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grey-backed mining bee [Br.] [Andrena vaga]Weiden-Sandbiene / Weidensandbiene {f}
grey-backed myna [Br.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis] Mandarinstar {m}
grey-backed myna [Br.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis] Mandarinenstar {m}
grey-backed shearwater [Br.] [Puffinus bulleri] Graumantel-Sturmtaucher {m}
grey-backed shearwater [Br.] [Puffinus bulleri]Graunacken-Sturmtaucher {m}
grey-backed shrike [Br.] [Lanius tephronotus]Tibetwürger {m}
grey-backed sparrow-lark [Br.] [Eremopterix verticalis, syn.: Megalotis verticalis] Graurückenlerche {f}
grey-backed sparrow-lark [Br.] [Eremopterix verticalis, syn.: Megalotis verticalis]Nonnenlerche {f}
grey-backed sportive lemur [Lepilemur dorsalis] [Br.]Graurücken-Wieselmaki {m}
grey-backed starling [Br.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis]Mandarinstar {m}
grey-backed starling [Br.] [Sturnia sinensis, syn.: Sturnus sinensis]Mandarinenstar {m}
grey-backed storm petrel [Br.] [Garrodia nereis] Graurücken-Sturmschwalbe {f}
grey-backed tachuri [Polystictus superciliaris] [Br.]Silberbrauentyrann {m}
grey-backed tailorbird [Br.] [Orthotomus derbianus] Luzonschneidervogel {m}
grey-backed tern [Br.] [Onychoprion lunatus, syn.: Sterna lunata] Brillenseeschwalbe / Brillen-Seeschwalbe {f}
grey-backed thrush [Br.] [Turdus hortulorum, syn.: T. dissimilis h.] Gartendrossel {f}
grey-backed thrush [Br.] [Turdus hortulorum, syn.: T. dissimilis h.]Amurdrossel {f}
grey-backed thrush [Br.] [Turdus hortulorum, syn.: T. dissimilis h.] Graurückendrossel {f}
grey-backed wagtail [Br.] [Motacilla clara]Langschwanzstelze {f}
grey-backed white-eye [Zosterops lateralis] [Br.] Graumantel-Brillenvogel {m}
greybacks [archaic] [regional] [Am.] [lice]Läuse {pl}
grey-banded kingsnake [Br.] [Lampropeltis alterna]Graugebänderte Königsnatter {f}
grey-banded munia [Lonchura vana] [Br.] Arfaknonne {f}
grey-bar grunt [Br.] [Haemulon sexfasciatum] Sechsstreifen-Grunzer {m}
grey-barred wren [Campylorhynchus megalopterus] [Br.] Graubinden-Zaunkönig {m}
greybeard [Br.] Alter {m} [alter Mann]
greybeard [Br.]alter Mann {m}
greybeard [stoneware jug] Bartmann {m} [Steingutkrug]
grey-bellied antbird [Br.] [Myrmeciza pelzelni] Tüpfelwangen-Ameisenvogel {m}
grey-bellied antbird [Myrmeciza pelzelni] [Br.] Weißwangen-Ameisenvogel {m}
grey-bellied bulbul [Pycnonotus cyaniventris] [Br.] Graubauchbülbül {m}
grey-bellied comet [Taphrolesbia griseiventris] [Br.]Graubauchsylphe {f}
grey-bellied dunnart [Br.] [Sminthopsis griseoventer] Graubäuchige Schmalfuß-Beutelmaus {f} [inoffiz.]
grey-bellied flowerpiercer [Br.] [Diglossa carbonaria] Grauschulter-Hakenschnabel {m}
grey-bellied flower-piercer / flower piercer [Br.] [Diglossa carbonaria]Grauschulter-Hakenschnabel {m}
grey-bellied goshawk [Br.] [Accipiter poliogaster]Graubauchhabicht {m}
grey-bellied grass snake [Br.] [Psammophylax variabilis] Graubäuchiger Skaapsteker {m}
grey-bellied ground warbler [Br.] [Tesia cyaniventer]Olivscheiteltesia / Olivscheitel-Tesia {f}
grey-bellied hawk [Accipiter poliogaster] [Br.] Graubauchhabicht {m}
grey-bellied honeyeater [Br.] [Toxorhamphus iliolophus]Graubauch-Pfriemschnabel {m}
grey-bellied night monkey [Aotus lemurinus] [Br.] Kolumbianischer Nachtaffe {m}
grey-bellied shrew opossum [Br.] [Caenolestes caniventer]Graubäuchige Opossummaus {f}
grey-bellied shrike tyrant [Br.] [Agriornis microptera] Weißbrauen-Würgertyrann {m}
grey-bellied shrike tyrant [Br.] [Agriornis micropterus] Weißbrauen-Hakentyrann {m}
grey-bellied skaapsteker [Br.] [Psammophylax variabilis] Graubäuchiger Skaapsteker {m}
grey-bellied spinetail [Synallaxis cinerascens] [Br.] Graubauchschlüpfer {m}
grey-bellied squirrel [Br.] [Callosciurus caniceps] Graubauchhörnchen {n}
grey-bellied tesia [Br.] [Tesia cyaniventer] Olivscheiteltesia / Olivscheitel-Tesia {f}
grey-bellied tragopan [Br.] [Tragopan blythii, syn.: T. blythi] Graubauchtragopan {m}
grey-bellied tragopan [Br.] [Tragopan blythii]Blythtragopan {m}
grey-bibbed ground dove [Gallicolumba beccarii] [Br.]Graubrusttaube {f}
grey-blotched butterflyfish [Chaetodon plebeius] [Br.] Blaupunkt-Falterfisch {m}
grey-blue [Br.] graublau
grey-bodied tern [Br.] [Onychoprion lunatus, syn.: Sterna lunata]Brillenseeschwalbe / Brillen-Seeschwalbe {f}
grey-breasted babbler [Malacopteron albogulare] [Br.]Graubrust-Zweigtimalie {f}
grey-breasted conure [Br.] [Pyrrhura griseipectus, syn.: P. leucotis griseipectus, P. anaca]Graubrustsittich {m}
grey-breasted conure [Br.] [Pyrrhura griseipectus, syn.: P. leucotis griseipectus, P. anaca] Salvadori-Weißohrsittich {m}
grey-breasted crake [Laterallus exilis] [Br.] Amazonasralle {f}
grey-breasted flowerpecker [Dicaeum proprium] [Br.] Graubrust-Mistelfresser {m}
grey-breasted flycatcher [Br.] [Lathrotriccus griseipectus] Graubrusttyrann {m}
grey-breasted francolin [Br.] [Francolinus rufopictus, syn.: Pternistis rufopictus] Graubrustfrankolin {m}
grey-breasted francolin [Br.] [Francolinus rufopictus, syn.: Pternistis rufopictus] Graubrustnacktkehlfrankolin {m}
grey-breasted ground dove [Br.] [Gallicolumba beccarii]Graubrusttaube {f}
grey-breasted ground warbler [Br.] [Microligea palustris]Graubrust-Waldsänger {m}
grey-breasted helmet guineafowl [Br.] [Numida meleagris, syn.: Numida reichenowi] Helmperlhuhn {n}
grey-breasted helmet guineafowl [Br.] [Numida meleagris, syn.: Numida reichenowi] Perlhuhn {n}
grey-breasted martin [Progne chalybea] [Br.] Graubrustschwalbe {f}
grey-breasted mountain toucan [Andigena hypoglauca] [Br.] Blautukan {m}
grey-breasted mountain-toucan [Br.] [Andigena hypoglauca, syn.: Pteroglossus hypoglaucus]Blautukan {m}
grey-breasted parakeet [Br.] [Pyrrhura griseipectus, syn.: P. leucotis griseipectus, P. anaca] Graubrustsittich {m}
grey-breasted parakeet [Br.] [Pyrrhura griseipectus, syn.: P. leucotis griseipectus, P. anaca]Salvadori-Weißohrsittich {m}
grey-breasted partridge [Br.] [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis] Sumatrabuschwachtel {f}
grey-breasted partridge [Br.] [Arborophila orientalis, syn.: Perdix orientalis] Weißgesicht-Buschwachtel {f}
grey-breasted partridge [Br.] [Arborophila orientalis] Sumatrawaldrebhuhn {n}
grey-breasted red-necked francolin [Br.] [Francolinus rufopictus, syn.: Pternistis rufopictus]Graubrustfrankolin {m}
grey-breasted red-necked francolin [Br.] [Francolinus rufopictus, syn.: Pternistis rufopictus] Graubrustnacktkehlfrankolin {m}
grey-breasted rufous fantail [Br.] [Rhipidura rufidorsa] Graubrust-Fächerschwanz {m}
grey-breasted sabrewing [Campylopterus largipennis] [Br.] Graubrust-Degenflügel {m}
grey-breasted saltator [Br.] [Saltator coerulescens] Grausaltator / Grau-Saltator {m}
grey-breasted seed snipe [Br.] [Thinocorus orbignyianus]Graubrust-Höhenläufer {m}
grey-breasted seedsnipe [Br.] [Thinocorus orbignyianus] Graubrust-Höhenläufer {m}
grey-breasted seedsnipe [Br.] [Thinocorus orbignyianus] Graukehl-Höhenläufer {m}
grey-breasted spiderhunter [Arachnothera affinis] [Br.]Graubrust-Spinnenjäger {m}
grey-breasted spurfowl [Br.] [Francolinus rufopictus, syn.: Pternistis rufopictus]Graubrustnacktkehlfrankolin {m}
grey-breasted spurfowl [Br.] [Pternistis rufopictus] Graubrustfrankolin {m}
grey-breasted thrush [Br.] [Turdus hortulorum, syn.: T. dissimilis h.] Gartendrossel {f}
grey-breasted tree duck [Br.] [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Herbstpfeifgans {f}
grey-breasted tree duck [Br.] [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Herbstente {f}
grey-breasted tree duck [Br.] [Dendrocygna autumnalis]Graubrust-Pfeifgans {f}
grey-breasted tree duck [Br.] [Dendrocygna autumnalis] Rotschnabel-Pfeifgans {f} [auch: Rotschnabelpfeifgans]
grey-breasted white-eye [Zosterops (lateralis) gouldi] [Br.]Westbrillenvogel {m}
grey-breasted wood wren [Br.] [Henicorhina leucophrys] Einsiedlerzaunkönig {m}
grey-breasted woodpecker [Br.] [Hemicircus concretus] Kurzschwanzspecht {m} [auch: Kurzschwanz-Specht]
grey-breasted woodpecker [Br.] [Melanerpes hypopolius] Graukehlspecht {m}
grey-brown [Br.] graubraun
grey-brown mouse lemur [Br.] [Microcebus griseorufus] Graubrauner Mausmaki {m}
grey-brown white-eye [Br.] [Zosterops cinereus] Kosraebrillenvogel {m}
grey-brown white-eye [Zosterops cinereus] [Br.] Kittlitzbrillenvogel {m}
grey-buff woodpecker [Br.] [Hemicircus concretus]Kurzschwanzspecht {m} [auch: Kurzschwanz-Specht]
grey-capped cuckoo [Coccyzus lansbergi] [Br.]Lansbergkuckuck {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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