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grey-throated barbet [Gymnobucco bonapartei] [Br.]Trauerbartvogel {m}
grey-throated chat [Granatellus sallaei]Graukehlgranatellus {m}
grey-throated flycatcher [Br.] [Myioparus griseigularis, syn.: Alseonax griseigularis]Graukehlschnäpper {m}
grey-throated leaftosser [Sclerurus albigularis] [Br.] Graukehl-Laubwender {m}
grey-throated martin [Br.] [Riparia chinensis] Graukehl-Uferschwalbe {f}
grey-throated rail [Br.] [Canirallus oculeus] Augenralle {f}
grey-throated tit flycatcher [Br.] [Myioparus griseigularis] Graukehlschnäpper {m}
grey-throated warbler [Br.] [Basileuterus cinereicollis] Graukehl-Waldsänger {m}
grey-throated white-eye [Br.] [Zosterops rendovae] Graukehl-Brillenvogel {m}
grey-to-grey [Br.] <GTG> [response time] Grau-zu-Grau- <GTG> [Reaktionszeit bei LC/TFT]
Grey-Turner's sign [also: Grey-Turner sign]Grey-Turner-Zeichen {n}
grey-value image [Br.]Grauwertbild {n}
grey-vested illadopsis [Br.] [Kakamega poliothorax, syn.: Trichastoma poliothorax] Graubrust-Drosseltimalie {f}
greywacke [Br.] Grauwacke {f}
greywacke zone Grauwackenzone {f}
greywater [Br.]Grauwasser {n} [fäkalienfreies, gering verschmutztes Abwasser]
greywater recycling [Br.] Grauwasserrecycling {n} [auch: Grauwasser-Recycling]
grey-whale baby [Br.] [also: grey whale baby] Grauwalbaby {n} [auch: Grauwal-Baby]
grey-whale calf [Br.] [also: grey whale calf] Grauwalkalb {n}
grey-white [Br.] grauweiß
greywing francolin [Br.] [Scleroptila africanus] Grauflügelfrankolin {m}
grey-winged akelat [Cossypha polioptera] [Br.]Grauflügelrötel {m}
grey-winged blackbird [Br.] [Turdus boulboul]Bülbülamsel {f}
grey-winged blackbird [Br.] [Turdus boulboul] Grauflügeldrossel {f}
grey-winged cotinga [Br.] [Tijuca condita]Grauflügelkotinga / Grauflügel-Kotinga {f}
grey-winged cotinga [Br.] [Tijuca condita] Grauflügeltijuca {f}
grey-winged francolin [Br.] [Scleroptila africanus] Grauflügelfrankolin {m}
grey-winged Inca finch [Incaspiza ortizi] [Br.]Grauflügelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Grauflügel-Ammer]
grey-winged Inca sparrow [Br.] [Incaspiza ortizi] Grauflügelammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Grauflügel-Ammer]
grey-winged longbill [Toxorhamphus poliopterus] [Br.] Graukinn-Pfriemschnabel {m}
grey-winged trumpeter [Psophia crepitans] [Br.]Grauflügel-Trompetervogel {m}
gribble [Limnoria lignorum]Holzbohrassel {f}
griceite [LiF] Griceit {m}
gricer [Br.] [coll.] [a fanatical railway enthusiast]Eisenbahnfanatiker {m}
gridGitter {n}
grid Raster {n}
gridRasterfeld {n}
gridStromnetz {n}
grid Gatter {n} [Rost]
grid Gitterrost {m}
gridGitternetz {n} [Tabelle]
grid Startaufstellung {f} [Motorsport]
gridNetz {n} [Überlandnetz, Kartengitter]
grid Gitternetz {n}
grid Koordinatennetz {n}
grid [electricity, gas network] Verteilernetz {n}
grid [in fireplace, on barbecue]Rost {m}
grid and plant protection Netz- und Anlagenschutz <NA-Schutz> {m}
grid arrangement Flächenbelüftung {f}
grid batteryGitterbatterie {f}
grid bias (voltage) Gittervorspannung {f}
grid bottleneck Netzengpass {m}
grid calibrationGitterkalibrierung {f}
grid capacity Netzkapazität {f}
grid cassette Rasterkassette {f}
grid ceiling Rasterdecke {f}
grid cellGitterzelle {f}
grid cellRasterzelle {f}
grid chargesNetzgebühren {pl}
grid clipping Gitterbeschneidung {f}
grid code {sg}Anschlussbedingungen {pl}
grid codes Netzanschlussregeln {pl}
grid collapse [electricity] Netzzusammenbruch {m} [Strom]
grid color [Am.]Rasterfarbe {f}
grid company Netzgesellschaft {f}
grid computingräumlich verteiltes Rechnen {n}
grid connection Netzanbindung {f}
grid connection contract [electricity]Energieversorgungsvertrag {m} [Strom]
grid control Gittersteuerung {f}
grid co-ordinates Gitterkoordinaten {pl}
grid coupling Netzkopplung {f}
grid currentGitterstrom {m}
grid current characteristic Gitterstrom-Gitterspannungs-Kennlinie {f}
grid current cut-offGitterstromeinsatzpunkt {m}
grid current starting pointGitterstromeinsatzpunkt {m}
grid current-voltage characteristic [vacuum tubes]Gitterstrom-Gitterspannungs-Kennlinie {f}
grid data Rasterdaten {pl}
grid designRastergestaltung {f}
grid design [power grid]Netzauslegung {f} [Stromnetz]
grid dimension Rastermaß {n}
grid dip meter [also: grid dipmeter]Grid-Dipmeter {n} [auch: Grid-Dip-Meter] [Grid-Dipper]
grid dip meter [also: grid dipmeter] Dipmeter {n}
grid dip oscillator <GDO> Grid-Dip-Oszillator {m} <GDO> [Grid-Dipper, Grid-Dip-Meter]
grid driving power Gittersteuerleistung {f}
grid efficiency Rasterwirksamkeit {f}
grid element spacing Rasterabstand {m}
grid enlargement Rastervergrößerung {f}
grid expansion Netzausbau {m}
Grid Expansion Acceleration Act Netzausbaubeschleunigungsgesetz {n} <NABEG>
grid exposure factor [EUR 17538] Bucky-Faktor {m} [EUR 17538]
grid factorBlendenfaktor {m} [Radiologie]
grid factorRasterfaktor {m}
grid factor Gridfaktor {m} [Rasterfaktor]
grid focusingRaster-Fokussierung / Rasterfokussierung {f}
grid focusing distance [EUR 17538, image receptor system] Fokussierungsabstand {m} [EUR 17538, Bildempfangssystem]
grid focussing [spv.] Raster-Fokussierung / Rasterfokussierung {f}
grid frame Rasterrahmen {m}
grid gas Ferngas {n}
grid gas companyFerngasgesellschaft {f}
grid girl Grid Girl {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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