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grey plantain-eater [Crinifer piscator] [Br.] Schwarzschwanz-Lärmvogel {m}
grey plover [Pluvialis squatarola] [Br.] Kiebitzregenpfeifer {m}
grey poplar [Br.] [Populus canescens, syn.: Populus x canescens]Grau-Pappel / Graupappel {f}
grey porcelain crab [Br.] [Porcellana platycheles, syn.: Cancer platycheles]Grauer Porzellankrebs {m}
grey porcelain crab [Br.] [Porcellana platycheles, syn.: Cancer platycheles] Haariger Porzellankrebs {m}
grey potoo [Br.] [Nyctibius griseus] Urutau-Tagschläfer {m}
grey pratincole [Glareola cinerea] [Br.] Graubrachschwalbe {f}
grey puffball [Br.] [Bovista plumbea] Bleigrauer Bovist {m}
grey pug [Br.] [Eupithecia subfuscata] [moth]Hochstaudenflur-Blütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey pug [Br.] [Eupithecia subfuscata] [moth]Waldkräuter-Blütenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey quail [Br.] [Coturnix pectoralis] Schwarzbrustwachtel {f}
grey rat [Br.] [Berylmys berdmorei]Kleine Weißzahnratte {f}
grey ratlike hamster [Cricetulus migratorius] [Br.] Grauer Zwerghamster {m}
grey red-backed vole [Myodes rufocanus, formerly: Clethrionomys rufocanus] [Br.] Graurötelmaus {f}
grey red-barred tortrix [Argyrotaenia pulchellana, syn.: Argyrotaenia ljungiana] [moth] Kiefernsämlingswickler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey reef shark [Br.] [Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos] Grauer Riffhai {m}
grey reindeer lichen [Br.] [Cladonia rangiferina, syn.: Cladina rangiferina] Echte Rentierflechte {f}
grey rhebok [Br.] [Pelea capreolus] Rehböckchen {n} [Rehantilope]
grey rhebok [Pelea capreolus] [Br.]Rehantilope {f}
grey rhebuck [Br.] [Pelea capreolus] Rehantilope {f}
grey rhebuck [Br.] [Pelea capreolus]Rehböckchen {n}
grey rustic [Xestia castanea] [moth]Rotbraune Heideeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey rustic [Xestia castanea] [moth]Kastanienbraune Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey rustic [Xestia castanea] [moth]Ginsterheiden-Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey rustic [Xestia castanea] [moth]Ginsterheiden-Bodeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey sallow [Br.] [Salix cinerea, syn.: S. acuminata, S. aquatica, S. cinerea f. tricolor] Grau-Weide / Grauweide {f}
grey sallow [Br.] [Salix cinerea, syn.: S. acuminata, S. aquatica, S. cinerea f. tricolor] Werft-Weide / Werftweide {f}
grey sallow [Salix cinerea, syn.: S. acuminata, S. aquatica, S. cinerea f. tricolor] [Br.]Asch-Weide {f}
grey sallow [Salix cinerea, syn.: S. acuminata, S. aquatica, S. cinerea f. tricolor] [Br.] Aschweide {f}
grey sallow [Salix cinerea] [Br.] Grau-Weide {f}
grey saltator [Br.] [Saltator coerulescens] Grausaltator / Grau-Saltator {m}
grey santolina [Br.] [Santolina chamaecyparissus, syn.: S. marchii, Abrotanum foemina] Zypressenartige Heiligenblume {f}
grey santolina [Br.] [Santolina chamaecyparissus, syn.: S. marchii, Abrotanum foemina] Zypressen-Heiligenkraut / Zypressenheiligenkraut {n}
grey santolina [Br.] [Santolina chamaecyparissus, syn.: S. marchii, Abrotanum foemina] Graue Heiligenblume {f}
grey santolina [Br.] [Santolina chamaecyparissus, syn.: S. marchii, Abrotanum foemina] Zypressenkraut {n}
grey santolina [Br.] [Santolina chamaecyparissus, syn.: S. marchii, Abrotanum foemina]Heiligenkraut {n}
grey saxifrage [Br.] [Saxifraga caesia]Blaugrüner Steinbrech {m}
grey scale Graukeil {m}
grey scale {sg} [Br.] Graustufen {pl}
grey scale [Br.] Graustufe {f}
grey scale [Br.] Grautreppe {f}
grey scale [esp. Br.] Grauskala {f}
grey scale tracking [esp. Br.] Grautonabgleich {m} [IEC, VDE]
grey scale value [esp. Br.]Grauskalenwert {m}
grey scalloped bar [Br.] [Dyscia fagaria] [moth]Heidekraut-Fleckenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey sea-feather [Br.] [Pteroeides griseum] Graue Seefeder {f}
grey seal [Halichoerus grypus] [Br.]Kegelrobbe {f}
grey seal pup [Br.] Kegelrobbenjunges {n}
grey seal pup [Br.]junge Kegelrobbe {f}
grey seal pup [Br.] Kegelrobbenbaby {n}
grey sea-pen [Br.] [Pteroeides griseum] Graue Seefeder {f}
grey sedge [Br.] [Carex divulsa, syn.: C. guestphalica] Unterbrochenährige Segge {f}
grey sedge [Br.] [Carex divulsa, syn.: C. guestphalica] Leers Segge {f}
grey sedge [Br.] [Carex divulsa, syn.: C. guestphalica] Vielblättrige Segge {f}
grey sedge [Br.] [Carex divulsa, syn.: C. guestphalica]Westfälische Segge {f}
grey seedeater [Sporophila intermedia] [Br.]Einfarbpfäffchen {n}
grey shades [Br.]Graustufen {pl}
grey shark [Br.] [Carcharhinus limbatus] [blacktip shark] Kleiner Schwarzspitzenhai {m}
grey shark [Br.] [Somniosus microcephalus] Grönlandhai {m}
grey shark [Br.] [Somniosus microcephalus]Eishai {m}
grey sharpnose shark [Br.] [Rhizoprionodon oligolinx] Grauer Scharfnasenhai {m}
grey shearwater [Br.] [Procellaria cinerea]Grausturmvogel {m}
grey shoulder-knot [Br.] [Lithophane ornitopus] [moth]Schlehen-Rindeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey shoulder-knot [Br.] [Lithophane ornitopus] [moth] (Gemeine) Holzeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey shoulder-knot [Lithophane ornitopus] [Br.] [moth] Hellgraue Holzeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey shrike-thrush [Colluricincla harmonica] [Br.] Graubrust-Dickkopf {m}
grey sibia [Heterophasia gracilis] [Br.]Grautimalie {f}
grey silky flycatcher [Ptilogonys cinereus] [Br.] Grauseidenschnäpper {m}
grey slender loris [Br.] [Loris lydekkerianus] Grauer Schlanklori {m}
grey smooth-hound [Br.] Grauer Glatthai {m}
grey snake [Br.] [Hemiaspis damelii]Graue Sumpfgiftnatter {f}
grey snake-bark maple [Br.] [Acer rufinerve] Rosthaariger Streifenahorn {m}
grey snake-bark maple [Br.] [Acer rufinerve] Rostnerviger Ahorn {m}
grey snake-bark maple [Br.] [Acer rufinerve]Rostbart-Ahorn / Rostbartahorn {m}
grey snake-bark maple [Br.] [Acer rufinerve] Rotnerviger Schlangenhaut-Ahorn {m}
grey snapper [Br.] [Lutjanus argentimaculatus] [mangrove red snapper] Mangroven-Schnapper / Mangrovenschnapper {m} [Mangrovenbarsch]
grey spider wasp [Br.] [Pompilus cinereus] Bleigraue Wegwespe {f}
grey spindle snake [Br.] [Atractus occipitoalbus] Graue Spindelnatter {f}
grey spiny mouse [Br.] [Acomys cineraceus] Graue Stachelmaus {f}
grey spotted amanita [Amanita excelsa, syn.: A. excelsa var. spissa, A. spissa var. excelsa]Grauer Wulstling {m}
grey spotted amanita [Br.] [Amanita excelsa, syn.: A. excelsa var. spissa, A. spissa var. excelsa] Gedrungener Wulstling {m}
grey spotted amanita [Br.] [Amanita excelsa, syn.: A. excelsa var. spissa, A. spissa var. excelsa]Eingesenkter Wulstling {m}
grey spotted amanita [Br.] [Amanita excelsa, syn.: A. excelsa var. spissa, A. spissa var. excelsa] Hoher Wulstling {m}
grey squirrel [Br.] [Sciurus carolinensis] Grauhörnchen {n}
grey starling [Br.] [Spodiopsar cineraceus, syn.: Sturnus cineraceus] Weißwangenstar {m}
grey starling [Br.] [Spodiopsar cineraceus, syn.: Sturnus cineraceus] Ascherstar {m} [Weißwangenstar]
grey starling [Br.] [Spodiopsar cineraceus, syn.: Sturnus cineraceus] Graustar {m} [Weißwangenstar]
grey (sugarcane) borer [Br.] [Argyroploce schistaceana, syn.: Grapholita schistaceana] (Grauer) Zuckerrohrbohrer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
grey swamp snake [Br.] [Hemiaspis damelii] Graue Sumpfgiftnatter {f}
grey swimming crab [Br.] [Liocarcinus vernalis, syn.: Macropipus barbarus, M. vernalis, Polybius (Polybius) vernalis, Portunus barbarus, P. dubius, P. valentieni, P. vernalis] Ovale Schwimmkrabbe {f}
grey tailor bird [Br.] [Orthotomus ruficeps] Grauschneidervogel {m}
grey tanager [Br.] [Tangara inornata] Schlichttangare {f} [auch: Schlicht-Tangare]
grey teal [Anas gracilis] [Br.]Weißkehlente {f}
grey teal [Br.] [Anas gracilis, syn.: Anas gibberifrons gracilis] Australische Weißkehlente {f}
grey teal [Br.] [Anas gracilis]Grauente {f}
grey thicket flycatcher [Peneothello cryptoleucus / cryptoleuca] [Br.] Fahlbauch-Dickichtschnäpper {m}
grey thin-toed gecko [Br.] [Cyrtopodion russowi, syn.: Cyrtodactylus russovii, C. russowi, Gymnodactylus russowii, Mediodactylus russowii] Transkaspischer Bogenfingergecko {m}
grey thin-toed gecko [Br.] [Cyrtopodion russowi, syn.: Cyrtodactylus russovii, C. russowi, Gymnodactylus russowii, Mediodactylus russowii]Transkaspischer Nacktfingergecko {m}
grey thistle [Br.] [Can.] [Cirsium undulatum, syn.: Carduus undulatus] Wellige Kratzdistel {f}
grey thrasher [Toxostoma cinereum] [Br.] Grauspottdrossel {f}
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