Merk {m}
(greater) weasel lemur [Lepilemur mustelinus] Gewöhnlicher Wieselmaki {m}
(greater) white-fronted goose [Anser albifrons] Blässgans {f}
(greater) white-fronted goose [Anser albifrons]Blessgans {f}
(greater) white-fronted goose [Anser albifrons] Bläßgans {f} [alt]
greater-than sign [>] Größer-als-Zeichen {n}
greater-than (sign) [>] Größerzeichen {n} [auch: Größer-Zeichen]
greater-than-or-equal sign <≥> Größer-gleich-Zeichen {n} <≥>
greatest beste
greatest großartigste
greatestam größten
« greagreagreagreagreagreagreagrebGreeGreegree »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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