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grey-headed chickadee [Br.] [Poecile cinctus, syn.: Poecile cincta, Parus cinctus] Lapplandmeise {f}
grey-headed dove [Br.] [Leptotila plumbeiceps] Bonapartetaube {f}
grey-headed dove [Br.] [Leptotila plumbeiceps]Graukopftaube {f}
grey-headed dove [Br.] [Leptotila plumbeiceps] Braunrückentaube {f}
grey-headed fish eagle [Br.] [Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus] Graukopf-Seeadler {m}
grey-headed flycatcher [Br.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis]Graukopf-Kanarienschnäpper {m}
grey-headed flycatcher [Br.] [Culicicapa ceylonensis]Graukopfschnäpper {m}
grey-headed flycatcher warbler [Seicercus xanthoschistos] [Br.]Graukopf-Laubsänger {m}
grey-headed flycatcher-robin [Microeca griseoceps] Gelbfußschnäpper {m}
grey-headed flying fox [Pteropus poliocephalus] [Br.]Graukopf-Flughund {m}
grey-headed fruit dove [Ptilinopus hyogaster / Ptilinopus hyogastra / Ptilinopus hyogastrus] [Br.] Blaukopf-Fruchttaube {f}
grey-headed green woodpecker / green-woodpecker [Br.] [Picus canus]Grauspecht {m}
grey-headed greenbul [Phyllastrephus poliocephalus] [Br.] Goldbauchbülbül {m}
grey-headed greenlet [Hylophilus decurtatus] [Br.]Graukappenvireo {m}
grey-headed gull [Br.] [Larus cirrocephalus]Graukopfmöwe {f}
grey-headed honeyeater [Lichenostomus keartlandi] [Br.] Grauscheitel-Honigfresser {m}
grey-headed imperial pigeon [Br.] [Ducula radiata]Celebes-Bindenschwanz-Fruchttaube {f}
grey-headed kingfisher [Br.] [Halcyon leucocephala]Graukopfliest {m}
grey-headed kite [Br.] [Leptodon cayanensis] Cayenneweih {m}
grey-headed lapwing [Br.] [Vanellus cinereus] Graukopfkiebitz {m}
grey-headed lemur [Eulemur cinereiceps; früher: Eulemur albocollaris] [Br.]Weißkragenmaki {m} [Lemur]
grey-headed lovebird [Agapornis cana] [Br.] Grauköpfchen {n}
grey-headed manakin [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps] Graukopfpiprites / Graukopf-Piprites {m}
grey-headed manakin [Piprites griseiceps] Graustirnpiprites {m}
grey-headed mannikin [Lonchura caniceps] [Br.] Graukopfnonne {f}
grey-headed mollymawk [Br.] [Thalassarche chrysostoma]Graukopfalbatros {m}
grey-headed munia [Lonchura caniceps] [Br.] Graukopfnonne {f}
grey-headed negrofinch [Nigrita canicapillus] [Br.] Graunackenschwärzling {m}
grey-headed nightingale-thrush [Br.] [Catharus aurantiirostris] Goldschnabel-Musendrossel {f}
grey-headed oliveback [Nesocharis capistrata] [Br.] Weißwangenastrild {m}
grey-headed parrotbill [Paradoxornis gularis] [Br.] Graukopf-Papageimeise {f}
grey-headed pied woodpecker [Br.] [Yungipicus canicapillus, syn.: Dendrocopos canicapillus, Picoides canicapillus]Grauscheitelspecht {m}
grey-headed piprites [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps]Graukopfpiprites / Graukopf-Piprites {m}
grey-headed piprites [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps]Graustirnpiprites {m}
grey-headed quail dove [Br.] [Geotrygon caniceps]Gundlachtaube {f}
grey-headed quail-dove [Br.] [Geotrygon caniceps]Graukopf-Erdtaube {f}
grey-headed redstart [Br.] [Basileuterus griseiceps, syn.: Myiothlypis griseiceps] Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m}
grey-headed robin [Br.] [Heteromyias albispecularis / cinereifrons]Graukopf-Dickichtschnäpper {m}
grey-headed robin [Br.] [Heteromyias albispecularis]Farnschnäpper {m}
grey-headed silverbill [Lonchura griseicapilla] [Br.]Graukopf-Silberschnabel {m}
grey-headed snake-eater [Br.] [Polemon griseiceps] Grauköpfiger Schlangenfresser {m}
grey-headed social weaver [Pseudonigrita arnaudi] [Br.] Marmorspätzling {m}
grey-headed sparrow [Passer griseus] [Br.] Graukopfsperling {m}
grey-headed spinetail [Cranioleuca semicinerea / Certhiaxis semicinerea] [Br.] Graukopfschlüpfer {m}
grey-headed starling [Br.] [Sturnia malabarica, syn.: Sturnus malabaricus]Graukopfstar {m}
grey-headed tanager [Br.] [Eucometis penicillata] Graukopftangare {f}
grey-headed thicket robin [Br.] [Heteromyias albispecularis / cinereifrons]Graukopf-Dickichtschnäpper {m}
grey-headed thrush [Br.] [Turdus obscurus] Weißbrauendrossel {f}
grey-headed thrush [Br.] [Turdus rubrocanus]Kastaniendrossel {f}
grey-headed thrush [Br.] [Turdus rubrocanus]Kastanienamsel {f}
grey-headed tit babbler [Br.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi] Braunkopfalcippe {f} [auch: Braunkopf-Alcippe]
grey-headed tit babbler [Br.] [Alcippe ludlowi, syn.: Fulvetta ludlowi]Braunohralcippe {f}
grey-headed tody flycatcher [Br.] [Todirostrum poliocephalum] Graukopf-Spateltyrann {m}
grey-headed (tree) babbler [Stachyris poliocephala] [Br.] Graukopf-Buschtimalie {f}
grey-headed warbler [Br.] [Basileuterus griseiceps]Grauwangen-Waldsänger {m}
grey-headed warbler [Br.] [Vermivora ruficapilla, syn.: Helminthophila ruficapilla, Leiothlypis ruficapilla, Oreothlypis ruficapilla] Rubinfleck-Waldsänger {m}
grey-headed waxbill [Br.] [Estrilda quartinia, syn.: Coccopygia quartinia]Gelbbauchastrild {m} [auch: Gelbbauch-Astrild]
grey-headed wheatear [Br.] [Oenanthe moesta] Fahlbürzel-Steinschmätzer {m}
grey-headed wheatear [Br.] [Oenanthe moesta]Fahlbürzelschmätzer {m}
grey-headed woodpecker [Picus canus] [Br.] Grauspecht {m}
grey-headed zone-tailed pigeon [Br.] [Ducula radiata] Rotflanken-Fruchttaube {f}
grey-headed zone-tailed pigeon [Br.] [Ducula radiata]Celebes-Bindenschwanz-Fruchttaube {f}
grey-hooded attila [Attila rufus] [Br.]Graukopfattila {f}
grey-hooded bunting [Br.] [Emberiza buchanani]Steinortolan {m}
grey-hooded bunting [Br.] [Emberiza buchanani]Grauhelmammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
grey-hooded bunting [Br.] [Emberiza fucata] Bandammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
grey-hooded bunting [Br.] [Emberiza fucata]Braunohrammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
grey-hooded bunting [Br.] [Emberiza fucata]Graukopfammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
grey-hooded bush tanager [Br.] [Cnemoscopus rubrirostris] Graukopf-Buschtangare {f}
grey-hooded bush-tanager [Br.] [Cnemoscopus rubrirostris] Graukopf-Buschtangare {f}
grey-hooded flycatcher [Mionectes rufiventris] [Br.] Graukopf-Pipratyrann {m}
grey-hooded fulvetta [Br.] [Alcippe cinereiceps, syn.: Fulvetta cinereiceps]Braunkopfalcippe {f}
grey-hooded kingfisher [Br.] [Halcyon leucocephala]Graukopfliest {m}
grey-hooded manakin [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps]Graukopfpiprites / Graukopf-Piprites {m}
grey-hooded manakin [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps] Graustirnpiprites {m}
grey-hooded parakeet [Psilopsiagon aymara] [formerly Bolborhynchus aymara] [Br.] Aymarasittich {m}
grey-hooded piprites [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps] Graukopfpiprites / Graukopf-Piprites {m}
grey-hooded piprites [Br.] [Piprites griseiceps] Graustirnpiprites {m}
grey-hooded sierra finch [Br.] [Phrygilus gayi]Kordillerenämmerling {m}
grey-hooded sunbird [Aethopyga primigenius] [Br.] Graukehl-Nektarvogel {m}
grey-hooded warbler [Seicercus xanthoschistos] [Br.] Graukopf-Laubsänger {m}
grey-hooded white-eye [Lophozosterops pinaiae] [Br.] Pinaiabrillenvogel {m}
greyhoundWindhund {m}
greyhound Greyhound {m}
Greyhound [short for: Greyhound bus] Greyhound {m} [kurz für: Greyhoundbus]
Greyhound busGreyhoundbus {m}
greyhound racingWindhundrennen {n}
greyhound track Windhunderennbahn {f}
greyhounds Windhunde {pl}
greying [Br.] grau meliert
greying [Br.] graumeliert
greying [Br.]ergrauend
greying [Br.] grau werdend
greying [Br.]Grauwerden {n}
greying [Br.]Ergrauung {f}
greying [Br.]angegraut
greying of the hair [Br.] Ergrauen {n} des Haares
greying temples [Br.]graue Schläfen {pl}
greyish [Br.] gräulich [Farbe]
greyish [Br.]graulich [Farbe]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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